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Everything posted by PeterRS

  1. As a good Singaporean you will surely have been taught all about Asian values as propounded by your PM Lee Kwan Yew and his pal Mahatir Mohammed. As stated in Wikipedia - Values illustrated in your posts.
  2. Agreed - and agreed. But as reader points out, surely there is in fact a difference if someone deliberately posts as a totally different character and then attempts to make other posters believe he is who he definitely is not? The posts then become mere figments of an overripe imagination which others may very well believe. Of course everyone here is basically anonymous. But when readers see information about Asia allegedly from an Asian perspective, they have a right to believe that what is written does come from personal experience. My guess is no posters here have ever stated their exact age, occupation, nationality and ethnicity in any posts, let alone their first ones. Absolutely nothing wrong with that ... unless everything is fake. If that happens to be the case ... and we don't know fr sure ... doesnt it take this forum back into Beachlover territory? This poster was initially warmly welcomed for being young and of Asian descent. Yet it soon became obvious he was a total fake when he started throwing out all manner of insults and issuing a host of reports on imaginary trips. He had surfaced on several Boards. He ended up being banned on all!
  3. Crowne Plaza but definitely not the top floor. Probably taken from a room but Ill suggest the Panorama Lounge at lobby level.
  4. No idea who published the magazine but it is totallly untrue to even suggest Phuket is anything like Bangkok in terms of gay gogo bars. Most of the bars on its list are not gogo bars. Phuket may still have 2 or 3 but compare that with the dozen or more in Bangkok.
  5. From all the reports I have read, condom use is more the exception in the many saunas that have sprung up in Bangkok which cater almost exclusively to young Thais. These are the ones well out of the city centre. If that is any indication of what is happening in other parts of the country amongst young Thai guys, then the concern expressed in that Avert report is justified. Christian may be able to confirm or shoot this suggestion down..
  6. I assume the statistics have to be based on new reported cases.i wonder how many cases go unreported due in part to failure to be tested. I am also not sure how these square with the Averts 2015 statistics which stated that over 28% of msm in Bangkok are HIV+ and that the rate of increase amongst young guys was especially worrying. https://www.avert.org/professionals/hiv-around-world/asia-pacific/thailand
  7. There are dozens of nonpornographic tumblr sites with vast numbers of pics of young Asian guys in various states of undress. Many of those pics found their way on to the Model site here. If you are concerned about your daily cuties having disappeared just check tumblr for a feast!
  8. PeterRS


    When you buy in Thailand, how sure are you that what is in those little bottles is the real deal?
  9. PeterRS


    They are illegal in Thailand
  10. I also hope it is just temporary. But that soi now caters mostly to visiting Asians who rarely if ever eat or have a drink at Dicks. With the rapidly diminishing number of westerners there have been reports of only two or three tables occupied in the evenings. It would not make commercial sense to keep it open without a big boost in customers.
  11. I heard somewhere that Dicks is owned by the same group that owned the Tarntawan Hotel. When the Tarntawan changed hands it was announced that Dicks would close. If noone has taken it over since then I assume Dicks is now another part of Twilights past that is no more.
  12. You obviously did not read what you posted. You have also not responded why you posted in this thread in direct contravention of your agreement (your words not mine) with the Board owner and the expressed desire of the former owner of the board. And no report from your Pattaya trip? Im sure others find this all becoming so tedious.
  13. The OP said long time - not short time. 3000 for a whole day rather than just one night is not outrageous for Bangkok IMO. Besides, it was not the OP who made the agreement. But whatever was decided and agreed that is a matter for that customer and that barboy. It is of no business of others. I also believe that how other people decide to spend their evenings maybe after a hard days work is also their business, not ours. Suggesting some other person get a life remains for me a ridiculous suggestion.
  14. Looking at that thread you clearly refer to a poster named Manforallseasons. But in drawing attention to any thread on any other Board you surely realise you have broken the agreement you made between yourself and the owner of this Board Scooby - That thread was titled sawatdii pii mai. And you obviously pay no heed whatever to what the poster Michael said in the same thread Posters on this forum are not interested in what goes on elsewhere. Leave your imagined grievances where they belong. But then of course its your life, isnt it? No photos or trip report of the time to Pattaya you told us about?
  15. I have always thought this is the most idiotic phrase. Its an attempted put down but it always says so much more about the poster writing it than the poster he is criticising.
  16. I am always a bit suspicious about hotel booking sites. On the Arnis website there are no deluxe rooms. Only standards, superiors and suites. The ones with a bathtub are named standard rooms. I called the hotel for you and they told me the rooms with baths have showers in the baths - not separate.
  17. Seems the multiple entry 10 year visa is only available for US passport holders. A trial scheme is underway for Australian passport holders but the cost is a lot more - AUD1,000.
  18. Barbiery's move from Suriwong across from Soi Twilight to a new building across from Nature Boys proved a disaster. Once the most popular of the gogo bars, it soon closed. Albury moved after 15 years in its Suk 13 location to a new location down from Emporium near Rama 4. It too quickly closed. As far as I recall the only successful move has been Babylon - but that was only 200 meters down the same soi. You can move a bar or massage parlour. You cannot always move the customers!
  19. Arrival in Beijing permits 72 hours visa free for citizens of many countries but you have to stay in the Beijing area.
  20. Uber certainly seem the way to go in Chiang Mai. But i wonder how easy it is to get a driver when it is really pissing with rain.
  21. Totally agree. Unfortunately that was not the general feeling 170 years ago.
  22. Although I expect few are interested, I was discussing a man who had changed his first name to Lord only so that would appear on his passport etc. He was just a member of the common herd like you and me. So how anyone addressed him in conversation is immaterial. Somehow I doubt that the Duke of Devonshire has as the name on his passport His Grace Peregrine Andrew Morny Cavendish, 12th Duke of Devonshire (yes that was copied from somewhere)! Not sure about Singapore passports but there isnt nearly enough space on a UK passport LOL
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