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  1. When I returned from my ‘reward’ trip in beginning of June I did not have any idea when next trip may be. In summer I was planning to see my sister living in another country. Family politics though created some free time before I went to see her and I decided to utilize it for yet another trip this year. Main motivation was that two of my forum friends , further referred as MJ and MK were planning to be there in BKK at the same time and then , as reinforcement, another one, MA, announced he will be arriving few days after me. Secondary motivation was they I never been in Thailand in July and now after returning from that trip I have only March and April to cover. Since it was trip within previously arranged trip there were some potential connection problems i.e . my ticket was non-refundable and I had only 3 hours to make connection in Berlin but all went according to the plan. Last trip I was complaining about yakking neighbors, this time it was my turn as I had two seat companions, , elderly Swede and young, handsome like hell, half-Thai and half-French, both talkative so I must say flight went very fast, not that we were talking all the time. Arrived at noon, small jubilee as it was 30th landing in Thialand . I smartly decided to utilize luggage waiting time to buy SIM card and it was bright idea as my suitcase popped out exactly in moment I approached conveyor belt. In 1 hour from landing I was already in the train reporting to reader, MJ and MK that all went well and I’m in Bangkok indeed. I like to change hotels every 2 -3 nights but this time I decided to settle in 9-4 configuration and my hotel for first 9 night was Quarter SalaDaeng, former Siri Sathorn. About 10 minutes walk from Sala Daeng BTS. Room was impressive , rather like small apartment with separate living room , kitchen and bedroom areas and with quite opulent buffet breakfast included. Very good value for money although not all was rosy. As it turned later walls were paper thin and at night I/we ( in Thailand I rarely sleep alone out of fear of ghosts) could hear very well what is going on on other side. Also to get hot water some time was required before it started lowing. MK who stay in the same hotel did not have such problem though. Day 1 Soon after I tidy myself over after long trek MK knocked to my door , it was our first meeting since pre-covid. It was nice to see old friend after such long break. Next was walk to XOne on Suriwong to exchange some money and I found rate quite good, nice surprise. Straight from there to Coffee Grinder for meeting with reader. I managed to catch him day before his return home so we had good time exchanging latest news while ogling cute waiters in the process. At 8.30 three of us , MJ who is staying nearby , MK and me went to G’Bangkok for dinner. Mid week and low season- both were evident as place was quite empty. Since we were in soi 4 already next step was kind of obvious-Jupiter. Not very busy as well so we got very good seats . There were 4 walkabouts by their boys, first in briefs , second in boxers, last two in jeans but with numbers. Most boys sported those so not many were offed or reserved, another sign of low season. We stay till end of show and then I decided to start improving economy , called muscular and hairless Vietnamese named Tam. As always I asked about long time but we couldn’t come to terms about compensation so we settled on hot and steamy, very pleasant although bit rushed in true Jupiter form , short time. I liked him very much and would gladly employ him few more times but since his request was above what I’m was prepared to fork out it was our last meeting this trip even if he tried to extract subsequent offs by messaging me daily. I stay firm declining those advances. Next time ,next trip , yes. Day 2 After long trip and steamy meeting I slept very well, like a stone. MJ joined me for a breakfast as his place is not offering it and I have one for two anyways. As always we exchanged news and impressions and decided to go to Jey Spa for 2 pm. We went by Grab, I booked the same guy I had few times previously- Maii . He remembered me and remembered what I like. Who cares about massage ? Great session , great guy, great place with great selection. In the afternoon a bit of jet lag so I collapsed on the bed for few hours. At 8.30 again our trio MJ, MK and me went to G’Bangkok for dinner warmly greeted by the boss himself (he was absent yesterday) who was surprised to see me again after only few weeks. Restaurant was busy for a change. Next we opted for Moonlight tonight. Not very busy, again low season. Neither A nor Y, my favorites from there were present but I noticed new , very cute boy. Mamasan told me he is Cambodian who started just today. So I rushed with 100 note toward him for a good start but asked mamasan to call Y and ask if he wants to go with me. Description of customer was somewhat not clear because Y asked to see my picture and only when mamasan sent it to him he said is rushing immediately. When he mention shower I told him not to bother he can take in my room. Soon he came , all smiles. Not long after we were walking home. Offer of dinner declined but as soon as we entered room he asked for few minutes so he can go and buy something to eat. I noticed certain patter here as it was not first time. Either he doesn’t want to be seen with farang in restaurant or, much more likely he doesn’t want me to spent too much money on his food. It did not take much time for him to return so we could start discussing recent elections of village councils in Burkina Faso and Eswatini ( former Swaziland). Not sure people on other side of wall could hear us but for sure we could hear them , more or less discussing the same elections but in guy/ girl configuration. Y is great guy who knows how to keep me smiling, that was my last thought before falling asleep.
    31 points
  2. I have been a reader of this forum for many years and have benefited greatly from such rich information from active posters - My holidays to Europe, South America and Asia particularly Thailand have been fun and extra spicy because of info generously shared here. Now I feel compelled to share my recent Thailand experience to hopefully help out and keep the info following. Please note that English is my second language and I would like to apologise in advance for any grammatical and other errors. Please be kind to me ❤️ I spent 12 glorious days in Bangkok but I will only be writing about days with spicy bits so as not to bore you people with my other vanilla shenanigans. Day 1 Arrived at Suvarnabhumi mid morning and immigration lines are flowing smoothly. Quite pleased that they no longer require those arrival cards. I always feel paranoid losing that other half you need to show upon departure. After sorting out Sim card and mobile, I marched straight to the designated airport pick up spot as per email sent by the klook app. Pick-up was efficient and after a couple of minutes, I am already in the middle of Bangkok traffic giddily planning what and where to go next. Check-in with air bnb was straightforward. Maybe because its low season, they allowed early check-in. I'm a bit wary with air bnb's legal status in Thailand. However, I am working remotely and hotel wifi is highly unreliable from experience. After checking-in, I decided to give the classics a try so off to Arena I go. My trifecta used to be Arena, Prince and Hero - still wishing Hero will be back! While walking towards Silom Plaza, I can't help but notice how much cannabis shops have setup and mushroomed everywhere! Not my scene but it was surprising how the number quickly grew since I visited last year. As I enter Arena, things flow like clockwork, The Uncle will ask you to sit by the couch, show you that Dogeared rate sheet and will try to sell you the most expensive package. Why do I have to pay 300thb more just for a different type of oil? I would rather use that to tip my man of the day and get better outcome later. While this is happening, them masseurs will assemble in front trying to get your attention. I always tell myself to calm down and take my time but I always feel low-key flustered with the attention which forces me to hastily make my selection. I chose this cute guy with a toned built. He introduced himself as Tom. He then asked me to shower and he stepped out of the room. I was quite disappointed that he didn't join. He returned with his massage stuff and took a shower before starting the massage. The massage itself was uneventful. It's that usual routine where they seem to focus on your leg area. I was starting to get bored and started yawning (so tired from my 13hr flight) and I think Tom took it as a cue to start the more interesting phase. He compensated well on his lack of massage skills and was quite surprised when he initiated a kiss. His body to body massage is quite good together with other things that comes with it. He then asked if I can make him cum which I gladly obliged. I must say it must be his first one for the day! I left Arena quite satisfied and decided to walk through Surawong to plan what tonight will hold. Had a quick bite at Foodland and took a taxi back to my place for a quick nap. Waking up refreshed, I made my way to Hotmale. I must've arrived too early and the selection that night looks not that promising. I made a mental note to give it another chance and visit it again later. I then went inside screwboys purely out of curiosity. The place was smaller and that night seemed to attract a lot of smokers. I'm not a delicate person but I really struggle with cigarette smoke. There's quite a number of potential offs but I am not in the mood tonight for reason I don't know. I made my way out and had a good yarn with one cute waiter from Laos. We exchanged Line which led to a number of proposals later to meet and be his boyfriend! Decided to call it a night and grab a coffee from Starbucks while waiting for my taxi. Starbucks is now open 24 hours compared to closing at around 8pm last year. Sign that things are indeed normalising? Overall, first night feels like a success even if i am going home alone. My session in Arena I guess is enough to cap off my night.
    29 points
  3. With only a few more days left in Bangkok, I thought it might be interesting to a few to pen a few notes. Please forgive that they are unstructured. I hope to understand more from the distinguished posters here present for my next trip or perhaps my last few days here. For context, this is my fourth trip to Bangkok. My first two trips were for weekends and my second was for a week so I do not try to compete with the experience on this forum. I cannot commit to a daily report but I am visiting some other countries in South East Asia during my time away and I will try to do the same while travelling. Before flying from London Heathrow, I jumped at the chance to spend a few days with friends in Oxford as I would be in the UK anyway. I can highly recommend the ‘Oxford Tube’ as a means of transport, which actually a bus! It took me from central London, where I had stayed for two nights of tourism to the beautiful city of Oxford in an hour and a half. Returning from Oxford to Heathrow required a change at Hillingdon station and one more bus for the princely sum of less than 2GBP. Grindr in Oxford was full of handsome, university types and it was interesting to see many described themselves as ‘trans’, ‘non-binary’ or ‘queer’ despite presenting as a masculine. Grindr in London was very busy and it was pan-European in nature, despite Brexit! For those interested, I gathered that the going rate was about 150-200GBP though I did not partake. Eva Air direct to Suvarnabhumi on their business class product was efficient, friendly and comfortable. The food was good, the wine flowed and the flight landed right on time after a good night of sleep. Arrivals was very busy, there was a 10 minute wait at the fast track section but the bags were quick - so quick in fact that most people had not made it through security. I’ve been staying at Le Méridien, and it is good. I like the evening pizza menu and breakfast is very good. I’m not sure there has been much benefit to my suite upgrade, I have barely used the lounge and the men I have brought back to the room have on more than one occasion have been confused about why one person would need so much space (I think even regarding it as an unnecessary extravagance). No problem with guests, key cards required for the lift, friendly staff. Lots of gay folk, as I type from the ground floor I am looking at a middle aged guy European couple walking together wearing rainbow pins and holding hands. Last time I stayed at Raya but I would choose here next time and save a few THB in a standard room. The lounge is very nice and if I have time I will post a picture from the lounge, which I think may be a fair challenge for the ‘best view from a toilet’ posts previously seen on this forum. I am ambitious to become a flâneur (I cannot think of an English equivalent) in my later life and there is no better city than Bangkok to practice. I’ve enjoyed (most of the time) my solitude, thoughts, my wandering, my coffee, my aimlessness and people-watching. Today, for example, consider Soi 4. At around noon, a large gathering of very smartly-dressed business types in designer suits queued for street food. Interested, I wandered down the Soi to see about four carts in front of Banana Bar and other venues in the Soi. It seemed to the most popular place for these hi-so workers for miles. I wonder if these distinguished folk know the depravity that takes place just a few short hours after they have gathered their tasty morsels? I imagine they know all-too-well and care little - and this is why I love Bangkok! I enjoy these aimless considerations. I felt something was ‘off’ about Tawan compared to my previous visits (when this was my favourite bar). I have since read that the papasan in the beret, that I have before met, has recently passed away sadly and this is probably why. Much lenience is required, I suspect he was well-loved by staff. I have not stayed for a show but when visiting earlier in the evening the men working are less likely to sit alongside customers than in my previous visits. Some older Thai men take the place of papasan but do not occupy the attention of customers. The place is looking more dishevelled than before. That has, though, always been part of its charm. I have a fond (?) memory of walking up the stairs from the bar to a room for a massage (if I assure you that it was virtuous, you will not believe me). A large rat ran over my foot, leading to my loud screams and a look of horror at my exclamation from the masseur. Happy memories. I have not found a guy to take home yet from Tawan as their huddle of men now includes a number of twinks, which are not my type. I did have an interesting moment with a man who I think said his name was David. He was my type and I was leaving the bar, having concluded after one drink that enough was enough. He chased me down the road, threw his arms around me and told me he was horny. My intention, of course, was to take a man to the room to discuss neoclassicalism’s influence on 18th century Greek literature so this admission of horny-ness took me rather by surprise. I declined the offer, wrongly now I think about it, as I was in the mindset of marching to HotMale determinedly. I will try Tawan again and hope that this is a temporary situation caused by the loss of a formidable figure. HotMale beer bar is still a good spot with fairly priced drinks, smiling staff and good views. I was surprised to see cannabis being smoked at the tables (only by one group of customers on one day). There is a very handsome man who seems to stay behind the bar there, preparing drinks rather than waiting tables. I have been trying hard to have eye contact with him, succeeding often, but receiving a nonchalant response. Perhaps my portly (read: fat) build is off-putting or the stars just do not align. I will not give up yet. Advice welcome. HotMale’s gogo has been the surprise of my trip, in a good way. The men on stage are keen to smile and engage with eye contact, are engrossed in securing your attention and not on their phones. Though they are thin in number, there is something for everyone and especially for me (preferring 25-45, handsome, not thin, Dadbod or muscular-but-not-too-muscular types). Smoking being allowed will be an irritant for some, but the papasan is flexible about reseating (and it has never been busy enough for this to be a problem). The HotMale ensemble are mostly topless and wearing fetching, pillar-box red sweatpants. The show is awkward when it is quiet but ends well with an explicit fanfare that even would make my old Aunt Agatha blush (and she a woman with a remarkable, audacious character). I had one strange experience with a guy I offed from HotMale when motivated by the aforementioned explicit display. His girth, so to speak, was impressive from a distance. Back in the hotel, just as we made progress with a particularly challenging logarithmic identity, I became distracted. Something about this girth was not quite right. It wasn’t that there were beads or noticeable defects, but the thickness seemed somehow artificial and not in keeping with the rest of the member concerned. He was a good egg, and no harm was done. He showed me his Lao passport which revealed both that he was aged 29 but also that he was considerably more handsome now than when the picture was taken a number of years ago! FreshBoys has the same loud and irritating mamasan and her interest in me has been only for the purpose of generating tips. The men are young, I would say 20-25, predisposed to mobile-phone addiction at all times when not on the stage though smiles are frequent. I am unlikely to revisit but this place will be a gem for some. The new Sol Bar is interesting and I have no conclusions. From a distance (that is to say the HotMale beer bar) the men look handsome on the balcony, are mostly topless and I really like the shorts with numbers on rather than the usual badges. Inside, I had a different experience on my one visit. In some way, the lighting is not flattering and the building looks more downtrodden than when it was Dream Boys. Somehow, I have not yet been able to bring myself to have more than one drink but my reason is not rational and based on some ‘feeling’. I will try again. I have not yet made it to the Dream Boy show but will before I leave and update. I cannot be motivated to go to Jupiter or Moonlight but I must do so because the men are hot and I have seen good reports recently. My struggle is the passive, unsmiling approach I previously saw when visiting. Also, I feel the men are hoping a woman will ‘off’ them, there being so many and the men being straight, and I will therefore be a disappointment. Advice welcome. I would also like advice on the language barrier. I am almost ready to ask the mama/papasans which men speak English well. I think this relates to another problem. My ‘offs’ have been gratifying, but short with little room for conversation. Yesterday, I had to use Google Translate ask the guy if he wanted a drink from the minibar. My ‘offs’ last half an hour usually and I am craving more (they are probably enjoying the easy cash!). Though I don’t want LT, I cannot sleep unless alone. On my first visit a few years ago, I think I got lucky and saw the same man three or four times (now sadly ‘gone’ as per the report of the papasan) and we went for a few drinks before our deliberations on counterurbanisation in the room began. I enjoyed his company and sense of fun. This has not happened naturally for me yet. I would like company than extends beyond 30 minutes in the room talking through a phone. Advice welcome. Although I have adjusted to the jetlag, I do also have a dilemma about adjusting to how late everything happens. I am trying to dine around 2030, as things just don’t begin here until about 2230. I cannot do a 2am finish and a breakfast that finishes at 10am! I need more to be occupied with between 1700-2200 and cannot drink alcohol during this time as I will be drunk by midnight! I will post again and await thoughts and advice eagerly.
