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Everything posted by PeterRS

  1. Take about mass stupidity. Two nights ago 109 party goers were arrested for taking part in an illegal party on Koh Phangan - 89 foreigners and 20 Thais. Also arrested were the bar owner and the party organiser. The police had been alerted as tickets were being sold on line. I hope the governor carries out his promise. https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/2058119/party-goers-arrested-on-koh-phangan
  2. Totally agree with Michael about the boys. The subway line to Catherine's Palace passes the Technology Institute. There were many young guys on the train and all looked very handsome. I thought one was looking at me - probably wishful thinking! We had booked our hotel in January for a visit in May and were really worried that hotels are generally quite expensive. Then we noticed that one of the travel sites had a 24-hour only special 60% discount including breakfast for the 5 star Corinthia Hotel on Nevsky Prospekt. We quickly snapped up a room on the Executive Floor. It was fabulous. The 18 year old student waiter in the Executive Lounge was strikingly handsome. This had nothing to do with the fact that his striped pants were slightly on the tight side and his back view was a joy to behold!
  3. I suspect this was once one of the now defunct Orient Thai fleet. I remember seeing one stripped of its engines at I think Udon Thai airport. When it stopped operations it had a lot of old aircraft including -200 , -300 and -400 747s.
  4. Seems the Boeing 737 Max just cannot stay out of the nes. The BBC website has an article today with two respected airline experts claiming it is "too early" for the aircraft to be cleared to fly again. Ed Pierson worked on the aircraft production for four years. He gave evidence against Boeing at the Congressional hearings. During those years he claims the factory in Renton outside Seattle was in a "chaotic" and "dysfunctional" state. He believes the not all the fault issues have been addressed in clearing the aircraft to fly again. His concerns are backed up by Captain Chesley Sullenberger (the Miracle on the Hudson pilot). He believes the Max modifications do not go far enough. In particular he believes changes are needed to warning systems which were carried over from an earlier version of the 737 and "are not up to modern standards." I have no idea who is correct. I don't even care. I will just never fly a 737 Max. Period.
  5. One reason why the US Electoral College is a vastly out of date anti democratic anachronism.
  6. When Larry King was on CNN, I watched his show quite regularly. I admired the way he got some interesting and fascinating guests and gently probed them into revealing quite a lot about themselves. The guest I found most illuminating was, of all people, Ross Perot. I had little interest in American politics until then and initially thought Perot a charlatan. But he then started taking graphs into the studio to illustrate the points he was making. Suddenly all the political talking of other politicians seemed silly. Why talk when one graph illustrates everything very succinctly? I have no idea how accurate those graphs were, but since then I have always wondered why politicians everywhere spend so much time spouting hot air when they could save so much time with easy to comprehend visual materials.
  7. In my bar hopping days, I was more of a butterfly. For massage, though, I always preferred the same guy. Soon after Albury opened in the mid 1990s, I noticed a great looking guy -not as well built as some of the boys but with the sweetest face. He gave a great massage and the afters were as good as I had ever experienced. On regular visits to Bangkok over several yers I always returned to him and he just seemed to get better. He was definitely boyfriend material. Unfortunately I learned he already had an American boyfriend and after a few years he gave up the business and they moved to Chiang Mai.
  8. PeterRS

    Air Quality

    I am sure you are correct in raising the issue of profit. It is no longer a surprise that prior to the government announcing contracts for projects requiring land purchase, that land has always just recently been purchased by the crony capitalists. And for the same reason - so more can gain from the outsize profits - transport infrastructure like expressways and MRT lines are carved up with bits going to different bidders rather than just one. For an inter Bangkok expressway trip to require three tolls is just nonsense.
  9. PeterRS

