The man in your picture would be pretty well known to devotees of the Tawan Bar. I bumped into him in the lobby of Tarntawan Place last November on his way to see a customer, so I assume he is still, in some measure, available. He is an extremely nice and dignified man - not to say very handsome and, though not tall, an most imposing presence. I do not think he was coming from Tawan so I doubt you will find him there now. I recall some years ago spending a week with him and the (then and now) love of my life, another famous muscleboy from Tawan, giving me a very stern lecture about how ill-mannered it was considered for me to blow my nose at the dinner table (it was the massive infusion of chili what caused it!) I have never ever done it in Thailand since. So there is one little point of etiquette for you on your first visit: don't blow your nose at the dinner table, however pressing the need! Good luck on your adventures; Tawan rarely disappoints.