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Everything posted by PeterRS

  1. Good for you Steveboy. You live where you want to live. Great! Im sure were all happy for you. As for your examples and conclusions, I take exception. Those idiots dropping their pants was just that - senseless idiots with no idea of Thai culture and sensibilities. As one poster said, try that stunt and be caught in Singapore and they will definitely be sentenced to caning. Is Singapore a repressive regime? The cause of the dreadful death of that military cadet has not yet been determined by either the military doctors or the private doctors hired by the family. So drawing conclusions is a bit early. From what I read there seems to have been some form of extreme hazing involved. If so I abhor it. It is easy to forget that it is not so long ago that this practice allegedly was finally stopped at US military academies. But that has not stopped US cadets killing themselves. 2 West Point cadets killed themselves in early 2010 and hazing was believed to be one of the reasons. Odd too that 128 American cadets killed themselves in calendar 2008. To suggest that hazing is the result of a repressive regime is frankly nuts! http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/01/29/AR2009012904135.html As for the organs of the deceased being withheld, I agree. The family should definitely have been informed. On the other hand, the internal organs are necessary for an autopsy. Why the family was not informed we do not yet know. Since you don't like repressive regimes, no doubt North Korea and Thailand have been struck off your future holiday list. How about Singapore?
  2. Its the MRT that gives all over-65s the 50% discount card. The rechargeable ones mean you only have to go to the window once to show your passport. How this will work with the new Mangmoom card when the BTS charges full rates I have zero idea.
  3. Can someone please translate the above?
  4. I have not been to Chiang Mai for quite some time. But it seems that as a destination for the tourist looking for a decent number of sex encounters along with the usual tourism bit, Chiang Mai is dying. Adams Apple and some commercial massage spas are still obviously ticking along, but many appear to have closed. I wonder if someone who lives there could perhaps indicate if this is likely due to commercial forces like higher rents etc or to reduced demand from the tourist trade. Has the influx of so many Chinese tour groups had an effect?
  5. Given all the references it seems that saga continues back for quite a long time. Reminiscent of a certain Beachlover whose fairy tale stories of life as a mid-20s successful Asian entrepreneur based in Sydney haunted all the Boards for a couple of years or so until his constant withering barbs aimed at anyone who suggested he was the fake that he really was got him successively banned.
  6. As with any medical condition, go and see a doctor. Would you consider making specific investments on the basis of financial advice from forum posters? I think unlikely. The same should go for medical advice.
  7. I have lost count of the number of times posters have been requested not to pay more than X or Y for short time or long time because doing so will only encourage the rate of tips to rise. Frankly I dont believe it ever works. There are far too many non readers of gaythailand who tip what they feel is right. Nothing other than an outright ban on offing boys will work. Market forces,
  8. Sauna Mania is more Asian for Asian tho most will be Thais. Even with naked nights, Thais will usually cover their assets with their hands except in the dark areas. If you are youngish and in good shape you are likely to get some attention and have a good time. Older and out of shape, you will usually be a wallflower. Better to stick with Babylon.
  9. If I remember correctly from one of my tours of the house, he initially gave employment to a lot of the Muslim community just across the klong to make his silks.
  10. I will be interested to watch the movie but I think the "revelation" about new evidence is hardly likely. So much has been written about Thompson over the years the chances are that one of the old theories is likely to be the correct one. In May 1984 Life Magazine printed a very extensive 8 page article suggesting he was on a CIA mission to meet with the Head of the Malayan Communist guerillas. The Life article fails to mention that few knew more than Hughes about the murky world of spies and spymasters in the Far East of the time. The disappearance was not just at the height of the Cold War but also of the Vietnam War. Surely interesting that the Life article available on the web is a sanitised version approved by the CIA! https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP90-01208R000100100104-7.pdf
  11. PeterRS