    Air Quality

    Years ago there were pleas that at least one extra car be added to the Skytrain and MRT. There is plenty of room on the platforms for at least 2 or 3 more. Yet even though many additional stations have since been added and yet more are about to come on line, there are still no extra cars. Once the tourists return, travelling at any time of day will feel like the sardines on Japan's commuter system.
  10. We should be very thankful that he took on all the tasks of keeping gaythailand going and ensuring it was the most active and varied of the various Thai chat rooms. It is inevitably part of the job that the owner of a site will occasionally receive some flak from time to time. With his passing, our gratitude along with Michael's comments is surely all that needs be said.
  11. This seems another typically ill thought through policy by administrators who have little clue about insurance. What about those who are fully insured with travel policies or home insurance policies with worldwide cover? Or farang who live here and already have local cover? As z909 points out, 34 baht per person is peanuts. It certainly does not cover even one doctor's visit in a public hospital. When tourism gets back to the 30 million plus level, I assume - although that is always a dangerous thought process in Thailand - this is for those not covered by their own policies. We know from newspaper reports about a year or so ago that tourists' unpaid medical bills accounted for quite a substantial sum. A lump sum of 1 billion baht in a tourist medical account would probably go a long way to cover these. Then there is the matter of how this 300 baht will be paid. Will every tourist be expected to bring $10 in cash? I doubt if that amount in Brazilian real will find much favour. Having to queue to pay it at a special counter prior to Immigration will just add to the existing chaos of getting into the country.
  12. That's a lovely story but I expect it is more fanciful than reality. I remember seeing that movie on television some time in the 1980s. It featured a number of the great older generation of British character actors like James Robertson Justice, Gordon Jackson, Duncan Macrae and the husky voiced Joan Greenwood.
  13. I realise that everyone will have different likes, but shouldn't Taipei be included, given that Taiwan was the first Asian country to legalise gay marriage? St. Petersburg also is fascinating for the traveller as well as being an easy city for reaching Helsinki by fast train and Estonia
  14. I assume that some of the new readers will be wanting to consider Thailand as a destination, assuming life does get back to normal and prices are not too much higher. If the new readership is primarily US based (my guess), since the trip to Asia is a major expense I expect some might wish to take in another country. My view would therefore be to look firstly at one neighbouring country and then at the hub airports where there will be plane changes and perhaps the opportunity of a few days stop over. As z909 points out, Phnom Penh/Siem Reap seems the obvious neighbour since it combines a flourishing gay scene with a bit of culture. Telling relatives and friends that the aim of the long trip is to see Angkor Wat rather than the fleshpots of Pattaya might go down well! back home For hubs Tokyo, Beijing and Taipei are the first that come to mind. Tokyo should not be difficult to write about since the gay area is basically focused in the Shinjuku Ni-chome area and a mention of the various host boy bars (great pics). Taipei should also not be difficult and there is always the hook of the huge Gay Pride Parades there at the end of October each year (more great pics) plus an increasing number of gay venues. Not sure about Beijing but have heard about Destination as being one of the gayest clubs in the region. https://www.tripsavvy.com/destination-gay-bar-beijing-1417633 A lot of original pics of three of the cities have been posted here by members. I am sure they would grant approval for use on the new site to avoid the need for yet more expense. I have some I will happily donate - although they may not be completely up to date.
  15. No twitter, no facebook, no instagram, no youtube, residents near Mar a Lago fighting to prevent him from living there after next week, no PGA golf major at his Bedminster golf course, no British Open golf even considered for this Ayrshire course, Deutsche Bank finally pulling the plug as the Trump organisations's last banker in the USA (although Russian and Chinese banks are probably lining up), Forbes magazine warning all former Trumpers it will automatically assume what they say in their new employment is a lie, Giuliani facing disbarment, a host of major corporations halting donations to Republican campaigns . . . The future for Trump must seem a great deal less rosy than it did 5 years ago. One thing he might look forward to, though. The sun shining through the bars of his cell as he spends the rest of his life in jail!
  16. I have accounts with three banks in three countries. I have used internet banking for some years. Now all three are pushing me to switch to their phone apps.
  17. i had no idea that the Cities section was all Michael's work. Congratulations, because some are a fascinating read. I thought most cities had probably just been moved over from the boytoy site. As z909 rightly points out, just describing the experience of visiting a new city is ambitious. Adding in the gay venues is even more so. I wonder if there could be a small panel of readers in the four listed Thai cities who could help by feeding in updated information from time to time.
  18. News today that one of New Zealand's Central Bank data systems has been hacked. Sensitive personal and commercial information may have been affected. No doubt there will be more and more major organisations around the world hacked. It seems to have been going on for at leats a decade and it doesn't matter how big the company is. Nearly 1 billion accounts at Facebook hacked. 200 million Instagram accounts. 500 million at Marriott Hotels, 500 million at Yahoo, 510,000 at Citigroup - and the list goes on. According to wikipedia, in 2019 a collection of 2.7 billion identity records including 774 unique email addresses and 21 million unique passwords was posted for sale on the internet! I do not know if it helps but I refuse to do any telephone banking. Yet almost all banks are pushing clients to change to this form of banking. And many banks have themselves been hacked! https://abcnews.go.com/Business/wireStory/zealand-central-bank-data-system-hacked-75160221
  19. I have never been a Schwarzeneggar fan. Certainly not as a politician. Even as an actor there seemed something slightly fake about him. Maybe it was the accent, I just don't know. But he has uploaded a speech on the internet about the riot in Washington last week. I admire him for making it and I admire him more for what he says. Do watch it.
  20. I can assure you the concern is no longer underage sex. The elites loathe the idea that the country is still called the sex capital of Asia and they want rid of it. This is not new. I believe it was started by the first Thaksin regime 20 years ago with the Social Order campaigns. Poll after poll found these were very popular in both the cities and the countryside. As you suggest, what rich Thai guy wants quizzical looks when he is shopping in Paris or New York? The irony is that behind closed doors the Thais are as randy as everyone everywhere and have opportunities for sexual adventures that are probably more adventurous than those available for foreigners.. They just object very strongly to the label.