    29 points
  4. Day 1 That will be short one as I said arrived at 17.40. Immigration line was hair rising but speed was world beating. It was second longest I saw in BKK ever and still with all boths opened and personnel wisely directing internationals even to “ASEAN or Thai only” booths when they were free it moved shockingly fast. By time I bought SIM card my luggage was out already and in exactly 75 minutes from plane touching tarmac I was already waiting for train at the platform. Raya, where I opened door exactly 47 hours and 45 minutes after closing my home door, was informed that I will miss previous night but at least room was waiting for me ( no refund for no show) so I unpacked , desoiled and went to 7/11 to buy some necessities in process took circular way through Thaniya and Patpong 2. At 21.00 I was supposed to meet J, our member at G’Bangkok , soi 4. As it happened his last day was mine first. So we caught on news and food and being already in soi 4 we decided to go to Jupiter . On recent trips somehow it’s always first bar I’m visiting. Due to esthetics as their boy collection beats them all not a bad place to start. I’m not being big fan of Jupiter due to their policy requiring boys to appear cold , aloof and uninterested. This of course changes right away after one invites boy to seat beside but still I don’t like it as can’t gauge if g boy is treating me as transparent because I deserve or because boss told them so. Of course looking at them during their walkouts is pure pleasure , smile or not. And soon after we sat down first round started. I tipped red note two of them including hero of my many stories and veteran of dozen if not more offs over the years HC (Handsome Cambodian). I did not count on anything other than may be nod and shy smile during next round acknowledging tip and my presence. But disappointingly during next walkabout I was still transparent air. There were few smiles but not at me and not by me tippees . That was bit discouraging and disappointing so when J, who in meantime had some hunk sitting beside signaled he is ready to go I gladly went with them. This was my only visit at Jupiter this trip or as my father would say “ this trip I was there two times - first and last”. Outside I wished guys fun , to J also safe trip home and we parted ways. I went to Moonlight hoping Y will be available but he was already booked to tonight so I secured his presence for tomorrow by slipping him and mamasan who leeched on me immediately remembering me very well from previous visits red note each and went to Hot Male beer bar where P was present so I offered him a drink and in process asked about option of accompany me tonight. He agreed but I sensed answer is kind of suspended. On top of it , even it treated with drink , instead of keeping me company he was constantly on the move here and there. At some point when I noticed he is going to bar upstairs with some female patron I did one of best things this trip, right on the first evening – paid for both drinks and just took off. As it was past midnight I decided to try my favorite corner in Bangkok at soi 6 and Suriwong. That the place where Tawan boys use to drink after bar closes. Tonight it was only D solitary drinking from small Hong Thong bottle. We meet many times in the past, now he is in bit less of shape but his skin is still as smooth as baby’s and being late I made another best decision, drunk or not I asked if he wants to go with me. Happy smile and nod. He wanted to ride his motorsai but I declined and we walked to Raya. Holly Molly, he was always quiet and bit reserved companion , very suitable for 1st night after long trip but not tonight. I was hoping for pussy cat but instead got lion, very sweet lion indeed. As close to boyfriend experience as one can dream about. It was almost shocking in a best sense. I guess blend of being bit drunk and probably not being offed for some time contributed to that energy. What an introduction to Bangkok and a trip and end of day 1 !!!
    26 points
  5. Preliminaries and getting to. This was my first trip to Thailand after leaving workforce for good and as result it was also longest of them all (so far I hope).Also first covering month of January, I was in that month before twice but only for ,few days in the beginning back in 2003 and at end last year. I keep travel diary on evert trip everywhere so no need to stretch my memory, cleaning glasses from time to time will suffice to produce this report. Reading it this morning I noticed that some occurrences faded from memory already which makes point again not to be upset about small things as they are soon forgotten for good. Winter trip has advantages of escaping cold but also carries risk that weather may go in the way. It was exactly a case this time. When we boarded plane snow blizzard started . It was sudden and energetic and as result we took off exactly 2 hours later than scheduled. Considering that at Narita I had originally exactly 2 hours connection time it was obvious that something will happen. Either, like last time I took that route plane to Bangkok will be waiting but luggage arrive day later or I need to be placed on another flight that evening or day after. Did not bother me as nothing I could do on my part. I did not enjoy flight much ( one of those things faded from memory I mentioned before but diary remembers). It was cold inside and this comes from guy who likes winter over summer. For first few hours entertainment system did not work which I don’t care but in modern aircrafts one can’t turn on reading light if screen is dead so I lost few hours of reading time. And to add to my misery , food was nothing memorable and that is charitable. But as always there was bonus – nobody seating beside me. I always fly at the back , middle section , aisle seat , hoping for that to happen and it did again. I noticed that elbow space is as important as legs one on those long flights. We landed as we departed , exactly 2 hours after scheduled time and were advised to see agents who will inform as about further connection. This being Japan , was organized very well. Indeed lady was holding placard with Bangkok and my flight number, told me where to go and there another agent gave me boarding pass for tomorrow morning , advised to pick up my luggage , pass immigration and go to the parking spot nr 16 where shuttle bus to hotel will be waiting. It was all in print on small piece of paper. Impressive enough. Japan I thought. Then somehow things get a bit less smooth as I was waiting exactly 2 hours for my luggage to emerge entertaining myself with Whatsapping, e-mailing and Lineing. After that we were back to Japan. Bus arrived and was filled to capacity with people sharing my misfortune, from what I heard not only Bangkok bound but also Bejjing and Saigon but somebody said Manilla passengers were lucky to be placed on next flight departing tonight. At the hotel they knew exactly why we are there, there was special counter arranged and we got our keys and coupon for supper tonight and breakfast tomorrow as well as information about bus to the airport departing in the morning. In short all my questions at Narita were answered before I even asked them. It was too late to go to the city 1hr train trip away so I settled in the room and did not even bother with evening meal. Just made my tea and went asleep. As for breakfast ‘opulent’ is understatement. All tasted soooo good and I feel sorry for myself that days I was eating more than I need are over. I was placed on Thai flight and again had luck of nobody seating beside – it’s after all still 7 hrs flight. I already commented in another thread, meal they served was probably best airplane meal I ever had and no, after that breakfast I was not starving or something , it was just extremely tasty, just pork with rice but made for kings and CEO’s . This way instead of landing at 22.30 , I arrived at 17.40 next day and day 1 of my trip started. still Christmas time in Japan Scat Airlines ? I wonder what this is all about
    25 points
  6. Summary Definitely and by far sightseeing’s high point was Sukhotai and Kampheang Phet. Fact that my friend K decided to go with me doubled that travel fun. Angkor and environs were second, because all those places I already visited in the past but Cambodian ruins have such pull on me that I can visit there to no end. I’m glad I went to Phuket, finally I know how it is there and may return in future if only to explore gay scene bit more energetically than I did this time. I beat my cousin to James Bond Island , that counts for plenty as well. As for boys I did not get anybody I regretted to engage. With few some improvement could be used but there were no antics like leaving suddenly out of blue (ok there was one case but I let it go for reason explained ) . It looks that engaging tried and tested pays big time and if we meet winner it’s good to keep him close like I did with both PP and Pattaya guys, new to me. S was great travel companion and I’m glad I had him with me in Siem Reap and by my side every few days in Bangkok. Y knows I like him and shows his appreciation every time we met. NM surprisingly showed his romantic side and both Tawan guys I offed facilitated steamiest nights I had in whole month. All 7 guys mentioned above had one endearing trait, none of them asked for any extras other than agreed. When we dined their choices were modest. I liked that . I don’t mind to open purse but don’t like to be treated as money well. Some quotations this trip were excessive, certainly boys are trying to cash in. With one exception I managed to keep their tips within my budget, bargaining down when necessary. Only case I yielded I treated as last of our many meeting in the past and can’t see repeat in the future. It was one upsetting disappointment , right in the beginning, indifferent look of Jupiter guy , veteran of many offs. But I guess all comers to an end, even customer loyalty and client’s infatuation . And two regrets, both for lack of time . I should off that Tawan waiter at least once more. I never thought I will be regretting not offing the twink but here I am. And I did not gave a chance to two Banana Club guys , Vu Thy and new #31. I think I know where my first steps next trip will be. Now you guys can vent your frustrations with me “ who the fuck writes such long and convoluted trip reports ? Screw you vinapu!
    25 points
  7. Post trip reflections. Highlights - S'sense is a big winner and a pleasant discovery for this trip. I always tend to go to a no hanky panky spa for a decent massage and then visit another place in search of the fun extras. I am delighted that from experience, both elements are present in S'sense. I always make it a point to avoid recommending a specific guy as experiences and individual connection can vary. However, I would recommend Knott just for his massage skills alone. - Hotmale is another surprise. I am pleased that I gave this place a second chance after a lack lustre experience from my first visit. - My meetups through apps have been consistently pleasant during this trip. While this mode takes heaps of time and effort to weed out time wasters and dodgy characters, it can be worth it. My meetups with non Thailand based MBs thru the app is a new Bangkok experience for me. - Tawan is always a highlight. The unpretentious ,relaxed and friendly atmosphere is something other boy bars are not able to duplicate. - Kman Spa. Another notable discovery this trip. Worth the effort getting there. Looking forward to explore the other establishments in the Saphan Kwai area next time. - LTs: maybe because of the lean season, securing LTs are not as difficult compared to previous experience pre pandemic. Most guys are also not in a hurry to go home the next morning. Maybe it's just my luck this time. Lowlights - Banana bar just didn't tick any of my boxes this time. I'm not sure if its unusual but they only had four performers rotating the whole time I was there. People will take a peek by the door and will instantly walk off. - Fresh boys is always a lowlight for me but I always end up visiting at least once every trip. The lack of subtlety on the part of waiters and Mamasans when asking for tips and drinks can be irritating. I mean asking for tips/drinks within the first minute of conversation? - AirBnB: given its legal status in Thailand, I always second guess and brace myself everytime I bring a boy back. The apartment I rented have posted notices and banners saying that the building is strictly for residential use and not for short rental like air bnb. The notices were written in a way that the renters can get into trouble if they don't report this to building management. But again, this is Thailand. While I didn't have any issues during my previous stay, I'll stick to the usual tried and tested Silom hotels next time. - Jupiter: as advised, I will try to ignore the ice cold standoffish behaviour of the guys next time. I might be in for a surprise. - Dreamboys is a mixed bag for me. While their new place is a definite improvement, both my visits didn't result to an off. Not crossing this off my list and will give it a try next time. Compared from my visit last year, things are really looking very positive. There seems to be no remnants of the pandemic and Silom / Surawong area is bustling with most establishments back to operating till late night / early morning. Overall, this 12 day experience have been pleasant with no major dramatics with any of my off. Fingers crossed it will be like this next time. Thank you for reading my reports and hopefully this will be of help to you guys for your next trip. I am looking forward reading your future reports too!