    Jet Lag

    I am one of the 70% for whom melatonin does absolutely nothing. Tried it half a dozen times and never felt any improvement after a long flight. Most agree that avoiding alcohol helps, but I find a little actually helps. Im a hopeless sleeper on planes and so now always have a prescription pill handy. It may only give me 4 or 5 hours of sleep,but it is better than nothing! The best advice I was given is to adjust to arrival time before you get on the plane. That can screw up things like meals on board, but most plane meals are pretty inedible. So I just take with me a nice gourmet sandwich. On arrival I try to get as much natural light as possible. I find expanding time is much easier to adjust to than contracting. So if I am gaining 6 or 7 hours, I try to stay awake at least until 11:00pm and then crash. If losing that time, the adjusting before getting on the plane helps a little, but jet lag is always with me for a few days.
  12. I may be wrong but I really cannot believe the average hotel in Thailand has actual weight sensors for minibar drinks. I certainly have never seen one. I have been in a couple of hotels in Europe where the minibar looks nothing like a regular minibar. It is more like a vending machine where as soon as you pull out a drink the front desk clocks the charge on your bill. I can only recall these being for canned liquids like cokes and beers but I am sure the makers must have developed a way to include the small spirits bottles. I also reckon the chances of staff stealing from a normal minibar way too risky. What would they gain when they could face the sack? Much more likely surely is that for whatever reason the minibar was not restocked properly after a previous guest had checked out. One scam I have experienced is a previous guest using a couple of small gin bottles, then filling them with water and putting the tops back on. Thats a difficult scam to spot. I suppose a whisky could be replaced with cold tea if tea bags are in the room. My habit is just to check the minibar on arrival to make sure every item listed is actually there. If not I immediately report it to the front desk. As for a boy taking a whisky for himself I agree completely with other posters who say you must not make an allegation against anyone unless you have proof. The fact that the boy was the only one in the room at the time is not proof enough I think. Whatever the size of the bottle in the case mentioned by the OP, I think it is actually careless to leave anything of any possible value in a room when you are entertaining anyone you have almost certainly never met before. So emptying the minibar before he is with you makes a lot of sense. Then again, if you are in the habit of consuming vastly overpriced minibar items, why not buy a bottle of your favourite tipple and keep it hidden somewhere. Minibars are a completely unnecessary luxury for most of us I expect.
  13. Steveboy wrote the above in the now locked Derailing of Threads thread. Unfortunately the comment does need some addition. I agree Bkowing Wind is a much larger site than this one with vastly more contributors. As befits the young age range of most of the posters, a lot of it is boring to the older generation, although it is sometimes interesting to be reminded of those topics which interest the young gay Asians of today. It does have a very active and often intrusive moderating team, though. Yes, the flaming room helps by removing more controversial posts. But the site's moderators are very active at jumping in to make sure rules are followed. Warnings are common and banning does happen.
  14. PeterRS

    Gay Malaysia

    When I hear that name I cannot get out of my mind an image of one of his victims. He had persuaded a 14 year old Lao boy to go back to his apartment to have some nude photos taken. Whilst there he drugged him and injected some acid into a small hole he had made in the poor boys skull. Despite all this, the boy managed to escape. He was found wandering the streets naked by 3 women who called the police. Dahmer soon appeared and explained the boy was his 19 year old lover. The police believed the story, failed to check his criminal record and walked them back to his home! The boy was murdered soon after. Such a ghastly series of events! Inevitably a series of sick Dahmer jokes made the rounds. Dahmer: Mummy, mummy! I don't like my friends. Mother: Dont worry dear. Just put them to one side and eat the vegetables!
  15. Give it two years. If the gogo bars are still there Ill certainly eat something! LOL I have rarely seen Asian guys off gogo boys or the boys in the Beer Bars in Bangkok. They tend to look for sex in saunas and massage spas before going out in groups of 2 or more in the evening for a drink and a show. Then perhaps a disco. That appears to be one reason drinks prices have soared. The bar owners have to compensate for the reduction in offs. Cant speak for the Asian ladies. Apart from Dreamboys in Soi Twilight, I havent noticed many in any bars.
  16. PeterRS