  21. Perhaps I can make a positive suggestion to counter the negative ones made earlier. Rather than each city/destination having separate sub links for Gay Bars, Gay Massage, Gay Clubs, Gay Hotels, Gay Restaurants and Gay Saunas, could not the main establishments be incorporated into the text of the city descriptions? In Bangkok I suspect most visitors would be happy enough to learn about Telephone and Soi 4; Arena, Prince and Senso; DJ Station; a handful of gay friendly hotels and restaurants at different price ranges; and Babylon, Chakran and Sauna Mania (with caveats about Chakran being more Asian for Asian and Sauna Mania's price discrimination). It would at least give readers places to start as they explore gay Bangkok. That would obviously be less comprehensive but would avoid the need for constant updating. Special events like Maggie Choo's Sunday gay days could also be incorporated. I also think it would be useful to have a small section about genuine gay guides for each city. Over on the sawatdee site Moses advertises his Siam Roads guides located in many Asian cities. Judging from the comments of those who have hired the guides, these good looking young guys provide an excellent service in showing visitors their cities and nightlife.
  22. With new members joining and some possibly looking at vacations in Thailand and maybe other parts of Asia, I took a look at the layout of this site. I believe we were told the sections other than the chat room forums would be upgraded. Having now looked at it, I must say it looks great. The designer has done an excellent job and everything is well laid out. I wish I could say the same about the content. I realise this is no doubt a work in progress. But there are some major errors and omissions. First in the list of Thai cities. These are the obvious ones, Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket and Chiang Mai. Unfortunately there are definitely some copyright photos of boys in those sections. Surely these have to be removed in line with the Board's new policies? Second there is a lot of incorrect information. These are some. In Chiang Mai only one bar is mentioned other than the gogo bars and the two saunas. This is Yokka Dok. But that bar closed between 3 and 5 years ago. No mention of the other bars which have relocated to Charoen Prathet Soi 6. In Phuket for hotels it highlights the Royal Thai Yacht Club Hotel on Nai Harn Beach. That hotel has not been known by that name for at least ten years. It became a Mandarin Oriental before changing again. It is now known as the Nai Harn Resort Hotel. In Pattaya it suggests spending afternoons at the gay beach where at around 4:00pm the boys will come out to frolic and play volleyball etc. I don't know how long ago it was since the beach stopped being a magnet for a clutch of cute young Thai guys in the late afternoons. It also suggests a Sunee Plaza that is more like the thriving area it was some years ago than one now in its death throes. As for Bangkok, under the Bars section the first is Maggie Choo's. I wonder why. This is not a gay bar. It is gay on Sundays but if gay visitors went on a Friday evening they would be sorely disappointed. Then in Soi 4 it lists Telephone Bar but Balcony is nowhere to be found. DJ Station is listed as a bar. Maggie Choo's is also listed a s a Club!! Only one sauna is listed - Babylon. There are 9 centrally located massage spas but no V Club 7 (part of Chakran sauna) and quite a few others. I can remember the days when there were several monthly gay publications available at many of the gay venues. One complaint was that their listings and maps were always incorrect for one or more reason. I cannot imagine how anyone can compile and keep up to date any gay listings. But if there are going to be listings, surely they have to be reasonably up to date and not years out of date. My view is that this task has to be delegated to one person who perhaps has to be paid to do all the regular checking. Third concerns the list of cities. Most will be of interest to those travelling to Europe and the Americas (although the inclusion of Moscow in a gay guide may be questionable). In Asia, apart from the Thai cities I have mentioned, only Hong Kong is listed. That has no information whatsoever about any gay establishments. It merely mentions two gay beaches, without adding that it requires an hour and a half at least to get to the main one as it is located far from anywhere on Lantau Island. For dining it includes only Lan Kwai Fong which is now one of the most expensive dining options in the city. Nearby less expensive SoHo has been more popular for about 20 years. What about all the bars and saunas? Then why is there a listing for Melbourne but not the gayer and much more visited Sydney? If any Gay Guide is to be accepted as a serious guide to Asia, surely it must also include at least Tokyo, Osaka, Seoul, Taipei and Singapore, with perhaps one section on the entirety of mainland China. As it stands, there are at least a couple of other gay Asia destination guides on the internet that have a great deal more information and up to date information. Sorry, I know this is not going to be a popular post!
  23. I take your point about one bar and one boy. But has not the primary attraction of gay Thailand traditionally been the fascinating buffet it offered? It was the volume of gogo bars, of great massage spas with willing Thai guys and of saunas that welcomed all and sundry. That buffet has been whittled away to a fraction of what it used to be. Even the lovely Thai guys are being replaced rapidly with those from nearby countries. i really wonder how many gay tourists in the years to come will be happy with one boy from one bar. You are right about governments. For years the Thai government and the elites who keep it in power have been doing their best to get rid of the international publicity that labelled Thailand the sex capital of Asia. I cannot see this changing.
  24. Totally agree, but I am sure Michael has considered this. For readers of this chat room it will be a great shame if Thailand and other Asian countries are covered only in one forum rather than a series of separate sub forums. As the Board owner, Michael clearly must do as he pleases. I only highlight this point for two reasons. I am staggered that there is only one forum for the whole of Europe. Do you mean only one forum in English? Surely there will be forums in each country in their own languages. That's true in Asia. The second is what I suppose my long thread was all about in the first place. Given the reduction in the number of forums and the overall number of posters, in addition to the number of other sites now on the internet with information for gay men about many countries and the increasing prevalence of the apps, for how long will there be a place for chat rooms like this? As with the gay scene in general in Thailand, might its days be numbered?
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