    25 points
  8. "when you come back bb" "come see me soon krap" "new iphone come out darling, can you buy me my phone break" The waiting back home for the next trip is always the worst, with loving messages of past flings sporadically appearing in Line, they must really miss me. Lucky for me the wait is over and i'm back in the thick of it once again, dodging the guys I should've known better to avoid in the first place while chasing down the new and shiny ones that will soon become the former. This report will be breaking some of my own rules, after one previous live report was shown to a guy i was with, i told myself i will never do a live report again.. but here we are, so if you ever feel the urge to show my ramblings to anyone.. just don't! i've got enough headaches in my life. I'm going to do my best to protect the identities of myself and my acquaintances, let's all play nice and respect that. I'm going to be adding to this report over the next few months, how long, i still don't know because i've quit my job and decided i'll go spend time travelling around SEA as long as I want/need/can. I'm here for twinks, relaxation, food and sights.. in that order. I’m posting in the Thailand forum, but it will venture out into the unknown at a later date. --- Start of Bangkok --- Window shades up, tray tables locked, seats in upright positions.. there will be no further safety instruction, here i go. I had been dealing with a whirlwind of issues before my departure date which saw me flying around my home country for the days before I was set to embark on my longest ever trip, the stress of it all and flights to and fro really messed with my ability to plan this trip. So there i was about to check-in to my Thai Airways direct to BKK without a plan or even an onward flight booking, while waiting in queue i quickly book a flight to Cambodia for 29 days later. ok that should get me past immigration, turns out my Thai airways check-in agent asked if i had an onward flight, but just took my word for it and no one ever asked to see it. Thai airways is a solid 8/10 carrier as usual, older planes but service is good and the food was better than i remembered. My only real issue was one of my own doing, i dropped the left airpod out of my ear mid-flight and rather than waking the seatmate next to me i decided to search for it when we land. well, when we landed it was nowhere to be found even with the help of several flight attendants. So i'm day one into my trip with half a set of headphones, a pocket full of baht and no clue. I activate my AIS eSIM (900baht for 5G 30 days/50GB), for reference the comparable AIS SIM at the airport booth i spotted was 2000 baht. I already had baht in my wallet from my last trip so i head down to the taxis and onward to Le Meridien. First order of business, massage. I did the Surawong lap, down through the Tawan dogleg and past nineteen. Lots of bums on seats and offers but none that really caught my eye. I decided to head back to one of the mixed male/female shops where there was a guy that could meet my needs in low light conditions. Note: now before i tell this story, be aware that i know there were multiple junctures where i could have changed the outcome... i know this.. i am as the french would say Le Idiote (i dont know french). I approach the massage shop up to the guy of my interest and the mamasam (i assume) intervenes and asks if i want massage, well yes, I say and point at 60 minutes oil massage while looking and smiling toward the guy i like. she says 'follow me', off i go expecting him to tail in behind me, I pay my 600 baht at the register and right after I've paid I look behind me to discover a Shrek lookalike had followed me in... oh bother. I am far too polite to reject this poor lad grinning at me from ear to ear after i had just paid right in front of him, ladyboy mamasan had disappeared shouting something toward the front of the store the second after i paid, i'm standing there shell shocked while Shrek stomps up the stairs. Ok, suck it up... it's just a massage, maybe he won't try anything, at least his hands look strong.. reassuring myself as i sheepishly creak up the stairs. I shower in the piss smelling washroom, wrap the towel around my waist and walk towards the curtained 'room' with Shrek guarding the stairs so i can't make a run for it (presumably). Ok face first into the massage bed and out comes the oil, enough oil to fill a tanker evading sanctions, but at least the massage was strong. The reach under didn't take long, oh no, i press my pelvis against the bed, he starts rubbing his (thankfully clothed) dick against my arm and hands as i try to tuck my arms closer into my body... the hints just aren't reaching. The turn... well, it was inevitable at this point. I close my eyes and do everything in my mental power to remain soft to not encourage this any further (the places my mind had to go will remain unsaid), the thought does cross my mind if this has moved into assault territory as my balls are getting fondled for a good 5 minutes, but let's not dwell on it, I knew what i'm getting myself into by not backing out earlier. I am successful against all attempts from him to make me hard so he can offer the extras, clenched my eyes closed and let out a little sigh of relief when he gave up. Time to shower the buckets of oil off me, it doesn't work, the oil is immune to water and soap, i'm a baby penguin after and oil spill. I return to the room and he's gone, i guess he didn't want to stick around to see if i would tip (i was going to give him something small as a gesture of good will). i go downstairs and put my shoes on, grit my teeth through a smile to the mamasan then go straight to 7/11 to buy a packet of cigarettes. I need to process this so i headed to the safety of the highly regarded foodland restaurant, on my way a cute waiter tout outside one of the bars grabs at my arm but the oil.. his hand can't get a good grip as i tell him 'not tonight sorry'. What a sight i must have been, half wet hair, covered in oil, cigarette hanging from my mouth, pale and wide eyed like i've just seen a car crash. I eat my chicken cashew, shaking my head, exhausted... what a start to my trip, surely it's going to get better from here
    25 points
  9. Day 2 My body clock decided to wake me up at 5am. Not ideal but I decided to make use of the time to go to 7-11 and fill the fridge with provisions for me and my future boy du jour. Received a notification that my two work meetings were cancelled which means I suddenly have the full day to myself without anything planned. Realised that it will be the best timing to finally try Jay Fai's cooking. Turned out to be a good decision as I came to know later that they closed down for like two weeks the day after. There's already a short queue when I arrived. Had a pleasant chat with another travelling lone wolf while waiting for the place to open. Decided that we'll share and split the bill so we can order more. We were so committed to stay in the queue that we had coffee delivered via grabfood while waiting! Overall, the food was worth the wait. It is on the pricier side though - average one gogo bar entry per order and the crab omelette which was so heavenly - equivalent to one boy massage tip not included. With my stomach full, I can now craft today's game plan. I checked out S'sense and immediately shortlisted three. Given their availability, I booked a cutie named Knott for a two hour session in the afternoon. S'sense turned out to be a contrast with my experience in Arena. While both enjoyable, S'sense gives out a more spa like vibe compared to Arena's more rough and Spartan atmosphere. Prior to starting, Knott asked what extra I will avail. From the line message, there are minimum tips for extras you will require. I was surprised at first but looking back, I realised talking about it upfront made things flow smoothly. Of course I chose the body to body extra 900 minimum tip. And Knott turned out to be a gem! His massage skills is top notch and you can judge by his long massage strokes that he knows his stuff. The way he used his elbows, arms, palm and knuckles was so skillful I started to relax and actually enjoy the session. He was so attentive as well. He asked me if I was cold - however I was so lazy to request for the vent to be turned the other way so I just said I'm ok. When he touched my skin, he chuckled and said "No you lie, you cold!" and adjusted the air-conditioning. The extras were so good as well. He's a well built guy so the extras was more than enjoyable. He's very generous with his body and initiated kissing amongst other things. When we both finished, there's still half an hour left so we got cleaned up and he continued the massage. I don't know why but I felt a bit shy when he kissed me on the forehead to signal the end of the massage. Needless to say he received more than the minimum tip from me! I stepped out of S'sense feeling rejuvenated and my jetlag melted. Made my way back to the apartment planning what the night will look like.
    25 points
  10. I think the Thai Ministry of Tourism should toss this forum a commission for all the spur-of-the-moment trips it inspires. I mean, who wouldn't feel a twinge of envy and rush to book a trip after scrolling through those Thailand adventures and tips written here? So, there I was, bitten by the travel bug, and voila! ------ found myself booking an unplanned trip to the land of smiles. Touching down in Bangkok after a longer than usual stopover in Taiwan, I braced myself for the infamous immigration snake lines. But despite the full queues, every counter was promptly manned, and I breezed through. Maybe because cause of the build up in immigration, baggage claim took less than a minute, thanks to my luck and eagle eyes spotting my luggage as soon as I approached the carousel. Sorted out some cash and a SIM card, then off to my pre-booked pickup. As I got whisked off from my pickup point, I was hit with that warm, unmistakable Bangkok air, making me buzz with excitement and giddiness for the adventures ahead. Hotel check-in was expected to be a breeze, yet I found myself low-key panicking as my card repeatedly acted up declining the transaction. It finally dawned on me that I had forgotten to adjust the low maximum spend setting—a habit whenever I travel. The allocated room seemed reasonable initially, but its issues became apparent later. After showering off my jetlag, I hailed a taxi for my pre-booked appointment at S'sense Spa in Suan Plu. Knott was still at the spa and appeared delighted to see me. Upon asking if he really remember me, he promptly identified me by removing my socks pointing at my ankle tattoo, a gesture that left me both shocked and impressed. The quality of my session with Knott, both massage and cheeky extras, remained consistently good as I remembered. This explains my choice of S'sense as my first stop—a reassuring and safe start to the trip, saving the fun experimentation, risks, and disappointments for later. Following purchase of supplies and stocking the fridge, jetlag began to rear its ugly head. Nevertheless, I resolved to push through and explore Silom. To my disappointment, Tawan remained shuttered, prompting me to wax nostalgic reminiscing nights spent there, particularly recalling that going to Tawan was my first foray into Silom nightlife. My first ever off was with Tawan's hunky Lek, given my hotel was close by (the now defunct Glitz). Although tempted to inquire about familiar faces nearby, shyness prevailed, fearing potential embarrassment if they were not from Tawan. I strolled towards Hotmale, noted a familiar performance and lineup except for a cute, smiling hunk whom I promptly invited to join me. He's from Myanmar and only been working there for four months. He has a very sweet and friendly demeanour. Being a rookie, he seems to be very dependent on translation apps. I typically don't mind language barriers, often finding them endearing and cute. But given my fatigue from travel and jetlag, I decided to listen to my body and give tonight a pass. I bid him farewell with a bit generous tip, sincerely promising to return. And that, folks, is how I ended up with no off on my first night in Bangkok!
    24 points
  11. Tittle is misleading but was given to this trip by our member bkkmfj who accompanied me to Bangkok during this short, 2 days in Pattaya and 6 in Bangkok trip to Thailand last month. I think only terrorizing part were 3 hotel changes three days in row but I booked those before he decided to join in and to sweeten whole thing , all were walking distance from each other. Day 1 This time I arrived by KLM from Amsterdam and arrival time was great , at 9.30 in the morning. There was no line up to immigration at all, I just walked in to get stamped and had even option of choosing one of three officers. No waiting for luggage as I was with carry on only. Buying SIM card took few minutes and I found myself with almost 2 hours to kill before my Jomtien bus departure scheduled at noon. This trip I decided to try something new for me i.e. going to Pattaya straight from airport. With excess time I went to train station to exchange some money, then ate something in coupon restaurant by gate 8 and went to the booth to exchange my bus reservation for an actual ticked as instructed when booked on website. I got moment of enlightenment since it was 10.45 and asked if I can get seat on 11.00 am bus. Luckily , there was seat but I was charged extra 50 baht for changing reservation. Around 1 pm I was already marching to Agate hotel in Jomtien Complex where room was already waiting for me. After desoiling I went to 7/11 across the street for some goodies and decided to see N, my semi regular there at his massage place nearby. No sign of him, as I learned later he went to see his folks at home for few days but consolation was at hand at the same shop. T, whom I never got pleasure with before but got good feedback about from one of our members was at hand so of we went for 1.5 hr session, 400+1200 tip. I was happy to discover that recommendation was very accurate. Got his Line with intention of asking him for long time in case none of guys I was hoping to see at Dreamboys would not be available. Either tonight or tomorrow. It was darkening when I took songtaew to Boyztown where I had a dinner is one of Indian restaurants there. Chicken with cashews there had some distinctive taste likely due to use some Indian spices but it was great tasting anyways. Then to Copa to claim my room. As advised in some thread in spring , in Pattaya to avoid travelling between Jomtien and Boyztown I often rent cheap 2nd room at either end. Handy just in case either boy or myself doesn’t feel like traveling in the middle of the night. As mentioned above I hoped to see #36 and #37 at Dreamboys. #36 was my outstanding companion when I was there in January. I did not have pleasure with #37 then but saw him in the bar waiting for his customer and he was extremely handsome HUNK. On top of that I got recommendation from trusted member who had better luck and engaged him at Christmas time. After obtaining key I parked myself with beer on Copa’s terrace where shortly bkkmfj joined me for a chat and ironing our trip to Bangkok after tomorrow. We both noticed very attractive tattooed massage freelancer offering his services in the soi while sitting on his motorbike. At 10pm we went to Dreamboys , me full of hope and excited with anticipation but as soon as we sat down it was explained to me that neither boys I planned to see is no longer there. So much about dreaming about boys at home, first day and already 3 boys from the list MIA. Disappointed , after we emptied our drinks I suggested checking show at Xboys and it was great idea as show was very progressive with, ahem, some risky numbers. A , veteran there recognized me but still smarting after Dreamboys fiasco I was in no mood to take him with me tonight although he is worth every penny he may ask for. Great body and personality as well as very qualified to participate in big c…k show. We returned to Jomtien complex where I have some hope, guy I saw on Grinder, hunk who likes kissing by his own admission on the profile. Bkkmfj knew who I’m talking about and even knew bar he is usually sitting but at that time of night he was gone. Another disappointment. But wait, I still have Line of T, the masseur and it was time when his shift should be over so I lined him but answer was “cannot tonight , can tomorrow “ . Ouch. So I gave up hope of having somebody tonight and went to 7/11 to eat problem out with some sandwich. Then I got stubborn and while munching outside hotel I fired up Grindr and found somebody I liked. “ I sleep with you if you give me money “ was the answer to obvious question. How much ? 1500. Waiting for you said I. In 10 minutes he showed up. Not looking exactly as in profile with face less cute but built more substantial than I anticipated. So off we went to my room to check recent acquisition to my and his stamp collections. And it’s how day 1 was over.