    Gay Malaysia

    I found there were a lot of non-MB on the apps. A good mix of Chinese and Malays, although more of the former.
  17. Now seems like the rush hour on the BTS covers most of the day. I was on the Suk line yesterday at 12:15 and again at 14:30. Both trains were a bit like the rush hour in Tokyo - absolutely jam packed. Yet the BTS continues to keep just 4 cars on those trains. This despite the line having been extended and now quite a few travellers with suitcases going to or from Phaya Thai.
  18. Has anyone visited the bar which replaced Jupiter recently? I walked down that soi last week and could see no indication of any bar. Maybe just my not seeing what was glaring me in the face but it seemed there was some form of construction going on in that corner.
  19. China now accounts for more than 25% of all tourists. That number has dropped slightly due to the crackdown on zero dollar tours but is still massive compared to a few years ago. At that time it was the Russians who suddenly started arriving in droves. The crash of the rouble stopped that. With the Tourism Authorities now targeting new markets like India, my guess is that numbers can only continue to rise, travelling on the Skytrain will continue to feel more Tokyo trains at rush hour, traffic will get worse, more malls and high end hotel will be built, prince inflation will continue to creep up - and Soi Twilight will continue its slow collapse!
  20. At least one producer has moved his operations from Thailand to the Philippines. I thought some of the producers turned out stuff that was basically boring. Every vdo seemed to have the same formula. Island Caprice always had cute guys but you knew in advance how much time it would be before clothing came off, exactly how long for sucking etc. It was totally formulaic, had only about 3 camera angles and was basically plain dull. Some liked the Private Boy Movie series. I disliked the way at least some of those boys seemed to be humiliated. Some even seemed to be on drugs judging form their eyes. My favourite producer was the ThaiTwink Studio which had lots of cute guys, good story lines and much more interesting cinematography. In addition to the lack of Thai vdos, I lament the disappearance of Thai magazines like Door, Heat and so on.
  21. Id appreciate it if Reader or another poster will keep us up to date not he outcome of the Beijing Health Commission results. I still think this was some sort of scam. But well see.
  22. Is anyone attending the Taipei Pride Parade this year? I believe it is on Saturday 28 October the day after the Royal Cremation in Bangkok. If yes, I hope pics can be posted here please. Also, any news on the progress of the gay marriage approval given by the Courts earlier this year? I read the government was given two years to implement a bill. If not the Courts would do it for them.
  23. PeterRS

    Gay Malaysia

    Agree the apps are the way to go in KL unless you happen to have a chance encounter with some of the lovely eye candy as you walk around. On a recent visit, I did not even go to a sauna. I met three guys from the apps and had three great encounters. I had one massage from a guy from China. Great looks but average massage and very disappointing HE.
  24. Hold it a moment! You are putting lots of words in my mouth that i have never uttered. 1. I have never berated Thailands new strategy to fight the epidemic. Please tell me where I said that. You certainly posted the Nation article. I added to it because it dealt in vague generalities about where the country presently stands and looked to the future. I doubt if any country wants it known that nearly 30% of MSM in its capital city are HIV+. I believe visitors and residents should know the facts as they presently stand, not just the overall rate of reduction and plans for the future. 2. I have never berated the UNAIDS Agency.. Again, where have I said that? After all that is Where the statistic about the percentage MSM being HIV+ has come from. I quoted that statistic. 3. Yes, I was wrong about there having been a sauna study. But you absolutely can not say I was wrong in my conclusion. Uranus stated the figure of 28.6% came from a sauna study. He stated it as fact. But the fact is that unless there is another study which neither you nor I can find, it didn't! That Australian sauna study, very useful though it was, was made 6 or 7 years ago. The UNAIDS figure is much more recent. Please note also I did not discredit that sauna study for what it was. In fact I analysed it dispassionately. However it was perfectly obvious that this was not where the figure of 28.6% of MSM being HIV+ came from. I was correct. 4. Yes, i cherry pick. You yourself have stated in one post that when you post articles (often interesting ones, I might add) you also cherry pick for length. What do you expect me to do? I cherry picked actual facts! Not thoughts, not conjecture, not suggestions, not supposition. Facts! 5. Of course readers can interpret the facts for themselves, but I do wonder how many actually have the time or can be bothered to read through all the pages that are linked to threads. That UNAIDS Report I quote from had many pages relating to Thailand! The long AVERT article had 68 Reference Papers, Who is going to read through all that? But lets not have a beef at each other. We all enjoy Thailand and want the country to get its HIV infection rates down. Being aware of the facts is one way of doing it. It is right that visitors are aware that the actual infection rates are very high in Bangkok as they are in certain other major Asian cities. Then they can be even more aware of the need to take precautions.
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