    23 points
  12. Gentlemen, I have just returned from Bangkok. My gratitude goes out to all who shared invaluable tips and travel insights, which I studied intently in the month leading up to my journey. Before this, my knowledge of Bangkok was limited to what I had conjured in my imagination, fueled by the song “One Night In Bangkok” that I listened to on repeat as a youngster. As my 30th birthday approached, I desired an adventure, something wildly enjoyable. Impulsively, I bought a ticket to Bangkok, setting off to create an impromptu plan for my trip a month or so before departure. Now, back in the northwest USA, I find myself grappling with jetlag, a mix of sexual exhaustion, euphoria, and a surge of existential mania. I'm ready to contribute my own story to the esteemed Gay Guides message board. My hope is that future travelers will gain insight from my experiences – both the successes and the missteps – or perhaps the seasoned veterans will find amusement in the account of a newcomer navigating the renowned sex tourism capital of the world. Prologue I am not new to international travel or to the company of escorts, having indulged in both across various continents. However, my experiences had never extended to Asia, a region that has always intrigued me, particularly due to my interest in Asian men. The distance and cultural differences were daunting, but now, having immersed myself in this new environment, I regret not making the journey sooner. In short, I am shaken. Day 1 The anticipation for this trip had been building intensely, fueled by the erotic tales from this message board. I meticulously planned my itinerary, including visits to famed MB Bars and anticipated massage experiences. The flight itself was an endurance test — over 24 hours of a dehydrating, cramped, and stuffy journey, catapulting halfway across the globe through numerous time zones and across the dateline, leaving me questioning the very fabric of reality. Stepping off the plane, my senses were heightened, and I found myself admiring the uniformed army men and security personnel while navigating customs. My fascination with Asian men was now confirmed as “a thing”. Prior to my arrival, I had arranged for a Siam Pride Limo Taxi, thinking it necessary to bridge the language barrier in this foreign land. My Day 1 in Bangkok began late at 11:30 PM. To my relief, I soon discovered that most people I encountered spoke excellent English, and that transportation would be one of the easiest aspects of my trip. Yet, there was a certain excitement in being greeted at the airport by an attendant holding a sign with my name, and then being ushered into an aged black car with tinted windows, driven by a middle-aged, fit, and stoically silent driver — perfect. The drive from Suvarnabhumi Airport to my hotel was shrouded in darkness, exacerbated by the tinted windows of the car. The surrounding scenery gave off a melancholic and almost sinister aura, reminiscent of my experiences in São Paulo with its vacant skyscrapers, trash can fires, and eerie silence. But considering it was midnight and I had been awake for over 24 hours, my mind was on the brink of implosion. Upon arrival at the Ibis Styles Silom Hotel, the mood shifted dramatically. The hotel was bright, modern, and welcoming, staffed by two cheerful attendants who provided exceptional service in perfect English. I chose this hotel as it seemed relatively close to the action and was about $40/night a bargain bin price for a 3-star resort that I would take any day. However, the room itself was quite compact and only offered a view of the hotels busy looking atrium. Nevertheless, I enjoyed the site of its jewel box glass shower nestled conveniently next to the queen bed and private toilet tucked in a separate room. The designer knew what he was doing. It was now 3 AM, and I had been awake for more than 30 hours. Weary yet restless, I checked into my room and immediately logged onto Grindr. The display of muscular, toned, shirtless profiles on my screen was overwhelming. The flurry of messages from eager locals was like nothing I had experienced in other gay neighborhoods. Focused on my purpose, I zeroed in on a profile offering “Massage” services. After all, this was Bangkok, and I was here to immerse myself in the famed experiences the city had to offer. The masseur, a youthful-looking individual probably in his early twenties, boasted a fitness model's physique, which was evident from his popular Instagram account overflowing with followers. This online presence served as a form of validation for me, and I decided to accept his offer for a 2500 Baht outcall visit. The fact that he was just a block away added to the appeal, as I was eager to get a glimpse of the streets and residential life in this new land. He was available - NOW! In a flurry, I quickly freshened up and made my way to his apartment. Upon arrival, I noticed he was shorter than I had anticipated, yet his physique was strikingly chiseled, likely around 8% body fat. He had a pleasantly shy demeanor and his English, while not perfect, was more than adequate. He walked me to his spartan studio apartment and we stripped down. The massage itself was satisfactory — and playfully frisky. He had mentioned it body-to-body and full release. I did not expect much more than a rub and tug, but after about thirty minutes, he went to town, going down on me. Oh wow. Then came the 69. He allowed me to poke and probe his entire smooth and boyish body with my tongue as he ravaged my cock with his mouth. Very good! A climax for both of us. I tipped him 500 baht, completely forgetting what I learned from this board on how to handle such a custom, and at 5AM, I returned to the hotel with the confident knowledge that Bangkok is the greatest city on Earth.
    23 points
  13. Hi guys, Semi-recently returned from a short trip to Bangkok and would like to share a few things from what was my 7th trip to Thailand now. Rather than write a day-to-day account of my trip, I will just include an assortment of things I got up to. Arrival Flew into Bangkok on Thailand's flagship airline (Thai Airways) and when I started hearing the familiar sounds of the Thai language, it put me in a good mood as I knew I would be arriving to my happy place soon. I was fed so much food during the flight, however when we arrived into Suvarnabhumi, we had to disembark into a bus to take us to the terminal. Wasn't expecting this from a full service carrier and also considering how big Suvarnabhumi is, but I digress. Immigration didn't take too long and I didn't have checked baggage so I headed straight down to the basement floor to take the airport rail link to Makasan, where I then changed to the MRT Petchaburi to Silom. I managed to successfully use my credit card to go through the gates at the MRT (although I tapped my card on the wrong area at first, until the attendant showed me where to tap, which was very clearly marked and I was very clearly blind. Hotel My hotel of choice for this trip was the Crowne Plaza, not particularly cheap (for me) at nearly 4000 baht per night, but I decided to treat myself. It was a very short walk from Silom MRT, the room itself was quite large, with a decent view and a toilet with an electronic bidet. As I booked direct through IHG, I even received a small toy elephant as a thank you. Breakfast was included, and even though I don't usually eat breakfast, I decided that I would on this trip. The breakfast buffet was quite good quality actually, with many options that catered to all tastes. I felt as though the hotel was not particularly full during my stay as I didn't really see a lot of people around. The hotel was also very guest friendly, and there were absolutely no issues with taking guests back to your room. You do need to go up the elevator to the 23rd floor, to where to reception is and then change to another elevator to get to your room. They are also quite generous with towels - I tipped housekeeping each day, and left a note to ask for an extra towel, and they gave me 4 extra towels (in addition to the regular 2) as well as 6 bottles of water. I remember when I asked for extra towels at the Tarntawan, they were a little apprehensive to give me just one! Bars I only managed to go to one bar this trip - Dreamboys. I usually see my favourite boy at least once per trip, but I never tell him that I'm coming so then it's always a surprise. This time was no exception. And it was quite coincidental this time actually because he had just finished his set in the show, and as he was coming off the stage, I had just come in. So I gave him a quick wave and smile, he did a double take and then joined me in my preferred seating (up the back) a few moments later. We had a drink and went back to the hotel where we had some fun times. He knows what I like, I know what he likes so it's pretty comfortable. The bar wasn't particularly busy the few times I went with probably the exception of a Saturday. My guy even helped me pick some other guys that I wanted to take back, by advising me who was good and who wasn't. I did off another 2 guys from here - one of which was quite attractive, very chatty (very good grasp of the English language), and very decent in bed, although when I paid him his (generous) tip, he was a bit cheeky and ask for and extra 200 baht taxi money, so I just gave him 100. He definitely knows the business and what he is doing, and I will most likely repeat. The other was absolutely beautiful (face and body), didn't speak a lot of English and although he tried his best, just seemed like he didn't have much experience and was at times a bit awkward. Never mind, you win some, you lose some. He was nice though but probably would not repeat. On my final night, I offed my favourite boy one more time and he wanted to sleep over but I said no because I was flying out early the next morning. I'm not really a long-time sort of person, short-time being more preferable. Next time, I have some catching up to do as I want to revisit hotmale, screwboys, possibly moonlight, freshboys, and tawan, and I also want to visit banana as I haven't been there yet. Massage Apart going to Prime for my 1 hour foot/1 hour Thai or 1 hour Thai/1 hour oil (even went to a new building which I hadn't been to before), I visited Kman and Apollo. Kman first. This was the first time I ventured outside the Silom/Sathorn area for a massage. Getting there was pretty straight forward - caught the BTS to Saphan Kwai but somehow I went down the wrong exit onto the wrong side of the road and I only realised when I saw a sign for Gbeat massage (which I knew was on the other side of the road), that I back tracked and went up and back down the correct exit, and found the shop shortly after. I don't usually book anyone when I go for a massage, rather I see who is available at the time. The manager came over with his iPad and showed me who was available, and I chose this guy who was T&B, and then got to choose which oil I would like (not that it really made a difference). I also decided to use the VIP room which was only 100 baht more than the regular room and it has a shower. It was 700 for 90 minutes, with a minimum tip of 900. After following my chosen guy up endless stairs (as is usual in places like these), got to the room and had a quick shower before the massage started. There is an art to a sensual/sexual massage and this guy definitely knows what he is doing. He was naked from the start, there was a lot of body contact, mutual touching, and I was on edge the whole time. I had chosen him as he was T&B as I didn't feel like bottoming that day, but when he asked to fuck me I couldn't resist so I said that I will fuck him first, then he can fuck me to which he happily agreed. It was actually a really nice experience and I would definitely repeat. I ended up tipping him 2000 as he deserved it, and did a hell of a lot more than some guys I've paid 2000+ for. Apollo - this experience was a little less exciting. After making the trip all the way to Bearing BTS, the shop was really easy to find - you can see the sign as you are walking down the stairs. When I walked in, I was met with confusion as to why I was there, but then the manager (or similar) came over and asked me 'boy massage?' to which I answered yes, and all was understood. This place also does legit massages as there are foot massage chairs on the ground floor, as well as Thai massage beds on the next floor (separated by curtains). The oil massage rooms are up another floor. As I didn't book ahead, the manager told me there was only one guy available, but there were a few more that he could call and they can come in about 10 minutes. He asked me if I was a top/bottom and usually I am pretty versatile but today I wanted to be a top, so I narrowed my selection and chose a quite attractive guy, the managed called him and he wanted 2000 baht tip to which I agreed. I was shown where the room was and then to the shower (which is in a little bit of a public area), and then waited for him in the room. Since the aircon was shared with the room next door, I could hear what the people in the next room were up to. Anyway, he arrived and we got started. A lot of the time was spent with dry pressing, where I was wondering if anything was going to happen. Eventually it did, but it wasn't super exciting, and there wasn't much of a build-up, and not especially worth the tip I paid. Would I repeat? With him, probably not, but they do have a line account where they send pictures every day so I guess it all depends who you choose. Plus it is quite far away! And as I mentioned before, you win some, you lose some. I know that every experience is not going to be magical, but it's good to try! Other things Food - some notable places that I ate included Sunrise Tacos (the carne asada fries are quite nice, as is the waiter with the face tattoos), Silom night market (pad krapow moo or gai for 80 baht, cooked right in front of you, and also mango sticky rice yummm), 7-11 (toasted sandwiches and banana cupcakes are great at any time of the day and night), and Coffee Grinder (the cafe coco was quite delicious as were all of the staff). Grindr - only met with one guy from Grindr (not a money boy), he is from Koh Samui and just here for a holiday. I think he must be well off though as he said he had stayed at Crowne Plaza quite recently, and was now staying at the Pullman. He also had no less than 3 cell phones on him that day. Malls - visited Icon Siam and Siam Paragon, and they are pretty much just same same. Currency exchange - X-One on Surawong road is always my place of choice. Conclusion I had a good trip and tried to fit as much in as I could, but I became tired quite a lot. The timezone is not exactly that different to that of my home country, but my sleeping pattern is massively different and wreaks havoc on my body. Anyway, I digress. My next trip will likely be in January and I will spend most of time in Bangkok, but wanting to stay in a slightly different area - anyone stayed at Trinity Silom or Furama Xclusive? Do bar boys walk that far? I also want to spend some time in Pattaya (not Jomtien this time as I never seem to have a great time there), instead I'll explore BoyzTown and massages around there. Classrooms hotel will likely be my hotel of choice (as I remember our esteemed Vinapu recommending it), and just by perusing the website, it is super clear and has all the information that I need. I like clarity like this. I may also spend some time in Phuket because why not. Thanks for reading!
    23 points
  14. Trip Report – Koh Chang – 15 Jan 2024 – 18 Jan 2024 I am behind on my trip reports. I present this one from Koh Chang (which was easier to prepare) and then I will have a bigger one from Christmas/New Years - 17 day trip report for Songkhla. Sorry for the delays. Up to now, my favorite island in proximity of Pattaya has been Koh Samet. Hanging out with my volleyball friends at the Dongtan beach (Sea Rescue area), we were chatting about a new island place to go to and we decided to make a 4 day / 3 night visit to Koh Chang. Aerial shot of the Trat island archipelago One of them has a car, so that made the transportation modality easy. Note that a quick search in Google - notes that there are many busses that also go there – primarily from Bangkok but I believe that I saw one from Pattaya as well. -> Please note that their facial photos are included in this trip report with their permission given as well as their contact details in case any of you would like to use their services. <- We departed Jomtien around 9:45am and we arrived at the Ao Thammachat pier in Trat at around 14:30pm, almost 5 hours – leisurely driving with breaks for the bathroom, iced coffee, and gas. We were able to get onto the 15:30pm car ferry at a cost of 120 baht for the car and then 80 baht for the each of us for a total of 360 baht. The ferry crossing is about 30 minutes. Ferry info can be found here at: Koh Chang Ferries price list 2023 / 2024 Map of Koh Chang and surrounding islands. As you can see there are many ferry options to arrive onto the island from the mainland. Above places highlighted with a red circle are the places that we visited We booked our 3 night stay at the Klong Prao Resort Klong Prao Beach Resort webpage We booked 2 rooms and paid 1,840 baht per night for a total of 11,040 baht for 3 nights. This resort is lovely and very big with a beautiful sandy beach and lush tropical plants everywhere. As we booked kind of at the last minute we were assigned to 2 older rooms. There are 3 distinct zones around a large pond, where the zone we stayed in is the oldest and the other 2 zones are more modern. My only complaint about our rooms were there were hardly any electrical outlets for all of our devices (electric razor, tooth brush, boom box, mobile phones, etc.). Other than this inconvenience the rooms were perfect – air con worked very well, shower had hot water, and unlike my stay in Koh Samet and also in Songkhla (I still need to write this trip report) there were NO noisy geckos to wake us up in the early morning with their annoying chirping sounds. However, they are very handy for eating any annoying mosquitos, bugs and spiders. Note that the 2 newer zones have many electrical outlets as they were probably built after the advent of the popularity of mobile phones and all of our electrical gadgets. The highlights of this resort for us were: The pool and their pool bar with early evening 2 for 1 sunset happy hours – as evidenced in the below photos, The white sandy beaches and blue turquoise water. Note that the Koh Chang municipality has strict rules that keep the noisy speed boats and jet skis away – thus rendering the beaches to be more in their wonderful natural state. Day 1 (15 Jan 2024) itinerary Arrive onto the island, check in unpack, enjoy the resort grounds, pool, beach, happy hour, fantastic sunset and eat at the resort dining facility = RimHad Restaurant. Watched a great fire show performed by some hunky macho guys (similar to the familiar B-Boys, who perform all over Pattaya, Boyztown, Jomtien) on the beach in front of our resort restaurant. Like when I visited Koh Samet, these fire show guys can be found traveling up and down the beach performing in front of the many resorts and beach restaurants. It lasted about 10 minutes and was very entertaining. I realized that I did not take any still photos so the above photo is from a movie clip that I made. Then before going to sleep I received my customary massage – as both of these volleyball friends are also masseurs. Day 2 (16 Jan 2024) itinerary After the great resort buffet breakfast (an enormous selection of Western and Thai foods were available) we headed off to the Khlong Phlu Waterfall in the National Park. It was nearby, and perhaps after 30 minutes by car we were already at the trailhead for our hike. The hike took about 30 minutes and was rather easy. Explore Koh Chang - description of Koh Chang waterfalls As it was not rainy season, the waterfall was a little bit subdued, but it was still cool and refreshing to take a dip and to swim with the millions of fish that were in the water. You need to resist their lite nibbles at your skin – kind of like those tourist places that you see all over Thailand where the tourists put their feet into a fish tank to get their dead skin nibbled off. There were about 20 to 25 people there when we visited with about half of them brave enough to enter the chilly refreshing water. There is a lifeguard off to the left up on the rocks to prevent that tourists climb up onto the waterfall, as it can be quite dangerous as it is very slippery. And there I am trying to acclimate myself to the lite nibbles by the fish before I dove in and swam over to where the water was cascading down – as that end is very deep. Entrance fee to the waterfall (which is part of the national park system) was 40 baht for each of my 2 Thai friends and 200 baht for me for a total cost of 280 baht. Afterwards, back to our resort to relax, swim in the pool, take advantage of the 2-for-1 drink specials at the pool bar, and to watch the sunset. For that night’s dinner we drove over to the popular White Sands Beach area – full of restaurants, hotels, resorts, markets, etc. to eat at the Beach Tango restaurant Beach Tango restaurant Facebook page which became our favorite go-to place to eat. Why? The food and drinks were good. There was interesting eye candy – one of the wait staff had our constant attention. Plus, there were many interesting people walking up and down the beach – as there are many, many, bars and restaurants in this area. Beach Tango is smack in the middle of all of the fun and is an entertaining place to be situated. Then after dinner back to the room to relax for my nightly massage. Life is good. Day 3 (17 Jan 2024) itinerary Enjoy the buffet breakfast and then head down to the extreme southern part of Koh Chang (on the opposite side of the island) to visit the very famous Koh Ngam beach. It was a very long drive as we needed to cross the island to the other side (mainland facing), and this part of the island is not built up like the other side, so consequently, the main road became narrower and narrower up into the mountains to the point where there was only room for 1 car to pass one way with very steep curvy roads. Scary, but well worth the reward to arrive at the tiny boat station to take the 10 minute boat to cross over to the breath taking Koh Ngam. You can choose your mode of transportation – by kayak or by motorboat. We chose by motorboat as we were too excited to already be on Koh Ngam. I believe that we paid 80 baht for each Thai person, and I as a farang had to pay 200 baht, which included the boat ride over to the island. Fee is paid to a ranger on Koh Ngam – as it is now part of the Thailand National Park system. Here is a good short video with some drone footage of Koh Ngam: Youtube video with drone footage of Koh Ngam And here is what awaits you on Koh Ngam – truly amazing. After enjoying Koh Ngam (swimming, relaxing, and enjoying the view and the nature) – back on the boat to Koh Chang and then back in the car for the 1 hour trip back to our resort for those 2-for-1 pool bar cocktails and amazing sunsets. Rinse and repeat the previous night at Beach Tango for dinner and drinks and then back to the resort for my nightly good-night massage. Day 4 (18 Jan 2024) itinerary Enjoy the last breakfast buffet and check-out of the resort for the long 5 hour drive back to Pattaya (Jomtien). Phong says to me – do you want to see one more exciting place before we head back? I say, sure, why not. So, we drive over to the Kai Bae Viewpoint, which is famous for its spectacular view of 4 of the Koh Chang archipelago islands, Koh Yuak, Koh Man Noi, Koh Pli and Koh Man Nok. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Kai+Bae+Viewpoint/@12.0205768,102.2919516,15z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x3104105179b452c7:0x2b4a04572dce185b!8m2!3d12.0205768!4d102.2919516!16s%2Fg%2F11b6tz721w?hl=en&entry=ttu Note that there is excellent coffee available at this Kai Bae viewpoint. Before almost reaching Pattaya, my 2 tour guides noticed that we were all sad that our 4 day trip was coming to a quick end, so they said do you want to eat at a fun place that is near Pattaya (about 1 hour away) before we call it a day? I said sure – as I really like to see and experience new places. So, we stopped off at the Tamnanpar Resort & Restaurant – one of these many nearby Pattaya / Rayong restaurants that are tucked away in a jungle theme – various Thai friends have taken me to different ones as each Thai person swears that his/her’s is the best. Tamnanpar resort and restaurant Facebook page This place is famous for their unique game cuisine where you can eat ostrich, crocodile, snake, and deer. All was good and our random waiter was someone that my 2 tour guides already knew and were teasing him about his in-the-bed attributes – he was quite shy but willing to tease back my 2 Thai friends. I truly enjoy when the Thais do this to each other as it is very entertaining. Then they dropped me off at my condo room in Jomtien and our trip concluded. Trip summary: Would I go back to Koh Chang? Most certainly – it is a large island and there is still more to see. Especially to visit many of the many off-shore islands in the archipelago. Maybe stay for one more additional day to take some time to do kayaking. Any regrets? Yes, we did not have time to see the famous abandoned boat “ghost” hotel. Nation Thailand article on the famous "ghost" ship on Koh Chang Contact details (HORNET and Line) for my 2 Thai tour guides from the Dongtan volleyball field in Jomtien. They can be available to be a tour guide, companion, or masseur. permission was granted to me by the both of them to publish their details for all of you Also, come and visit them at volleyball (nightly from about 5:30 pm until 8pm to 9pm daily) – right next to the Sea Rescue in front of the Pattaya Park Tower on the beach road of our Dongtan beach. Phong Hornet ID is: @m-thailand Boat Hornet ID is: @13hq91
    22 points
  15. Day 2 First full day and kind of quiet. After energetic night and jet lag still lingering I took it easy. D and me had breakfast at Foodland of all places and parted ways. As it happened I did not see him anymore this trip even if visited Tawan quite a few times, Perhaps he went home or it was just bad luck. I had some dental work to do at Thai Smile. Passing by I stepped in just to book an appointment but doctor was expected to be free in few minutes and since I had money on me I just wait and had it done . Then feeling bit sleepy decided to energize myself with massage so went to soi 6 and Nut from Maha spotted me approaching from mile away and grabbed me right away. Sweet , talkative , tiny but very muscular guy and I was happy with our 1.5 hr session. Massage made me hungry so I took motorsai to Charoen Krung soi 49, you guessed rightly to Madrid Tavern for my first pizza this trip. Late afternoon jet lag made me wanting badly to get some sleep so I returned to the room, set my alarm for 21.00 as I was supposed to pick up Y at Moonlight as agreed yesterday and collapsed on the bed. It was good idea with that alarm since I was sleeping soundly. After making myself looking decent – in Thailand I have habit to shave just before I hit bars in the evening and went to Moonlight. Y was there already , I bought him a drink and told him we will go after the show. At 10 pm bar was almost empty bar even if it was half an hour before show. But models and floor boys soldered on regardless. By 11 filled up nicely to about half capacity. Show quite decent. There, s new model, I guess his nick is Sam or similar. Quite handsome . Several new, floor boys, as well. Lack of crowds did not mean disaster as some high spending farang was holding court and was distributing tips by a handful. Y when sitting with me asked by said farang to join for round of drinks. Y asked my permission and he said for 15 minutes only. I agreed and it was a good move costing me nothing. After 15 minutes, and gulping 2 or 3 shoots he was clutching in his fist no less than 900. So it seems that sparse crowd doesn’t mean financial disaster. All depends. On another hand during my time there i.e. 10 to 11.45 my off was only one and I was, sitting in good position to see comings and goings through the door. So at 11.45 we went to Happy Beer Garden to have some meal, no prize for guessing what I had. Y ordered something simple as well which can’t be said about most boys I used to invite there. Since Raya is across the street few minutes after paying the bill we were already in the shower. Y never disappoints and did not even try to this time either. 2nd night and 2nd great one. Will I ever get decent sleep while in Thailand?
    22 points
  16. ichigo

    Trip Report (Jan 2024)

    This recent trip was the longest I've stayed in Thailand (nearly a month) and was enjoyable despite some random health issues that decided to pop up. Rather than a day by day account, I'll just outline some interesting points. Bangkok Bars Dreamboys: I went here a few times, mainly to see my favourite boy and managed to off him just once. I think he is popular because on another two occasions I visited the bar, he was already booked by a customer. I felt as though the quality has dropped since last time, but there are still some gems. Screwboys: I was surprised by the high quality here actually, and there were lots of good choices to my taste. I had a short list of two, and it so happened to turn out that they are brothers (and Vietnamese). Took the older one first, and his English skills were really good and he was quite charismatic. The following night I went with the younger brother. Both were satisfactory, nothing earth shattering but an enjoyable time nonetheless. Mamasan was helpful and wrote down the badge numbers of boys that could do my requests. Freshboys: Didn't off anyone here, rather just watched the show and had a drink. I liked the choices here though, lots of toned twinks. Tawan: Just went here for the show as the boys here are much too big for me. Really relaxed atmosphere (although packed in like sardines), and the most x-rated show with a fucking show and jerk-off show amongst others. There were a couple of smaller looking guys in the rotation that would have been suitable for me, as well as the waiter. Banana bar: The majority of the show is katoeys, but they are the most stunning I've seen in all of the bars. The boys don't get much stage time, but I did spot one that I had offed previously when he used to work at Freshboys so we had a drink together. Smoking is allowed in this bar so you will smell like an ashtray when you leave. Moonlight: Went mainly for the show, which is very tame these days. Lots of good options in the rotation though, plus there are the models. Hotmale: A good line up here, and a good show (with very nice dicks). I went back with a Cambodian guy and he was lots of fun. Jupiter: Firstly, very impressed with the quality here. All model material and I could have easily gone with any of them. Mamasan told me the off fee and expected tip for boy, which he said 3000 for short time which I thought was a little on the higher side but maybe because they are models, the higher tip was expected. Or inflation. I ended up going with a nice Cambodian boy, sex was pleasant (but not earth shattering), and afterwards when I gave him 3000 he asked 'is that all?' I was confused, so then he said his rate was 5000. I was dumbfounded. To avoid any conflict I offered 4000 which he accepted. Note to myself for future, to always ask the boy what his tip expectations are, even if you know what the market price is. Kinda left a sour taste in my mouth, but this doesn't reflect so much on the bar itself. You live and you learn, and I'll put it down as an expensive mistake. Sol: The only bar I didn't manage to get to, but there is always next time. Massage Prime: I went here quite a few times, as I always do, and it's always high quality and run like a well-oiled machine. Advance bookings are required, although I think they are getting a little quieter now that high season is slowing down a bit. Jey Spa: My first time here. I booked in advance a boy who I had been admiring for quite some time, and I was really happy I finally met him. Exceeded my expectations too. Facilities are quite nice, and they are very responsive on Line. Senso: Only my second time here. The boy that I had last time was on vacation, so I chose another who was smiling and waving at me. He was a lot of fun and definitely worth a repeat when I come back. Kman: Last trip I had an excellent time here, so ended up booking the same boy and had an excellent time again. Prices here are much cheaper, but I tip generously. Hotels Quarter Silom: Good location. The rooms are a little small but well-presented, and with some interesting lighting controls. Rooms are not sound proofed, so you will hear everything. This hotel attracts I think mostly gay clientele, and there is lots of eye candy. Crowne Plaza: Probably my most favourite hotel in the area, but it does come with a hefty price tag. Very quiet, and very guest friendly. I came in late one night with boy in tow, and a manager-like person even pressed the elevator button for us. Le Siam: It's decent, and I did like staying on the other side of Silom Road for once. There are heaps of food options on Convent road which was great. Room size was okay and it is a little dated, but the price point was appropriate. Other things of note I finally met the esteemed @vinapu in person! My first forum member I have met, and we had lunch at Happy Beer Garden, whilst having pleasant conversation. Nice to meet you! To be continued...
    22 points
  17. Day 12 Today we repeated yesterday’s morning routine, breakfast was quite pleasant affair as I noticed few other patrons including few young girls were following S when he was picking his food and drinks and I swear I was object of their jealousy having landed such handsome guy in jeans showing quite a nice bulge. Doubt anybody was thinking ‘ oh that’s is guy with his grandson” . I did not mind S sending some smiles toward those girls fully knowing who winner is, let them have it. Today’s destination is Sambor Prey Kuk, temple complex predating Angkor with most temples made not of stone but of bricks from 7th century on, located near Khompong Thom , half way to Phnom Penh. It took us 3 hours to get there. Entry is 10$ , they suggested hiring guide for the same amount and I agreed . She even dragged with her another girl- guide in training. Having guide there is good idea as objects are dispersed in the forest , trails are well marked but still on you own one may miss this or that. It took us about 3 hours to visit every corner, I tipped that trainee 5$ then we went to local restaurant for a meal , 16.50 $ for three, not a bad deal . Again long trip home , fortunately today Saturday traffic was quite light and it was driver suggestion we go there on Saturday as he was afraid Sunday traffic will be heavier. At home S suggested artistic part – dinner with Apsara traditional dance show on Pub Street so we went there. I like when my travel companions have own ideas not only asking “what we are doing now ? ”. At the table beside us young farang couple was sitting and I noticed both of them were paying an attention to S presence . Bit later when we had chance meeting on the street they even said " Hi " to him ignoring me entirely. You can't imagine how my fragile ego was hurt at that moment I meantime S got message from his bar friend , Siem Reap native, who came to see his folks at home and when he show me his picture it turned out I also know him from 2 long time offs, one threesome included. So we went to see him , he was dining with another boy and somebody suggested ‘lets go check Barcode “. I offered to finance that escapade but at the door we were sent away- today bar closed for some private function. Other two boys said they are going to bed and that was idea S and I borrowed from them so we parted ways every couple marching to different bed. I had another senior moment – why I did not suggest “ lets go all to our room”. Knowing that friend there was chance idea would be approved. Oh well. S and me still managed to had some fun including feasting on some pistachios and fruit while sitting naked on balcony right above hotel’s pool closed at that hour.
    21 points
  18. JackR

    Trip Report - Nov 2023

    Hello Everyone I'm devastated to have just returned home from a trip to BKK. I hadn't been since 2019 and definitely made up for lost time. It was sad to see Soi Twilight gone since I was last there, but also exciting to see new (and old) bars sprouting up across the street. I don't do massage places, so this is just some notes on the bars I visited Dreamboys Dreamboys (original) was the first bar I ever visited in BKK, and we've made a tradition of always visiting here on our first night. I always remember this place more for its crazy shows - like where the big inflatable cock squirted water over everyone. That seems gone now sadly. New venue is a good size. Boys are of mixed type. I'm concious from other threads that the owner fired non-Thai boys. I met one Viet working in Fresh Boys who said he had been let go from Dreamboys recently, but didn't elaborate, so this might be related. Jupiter Probably the bar that excites me the most and frustates me the most in all of Bangkok. Most of the guys here are undoubtely gorgeous - straight looking, athletic, confident types - some very good looking. This bar has a slightly cooler atmosphere to it. Some members complain about perhaps the boys being too... modelly. I get that. But they work for me. I have to say that their shows are the sexiest. I find most bars don't use best looking boys for the shows (maybe the best looking boys are not the best performers) but in Jupiter, the guys performing are great. The guys are all shirtless and will do 3 or 4 parades around the bar - sometimes in pants, and sometimes in jeans. Always seemed to be busy. We visited 3 times - even early in the week at 10, and could barely get a seat! But I find this place frustrating because the best looking guys almost always seemed to be taken quickly (or reserved) by high-rollers, VIPs, or rowdy tables of young women. Only on the last night, did one of the mamasans show any interest in asking us if we we wanted anything. He took me "shopping" backstage to find boy I liked. Worked out in the end... On a side note, a couple of guys I was interested were performers, but did not wear numbers on their jeans on the final "walk" of the night. Could not tell if they were simply non-offable performers, or perhaps if they were already taken. Does anyone know why they walk without numbers? On a second side note - some v cute, young-looking waiters - with numbers. Strange mix. I would imagine that the people coming to see the guys at Jupiter, would not be interested in this type. Moonlight I like the atmosphere in this bar. Even on a late weekday night, the place was busy with all kinds of customers, and everyone excited to see the performers. I have to admit, I had grown tired of seeing all the usual "superstars" in pics and videos online. But they still put on a great show. And seeing Babe perform again in person - he is beautiful. That smile! The selection of boys is good looking - feel like they have a similar vibe to Jupiter - the kind of guys young female tourists want to drink with. Most wore jeans & t-shirts. Tawan Only visited here once. Only ever visit here once on any trip. I take a notion to see these big guys out of curiosity, but ultimately bodybuilders are not my type, and the show is too rough for me - it had whipping, cigarettes, wax etc. As some members have pointed out, I did see one twink here - but he seemed to be the bottom for the muscle boys. He got carrieed around the room, table to table, for tips, while being f*cked. Fresh Boys Really liked the selction of guys here. Almost totally twinks (some twunks). All shirtless. They did a big cock show where they whack their dicks against a metal pole. Ouch. Hot Male Only visited here once, briefly, after midnight. The guys were attractive and nice bodies. I didn't see much of interest for myself, but I don't want to say its indicative of the bar, given how late I visited. Screw Boy First revalation of the trip. I don't know why I didn't visit here on previous trips. I sometimes got a sense from this forum that this bar was seedy or low class or something, so I was never really inclined to go. We ended up here somewhat accidentally when, after leaving a last minute, post-midnight trip to Fresh Boys, empty-handed, a hawker grabbed us surreptitiously on the staircase. "Show at 1!" So we went in. Really liked this place. I was delighted, not just to find a bar that opened later than the others on this street (they do shows at 1 am), but it had lots of really cute young guys, a fun atmostphere (opposite of cool atmosphere of Jupiter), 2 fun, friendly mamasans, good music and also a young male performer who looked like he could be an idol or something (later discovered he is a male performer on the Ladyboys of Bangkok tour). The guys all wore matching white baseketball outfits. Visited here 3 times. Banana Bar Second revalation of the trip. I was not going to go to this bar because there was nothing written about it in the forums that made it particularly stand out to me. But I was left alone by my friend one night of the trip because of a business meeting. After a drink alone at Connections Bar on Soi 4, I decided to wander in and had a great night. Beautiful ladyboys and performers, who had toured the UK as part of "The Ladyboys of Bangkok". Main performer very handsome. Waiters were friendly. And also I was startled to meet the mamasan here who used to work in X-Boys. I spoke to her about some of the changes since I had last been here. Of course a lot of money was spent. Amateur. Went back second night, but attention was on a VIP table. Mamasan told us same customer had spent 100k tips on a previous night. Wow. Had the same big cock pole whacking show as Fresh Boys. G's Third revelation of the trip. Sorry, I know this isn't about a bar - but I had never been to G's restaurant before on Soi 4. My friend and I went one night and got German/Thai fusion dishes which were delicious. Fully intended to go here again, but didn't due to other commitments, but this will definitely be a stop for dinner on the next trip. Recommended! Did not get to visit Sol or New Twilight unfortunately. Frustations with "Line" - had line contact for one of the Moonlight stars but when I logged into a very old account, it wouldn't let me add new contacts. So I tried to sign out and back in again, but said my account was blocked for 58 days. End of that adventure. Very sad and exhausted to be home now. But hope you enjoy my notes.
    21 points
  19. Day 3 Spent a good part of the early morning catching up with work and by around brunch time, I am having a dilemma which app to order my nourishment from: Grabfood or Grindr. Obviously I chose the latter. The novelty of being able to have such service delivered to your doorstep during a work break is so appealing to me. Since it's a bit early, Grindr was relatively quiet yet the selection is decent. After 40 minutes, I am making my way down to fetch my mid morning snack - a hunky guy from Myanmar. I asked him if we could buy something to eat first before going up. He said yes but I guess it took a while for him to understand given the bewildered look on his face when I started walking towards the street. He started to relax and became more chatty when we enter my apartment. We had the usual conversation exchanges (where you from?, first time in Bangkok?, how long you stay?) while finishing our snacks. He then stood up and asked if he can go shower. With Ghanaian guy using the extra towel last night, I went fiddling through the drawer looking for some fresh towels when I heard the magic words "come with me?" Of course, Who am I to decline? After another steamy session, he stayed for around half an hour more with us cuddled up and him showing me some memes and funny videos some of which I couldn't understand (but gave it a polite chuckle). After he left, I threw the towels in the washer and hang it out to dry for future BFs to use. Definitely a disadvantage of being in an air bnb. Decided to do some retail therapy this time so off I went to platinum mall. Nothing has changed much since I went last year except more and more shops are doing live stream selling while looking after walk-in customers as well. Talk about multitasking! I went straight to the top floor where the food court is and was pleased to see that the lunch swell has finished. There's a couple of stalls that have Michelin Bib Gourmand distinction one of them a Hainanese Chicken stall that I always go to. One order is around 70 baht but serving size is quite small so I always order two and requests that they put it in one plate to make me look less of a glutton. I then paired it with Mango sticky rice and Thai iced tea (a.k.a my Platinum Meal). Old habits are hard to break. After buying a couple of stuff, I went back to the apartment to rest and prepare for the night. Got myself some decent cheese and a bottle of wine which turned out to be a letdown. Any tips where to find good wine here in Bangkok? When the time was ripe, it was decided that freshboys will be the destination tonight. I was careful walking past Screwboys as the guy working there that I met a couple of days back is getting a tad too dramatic with his confessions of love and proposals to be together. When I stopped replying, the messages escalated to another level of drama. I am hoping that the translation app he uses causes this. Stepping inside, the first person to greet me was Nam. He's working in there as a waiter and I did offed him last time I was there. His face brightened up gave me a hug and asked if I remember him. Just for context, while Nam is good-looking, he's not the usual guy you would off especially if youre after a guy with good built (he's medium built with a baby paunch) and he's not as well endowed down there unlike the guys on stage. However, what sets him apart from others in my book is quite personal. He's a dead ringer/doppleganger of my first highschool crush who's also my best friend. The resemblance including the height, built, dimples, playful demeanor is just uncanny. The only and huge difference I know is that my highschool crush is next level conservative and ultra religious. So I guess Nam brings something extra to the table: the fantasy / nostalgia of a previously "forbidden fruit" now within my reach. For some reason, there's still that feeling of giddiness and warmth when Nam sits next to me and showers me with attention. So I stayed there for the whole night. If I have to be honest, this is my least favourite bar and would be in the bottom of my list if Nam is not in there. The only reason for this is it seems that people working there are a tad more "in your face" when asking customers for tips and drinks. I am not being naive and acknowledges that bar workers from Mamasan, touts, waiters, bar guys are after tips and would squeeze out every opportunity to make it happen. Maybe it's just me but I prefer a bit more subtlety rather than for example one of the waiters asking me for tip the moment he puts down my first drink. Or the Mamasan asking "you buy me drink?" After asking my name and where I'm from. But going back to the happy part. I was enjoying the show especially with my imaginary highschool sweetheart Nam, sitting by my side, lots of cuddling, flirting and his hands wandering around my body with his mischievous bedimpled smile convincing me that "we go home together tonight". And we did. At least in Bangkok, this nerdy, socially awkward and closeted highschool guy's dream came true.
    21 points
  20. Day 2.5 To resist the urge of showing up in the bar early, I tried to distract myself by focusing on work and when that proved to be futile, decided to switch to the apps. Grindr got a reasonable buffet of guys with varying rates quoted with the most common ranging from 1500 to 2000. This can be argued as reasonable if you account for savings from not having to pay entrance, drinks and off fee. But where is the fun in that? What caught my fancy was a good drizzling of gorgeous African guys. This reminded me of how much I miss and want to go back to Brazil but plane fare remains laughably high from where I came from (even my SA friends are unable to visit home). I exchanged message with one of them who said he's from Ghana. He quoted 4000 and I responded with a non committal reply as I have plans to be out and about that night. We traded WhatsApp details just in case. When i can no longer contain my excitement, I decided to taxi towards Surawong and treat myself to a foot massage. At least I can enjoy people watching while someone got firm hold of my feet preventing me from marching straight to the bars! After the massage, I decided to head to Tawan. The nice beret wearing Uncle hastily ushered me inside while trying to explain that it's a "BDSM boy show" I responded with a wink and he smiled. The interior did not change since I visited last year. I noticed though that there's a set of stairs leading to a second floor/platform/stage. Not sure if it's new or I didn't notice it previously as I was sitting quite far inside away from the stage last time. One thing I appreciate with Tawan is the fun, friendly and relaxed atmosphere. The guys roam around socialising with guests. I even saw one guest with his hands inside the guy's short for like forever. No judgement but I hope he gets an off or a generous tip! Maybe I'm getting old but I swear Tawan's clientele especially the Asians are getting younger and younger. My gaze was low-key fixated to a couple of cute twunk until I reminded myself my intention of being here. From my peripheral vision I saw a Tawan guy sat beside me but I tried to play it cool. He then introduced himself as Tun (?) and a couple of minutes later, when he starts getting comfy and cheeky, his hand found its way under my shirt giving me massage and whatnots. We kept on chatting during the show reminiscing how the old site across the street was better and how Tawan is now mainly a "show bar" and how rarely they get boy drinks or offed now. I just shrugged my shoulder saying that maybe its low season and hopefully things will be better for him in a few months. He said most guys in the bar goes for around 3500 to 4000 with a few going as low as 3000. I nodded and just gave him a smile. I was really enjoying my time with him when my phone starts beeping. I stepped out and it was the Ghanian guy who suddenly had a change of heart and lowered his rate to 2500. You gotta love lean season! With that information, I tipped my Tawan guy and bid Surawong good night. I was a bit paranoid meeting with this Ghanian guy because I'm in an air bnb outside the Silom area and I'm not sure how the guards will react when I bring a guy to my unit. My fear turned out to be unfounded as we even got a smile and a salute from the one of the security guys when we entered. You gotta love Thailand! In the apartment, we wasted no time and things escalated and got steamy quite quickly. The session was so intense and tender at the same time. He looks much better in person and well built. I could just look at him the whole day. However, there's still that Brasilian or specifically a Carioca "factor" missing from the experience. I can't explain it. We had a good chat after and I was getting wary that the post-play chat is taking quite a while he might be thinking of staying the night? It's a personal policy that I don't let people I met first time via app to stay overnight - only those working in the bars or GP Sauna in Brazil once I have done my due diligence. So I pretended and said that I would like to go out and eat and asked him what his plans are. I think he got my cue and said that he'll be making his way home. I paid as agreed plus a reasonable tip. He's too gorgeous not to be given a tip to be honest. After sending him on his way, I went back to my room and gave myself a high five for a productive day two!
    21 points
  21. Day 3 In the morning MJ joined Y and me breakfast and after breakfast I got bit amorous so asked Y to return to the room for a little bit more electoral discussions. 1 hour, 1 thousand , pure pleasure. Today I’m planning to see latest Indiana Jones movie, MK expressed an interest in that as well and so did Y as soon as I mentioned about such an opportunity. When Y left I went to Sam Yan Mitrtown to buy a tickets which turned out not necessary to do in advance as cinema was hardly crowded. In early afternoon MK and me walked there all the way from hotel. Y appeared at the same time, so much about boys not able to keep appointed time . As for movie itself I liked it, 2 hours action non stop although story itself bit too sophisticated for my liking but I won’t say more not to spoil it for those who did not have a chance to see movie yet. I asked Y if he will be interested in repeating last night which made him visibly happy, which in turn boosted my ego exponentially and I had sweetener for that deal too. MJ and his friend are planning seafood buffet dinner atop of Baiyoke Sky tonight, MJ asked me to join in as I know his friend and I in turn asked Y if he would be interested to attend. He smiled even more broadly thinking probably “that old fool is spoiling me today big time”. He arrived at hotel on the dot and at 6.30 pm our trio took taxi to Baiyoke where MJ’s friend was waiting for us already at the entrance. Great time was had by all, food and conversation were excellent although I couldn’t utilize food in full tending to be bit allergic to the seafood. After dinner we went to moving platform on the top to admire Bangkok by night and take some pictures. Great evening and great company. Upon returning to hotel we did not waste much time to return to our discussions, this time about subway plans for Asuncion , Paraguay and Maputo, Mozambique. Day 4 started soon after midnight. Somebody threw party and with walls paper thin it was noisy to a point of nuisance. I’m actually surprised that hotel management did not intervened as it could be certainly heard on reception. Since I had such company I was not that much interested in sleeping so we carried on. When they stopped it was already dawning so we got some sleep in the morning. Over breakfast conversation came to subject of Mahanakhon. Not sure who started it but it turned that Y never was there so I suggested we go today. Pilgrimage to that glass at 314 meters above the ground is my must do every trip. Y went home to change clothes and when we met at the tower 1.5 hr. later all I could say was ‘wow’ . Certainly he dressed for occasion. Yes, I saw few heads turning , both in lobby and at the top. Neither hysterics nor excessive sweating on the glass which can’t be said about every boy I invited there and I invited quite a few over years. I suggested we have a drink and was surprised that after carefully studying price list he asked for coffee, cheapest item. That guy is a gem. Not that I did not know before. Word of advice for those entertaining idea of taking boy there. Since that’s quite expensive foray please make sure that guy you are inviting there is really interested in going and not doing that just to make you happy. I had few guys who did not enjoy the heights and even one who said afterwards that he would prefer to receive half admission fee ( 880 baht ) in cash instead. Anyways Y was happy and so was I. After quite intensive 2 days in his company I told him he will be free tonight as I had other plans but promised to see him again. We do have chemistry , that’s good news. I returned to hotel to have a rest after sleepless night. In the afternoon I went to soi 6 where N, the masseur was surprised to see me . Of course we had massage session which turned more romantic than therapeutic. For dinner I suggested to MK Madrid Tavern to which he agreed and we went there by BTS and walked from Saphan Taksn Station. Lady’s reaction there was funny “ you still here, you told me last time you going home ?” so I explained that in fact I left and I’m back again. Not sure she was convicted though. Anyways pizza was great as always. We returned to Silom by bus and resolved to visit Tawan tonight as both MK and me are fond of their offerings. So hour or two later with pockets full I went there , MK was already in. as always I was mobbed by boys but used MK presence claiming he is my boyfriend and won’t be offing anybody tonight which eased a bit of tip requests. I was hoping S will be there and he was indeed so I secured him for long time tonight but we soldiered on in the bar till midnight when bar started emptying. Again it was no problem walking there, S modestly asked for some food on the street. Tonight my floor was quiet , no party , no noises so it felt like just S and me. He knows what I like and I know what he likes (over market tips ) so again great chemistry.
    21 points
  22. Hey folks. I've enjoyed reading trip reports on here in the past (most recently CallMeLee's excellent thread) so I thought I would share my experiences. This is an on-going report, so I will update it as needed as the month progresses. I'm only including my experiences with moneyboys and the bar system, and won't include day-to-day activities or personal hook-ups. I will detail sauna visits in as much as possible. My interest in doing this is partially to understand more about the system and how to work it effectively. I can't help but feel like I'm being scammed when I compare these experiences with ones I've read in the past. Please share all that you know with me, and I'll try and answer any question you have. I am a younger caucasian male and my interest is in big cocks and muscular guys who enjoy flexing. While this may sound typical, most of the reports I've read are more Twink-focused and haven't been helpful in getting what I want. I also haven't seen many detailed reports about the system, just brief mentions. I hope to make it easy for everyone to understand. First Experience, Two Nights in Space: Having already been in Bangkok for a few nights, a friend from outside of the country decided to make a short stopover. I told him I wanted to go to Jupiter2018 and see the show and he agreed to join me. I did see the Jupiter show on a previous trip, but merely for the show itself- I was naive and even younger. I told my friend what I had remembered of the show in the past. The men in Jupiter were like boyband members, lean and muscular, with meager rhythm and mediocre talent. They would go on stage and preform a number, interspersed with drag performances, but they were often good-looking and charming. We arrived a little after 10:00 PM and I paid 500 THB in entrance fees for each both of us, for 1000 THB total. The bar was quite packed, and perhaps as clientele that didn't look like they needed to spend money (my friend is a well-built caucasian male), we got sat in the corner table left of the front stage. We had a partially obscured view, but the advantages would be apparent later. Once sat, a waiter comes up with a flashlight and a menu. A drink is included with the entrance fee, but it's non-alcoholic. You pay extra for that, are you surprised? That's fine with us as we want to see the show we weren't planning on drinking. We order a Coke Zero each. To me, the 500 THB fee is worth it for the show. I wouldn't recommend ordering a second drink though. Spend that money on something more worthwhile. I was actually giddy with excitement. While not particularly horny, I am always interested in seeing an attractive guy showing off his physique. Luckily the men met my expectations. Nearly all of them had lean, muscular bodies with several being substantially larger. Only one model was an average looking Twink, and I actually felt a little sad for him being surrounded by what was on stage. Many of the models had tattoos and gave a polished gang vibe, like they'd definitely slam you against a wall by your neck. Hot. My favourite thing about Jupiter is that you can see the gym equipment and watch the models pump before their performances. It's also a two-level stage, and models often hang out on the top portion and look down after they've done their walk. You can view them at a different angle. It's a good venue and offers more voyeuristic opportunities than any other. The show itself starts with the introduction of the models. They each come on stage, one by one, and walk along a track through the bar. It gives the crowd a good opportunity to see them up-close, and of course to offer them a tip if you want to get their attention. That's another positive about Jupiter, but I'll touch on that at the end. The performance continues with an act from 4 of the men. It's a dance number with okay choreography, but one of the models doesn't quite match up. The models perform with a serious, stern look. It's quite sexy and gives an intensity to their performance. After this, I'm approached by one of the many mamasans of the bar. My friend points out that he's pretty attractive himself. He's in his 40's but I agree, a retired performer himself? More feminine than most of the models though, but not overly. I'm asked which one I want and I'm surprised I'm given such an early pick. That's not my intention tonight though. I'm just here to watch the full show with a friend, and takes notes for a future visit. "All of them!" I say, smiling ear to ear. They take the hint and walk away. My friend says that he might take the offer in the future. I'm a little surprised as I didn't expect him to be open to it. We each talk about which ones are our favourites. My choices all have big muscles, big ears and tattoos. There are quite a few I would consider! Upwards of 8. Does Jupiter have the best roster, or should this be expected everywhere I go? I have my answer... you'll find out as the report goes on. The next performance has a model spin a hola-hoop around his waist in a beautiful, ferocious manner. The sheer strength and endurance of this performance arouses me to a great degree. My friend leans over and whispers, "Can you imagine him in bed?" I'm instantly rock hard. He is not my type physically, but he's added to the list. A drag performance is next. I know they're unpopular with a lot of you, but I honestly don't mind. You just need to have them scheduled appropriately. The pacing needs to be right. I don't walk into a bar like this to see 6 drag performances and 3 male model performances. Luckily Jupiter does it right again. The performance is good but not great, thankfully the queen can lip-sync as I unfortunately found out that's not a minimum requirement for a lot of these place. Imagine that. There is a drag performance immediately afterward, but this one is more of a mixed performance. The drag performer plays the role of "the woman" and a one of the models plays the role of "the mysterious man." He wears a trench coat with no shirt underneath and looks down, taking long drags from a cigarette as smoke envelops around him. The drag performer lip-syncs from above the stage as he stands on the lower stage, eventually stripping down and "showering." He shows an enormous cock very briefly and my friend and I are shocked. This man is immediately my number one choice as he fits every criteria I'm looking for. He's big and broad with ripped abs, has many tattoos, big ears and as we just witnessed, a massive cock. I'd estimate it at 8 inches and quite thick. As we are on the front side of the stage, we get quite a good look at it! I think I have done enough research. I have my choice, but not tonight. We slowly sip our drinks and no one bothers us again. They do sit another patron at our table. They approach him several times and eventually he's moved to a better seat. I tell my friend that it's because he's spending money. Surely enough, he's soon sitting with one of the models. The bar has several women in it tonight. One Chinese woman is dressed very nicely, and keeps buying shots for the models. She also places a 1000 THB ring around two of the model's necks. My friend and I question what this is. Is he the top performer? Is he off the market for the night? I found out that it's merely a way of giving a large tip. I was wondering why she was so special! Her attire threw me off. Was she attending a gala immediately afterwards? Did I see a diamond tiara on her head? Oh, no, it's just her radiant beauty sparkling from across the floor. Another patron in front of us gives a 100 THB bill to each performer as they walk past him. He gropes them with each tip and jiggles his belly with glee. He's a young Chinese guy. I keep this in mind for future visits. The show finishes off without any other memorable performances, and as the night goes on, the stage is filled with less and less models. One of the performances ends and then nothing else happens, so my friend and I assume the show must be over. I believe there is a second performance, but I can't imagine it would be as good. Who's left? Do they restock with a fresh set of faces? We both have to be up quite early tomorrow as we are taking a day trip together, so we quickly sip the remaining soda we have and we walk out. We say our goodbyes as we are staying in different hotels, in opposite directions. He says he enjoyed the show and would like to go to the other show I told him about, Tawan. I agree. I watch as he walks away and wait for him to look back. He turns the corner. All I see are night vendors. I pause for a moment, my cock twitches. I consider walking back in and bringing one of the models back home with me...
    20 points
  23. this is continuation of trip report from Thailand section at this link: https://www.gayguides.com/forums/topic/41442-better-to-be-retired-than-retarded-thailand-and-cambodia-in-january-2024-trip-report-brief-but-long/#comment-374666 Day 7 , Phnom Penh part. I had e-visa so immigration was breeze. I exchanged some money into riels as airport rates are only minimally lower than city ones ( 4000 vs 4065 for 1 USD). Some people don’t bother and are using dollars since Cambodia is practically dual currency country and is not unusual to pay 10 $ invoice with 6$ and 16000 riels ( 4 $) for example. Some places are quoting prices in riels , other in dollars but both currencies are accepted everywhere and only exceptions I know is visa on arrival and tickets to Angkor ruins where one must pay in USD exclusively. If you decide to bring dollars just make sure notes are intact without any tears , pinholes and writings on them, I saw 1 dollar banknotes rejected because of those infractions. I prefer to use riels with exception of big ticket items like boys’ tips as getting change from 50 or 100 $ bill may be problematic in country where dinner cost 5 $ and haircut 2$. Other airport purchase was SIM card for 1 week , it was 7$ if I recall correctly and then tuk-tuk to hotel for 9$. Those who want to save money on getting to hotel solution is to take bus from airport parking lot for 1000 or 2000 or leave airport area and get one of the waiting tuk-tuks outside for something like 5-7$ but I did not bother. Room was not ready so I went to Dolce Vita for lunch and returned in 1 hr to find everything ready. I stay in OK Palace hotel, twin of OK Boutique in the same soi where I stay last time. Entry to the hotel is palatial and so is room. Both hotels are in street 19Z, appendix like short soi across from National Museum and walking distance to Royal Palace and whole central area including my Phnom Penh headquarters Space Hair bar. hotel's entry view from the window sleeping machine and the room In the room I noticed I forgot phone charger in Bangkok and girl on reception suggested I go to Kandal Market where there are phone shops. Bingo indeed. Instead of walking 10 minutes I took tuk tuk for whopping 4000 and returned in style by cycle rikshaw for the same amount. After setting in I walked around admiring smells and sounds , bought tour to Killing Fields for tomorrow and at around 21.00 I walked to 136 street to my headquarters – Space Hair bar. I wish we had something like that in Bangkok although they operate on different formula . Staff are exclusively hunky and in shape – see sample from their recent Facebook. Almost all guys from the picture were present on at least one of three nights I visited there. As always almost means one was absent and that one was precisely one I wanted to see as we met already quite closely before. But if I don’t have what I like , I like what I have. Boys there are only to accompany you for drinks and talk. Forget about offs and off fees. Surely if you have designs on one or more you must be very , very discreet and be prepared for meeting absolutely outside working hours. Boss there , while very sympathetic is also very strict and serious about those rules. Cambodian Prince I had debacle with last year was fired on the spot for leaving 1 hr. earlier than scheduled and apparently only because he got drunk Drinks are not expensive 4-6 $ but if you get heated like me , they add up but this is cost of fun. Some guys are somewhat touchy-feely , others less so, kiss or 7 can be stolen after few rounds of drinks , hand and knee holding is available and generally is a lot of fun. Guys are not pushing you for drinks and absolutely no word of ‘ tip’ is spoken but obviously depending on time they sat with you and how long you were holding their knee or hand you should tip them. I gave 5- 10 $ to those few who sat with me for prolonged time. Drinks are what oils bar keep in mind so when boy empties his buy him another one or he may choose to, leave your table. But there are absolutely no situations like I had sometimes in Thai bars when boy gulped his drink in on ego and was looking for another one. It’s why I wish we have such bar in Bangkok. Easy , pleasant and no hard sell tactics. Not only boys got plenty of drinks but also myself so when I was leaving at about 2 am I was quite drunk and 90$ lighter , not to mention about 100 000 distributed for tips. But it was fun worth of every minute and every penny spent. Unfortunately I went home empty handed so to speak. I had designs on one of their boys but neither one of us was brave enough to start serious discussion. Before I went to bed for fun I checked Grindr and had “ Hi “ from quite attractive looking guy but had that senior moment and did not realize that this guy ( I’m notoriously bad reading people from pictures ) was indeed one I had designs on in bar. It only dawned on my next day in the afternoon. But by then damage was done. Not only I spent night in cold bed but also he figured out that I rejected him and was doing his best to show that he cooled to me. Oh well, lesson learned
    20 points
  24. Took Mike Taxi from Pattaya to BKK 1200 baht, driver showed up early, like always...was a female 😲 Had to stop for gas before leaving, why she wasn't prepared? Then restroom stop within 45 mins, wtf. Got to Tarntawan, feels like home here, I know all the staff. Was going to meet my German friend at Circus at 9pm, so I slept even though I wasn't tired..... Stopped by Hot Male on my way to Circus, didn't see Alex so I just kept going.....Circus was busy but not packed. Watched the drag shows from outside and talked to a couple of the host boys from Cambodia....My German friend that lives here usually wants to go home early, but we stayed until midnight, I was surprised, but he liked one of the Cambodia boys and he tipped him....he never tips boys, lol Did a walk around soi 6 from Silom as all the massage shops were closing and went to Super A....was late, sad and disappointing @reader maybe I was just too late 😟 Walked back to Hot Male and Alex was there, his night off but was drinking (surprise, lol) I like him so much. Went over towards ScrewBoys, everyone was outside because was a drag show on....I cruised and chatted with a few guys, one really got my attention. I told him to see me at Hot Male when he finished. He and a friend came over and said they were going to Banana Bar for after hours.....I went to my hotel to refill some cash (I don't have so many pockets) and went to Banana Bar, you'd never know anything was open on soi 4, was pitch dark..... went upstairs and found Screwboy guy and we hung out and got progressively drunk together. Invited he and his friend back to my hotel, but first a stop at Foodland for food.....then so much fun back at my room. We went on for HOURS....I hope to see him again tonight, I hope he's alive, he still hasn't read my line message. I woke up horny around 11am and checked Grindr...was some guy my type, said he was hanging out at Lumphini and would come for 1000 baht, no need to negotiate at that price. I waited outside of the hotel to make sure he looked like his pics....he did. 30 minute massage then we had some good sex, another one I'd see again, maybe tomorrow. The screwboys guys only asked for 1000 each if I went with both, was almost like 2 for 1 ..... First night was a good one....I hope the rest of the nights are as much fun.
    20 points
  25. @newtobangkok123 in Thailand's massage parlours, whether it's a place primarily for legit massages or one primarily for erotic massages, the client makes two payments. The first is to the shop. The amount will be based on the their price list depending on the service you choose. You know that already. Some shops require you to pay before the session begins, other shops are happy to take payment (for the shop) after the session. The second payment is directly from you to the service provider. It is always made AFTER the session. Your chief question is how to know how much. First of all, not all massage places publish minimum tips. Some do, some don't. Legit massage places almost never publish minimum tips. Erotic massage places mostly do nowadays, or if they do not publish them publicly, the receptionist will whisper to you as you pay the shop's fee. Or, there will be something stated as a footnote on the menu card. Just be alert and pay attention. The rule of thumb is that any place with a stated minimum, however stated - whether publicly published, whispered or footnoted - you can assume to be an erotic massage place where the service provider expects that you would want a happy ending, or at least to get hard. So, to your question: Once I know the minimum tip, does this tip include the happy ending? the answer is Yes. Also, even if you decline the offer of a happy ending during the session, the minimum applies. That's simple enough However, regular visitors to massage parlours do not always pay just the minimum. The "how much" gets trickier. If it's a handjob, something like the minimum, plus a bit more (20%?) if you're orgasmically over the moon, will be fine. But if it was mediocre, just pay the minimum. More often than not, there is no discussion about handjobs; the service provider proceeds towards it, and you have to stop him if you do not want the session to go in that direction. If you're into plugging holes, you will probably be having a brief discussion in the room regarding who does what to whose hole, and in the course of that discussion, the service provider may mention a figure perhaps 25-50% higher than the previously stated minimum. Naturally, if you agree, that's the new minimum for your session. (If he quotes a new figure that is 75 - 100% above the pre-session minimum, I am likely to turn it down, as such a high mark-up probably indicates an unwillingness to go that route.) Whatever you've agreed, you can tip another 20-30% more above that new minimum if you're intoxicated with delight from his services (but they don't expect that). If for some reason, there is no discussion about any new minimum, then if he bottoms, you can still use the above percentages as a guide, i.e. anything from 25 - 50% above the minimum that was stated pre-session. If he tops. I think the pre-session minimum is still the reference level (but this is not an area I am familiar with). If it's a legit massage, my practice is to think in terms of maximum tip and then discount from there. If it was an excellent legit massage, I would apply the maximum, which would be an amount for the service provider that is the same quantum as what the shop charged for the session. However, if it was legit, but substandard, then I start discounting from the maximum. Example: I book a legit massage for 700 baht. If the guy delivers a very good massage, he gets 700 too. If not so good, then 600, or 500 and so on. What happens if, in what looks like a legit place, the service provider also delivers a handjob in the privacy of the room? If there was a discussion in the room, then all's clear. If no discussion, then I tend to tip some kind of industry average for handjob, which, in Bangkok (since you asked about Bangkok), may be in the 1000 - 1200 range. As with all conversations about appropriate tips, this post is going to get wild reactions from other members of the board. Some will say my ranges are too high and I am spoiling the market. More likely, others will pick up a megaphone and decry what a cheapskate I am. Without knowing who I am or which country I come from, they will say that (a) I come from a rich country, (b) I am perforce rich, and (c) I am a disgrace to humanity for failing to throw money around like Mansa Musa on his pilgrimage to Mecca. All I can say is that my rules of thumb have worked for the hundreds of massages I have had over decades, and no service provider has said - not to my face at least - I tip too little. I simply don't believe in bragging about my wealth (if any) by showing off. I was raised by parents who taught me that showing off is very crass.
    20 points
  26. Cont... Jupiter : I was also there twice, once on a weekday and once on a weekend. 1st drink was at THB 500. I didn't off anyone here as well. The models were all gorgeous that I don't think there's any single one that I wouldn't want to off 😅. Possibly the most number of models out of all the bars I managed to check out. On both days, there were a lot of patrons here (compared to other bars). Particularly on the weekend, it was so full that the waiters were struggling to find places to sit the incoming patrons. The shows were great, a mix of sexy shows and drag performances. I would echo the observations of other members on the general lack of smile or eye contact by models (I was seated facing the centre of the runway such that the models, when doing their rounds, would be seeing me face to face at a point but not a single one smiled). All in all, I had a good time there admiring the models and enjoying the shows. One thing I would note is that, perhaps a little different from what I've read previously, there were not that many female patrons on the weekday when I was there (I'd say less than 10, in a packed bar). Hotmale : I was only here once on a weekday, close to midnight. It was after their show. There were probably less than 15 models there, and only a few other patrons. Drink prices were the same as others and I didn't off anyone here. The models were a mix of the generally fit/athletic type and twinks, and probably the most enthusiastic out of all the bars I went to. They would try to win your attention as much as they could while on stage. Dreamboy : I also went here twice, once on a weekday and once on a weekend. Drinks were a little more expensive at THB 550 on both days. There was a variety of models available for off, ranging from twinks to jocks to muscle guys. I find the shows here to be the most interesting out of all (with the pyro act and flying angels etc.). Some of the models on stage will try to make eye contact and flash a smile, but others seemed rather disinterested. At least none were on their phone while on stage. There were quite a few I would love to off next time. Moonlight : I went here twice as well. The drinks were priced at THB 500. I did off a boy from here (his drink + off fee = THB 900, if I'm not mistaken). The captain was very informative about the boys (who tops, btms etc.), told me about the minimum tip expected for an off (THB 2,500) and even went to pull out additional photos of the boys from his phone. The boys are generally of the same type as Jupiter. The guy I offed told me he remembered seeing me the previous day I was there (and he was right on when that was) so maybe the boys do take note of who sits in the audience? I noticed one particular boy who did give a lot of eye contact and smiles on and off stage, but I didn't off him this round (I went with the captain's recommendation). The shows were alright but maybe because I've seen videos of their models before that it wasn't that exciting in person. My ST experience with the boy was also good, and I would definitely off him again. It helped that I clarified what I was expecting to do with him at the bar, to which he confirmed to be OK with him. He is friendly and spoke fairly decent English. Massage I only managed to check out one massage centre, Arena. The boys were all muscular guys that I could've easily gone with any of them. I chose one fair skinned Thai from the north and took the 1 hour VIP room oil milk massage (around THB 900 - big room and comes with tea/coffee. But for some reason, the shower room smelled a little off that even my guy commented on it). I was told that the minimum tip was THB 1000. His massage was a little too light for my liking (had to nudge him to increase the pressure) but it wasn't really bad (since I just wanted a relaxing massage anyway). The afters were alright, with some foreplay before he finished me off. He offered to finish as well for some extra tip (as it was pretty early in the afternoon) but I declined. I did still tip him more than the minimum since I enjoyed his company and conversation (even with limitations in the language department). Those were some of my observations on the gogo bars and massage centre that I went to. I am already looking forward to my 2024 trips there, as there were a lot of guys from the bars I would love to off.
    20 points
  27. Day 8 The problem with writing trip reports like this is the more that you write and reflect back on your experiences, the more the longing and temptation to go back becomes unbearable. With four "usable" days left in my trip (not counting the 12th one as its usually spent doing pre departure stuff), I decided to fuel the "non-red light" sector of the Bangkok economy. (Lol) Given the generous baggage allowance from the airline, I planned to max it out by doing an early Christmas shopping. First stop is back to my usual - Platinum mall. This place is a favourite not just for the bargains but I also find the selection interesting and it feels more "compact" than MBK i.e. more shops and selections per square metres. As this is not the main reason for my trip, I want to be as time efficient as possible! More experienced bargain hunters might say that the Pratunam Market is much better price-wise but I would rather pay a bit more for the convenience and air-conditioning. After 3 hours of walking and hauling items around, I decided that I had enough and made my way to the 5th floor for a quick foot massage. I sat there and spent the next few minutes just being thankful for this kind of experience. When the massage was over, the masseuse pointed at my bulky shopping haul saying something around asking for my permission. Long story short, the sweet auntie reorganised the content of each shopping bags moving them around which resulted to less bags and a more manageable haul. I was so touched with her gesture and let my tip reflect my appreciation. After dropping my stuff in the apartment, I rested a bit and browsed through Grindr over a cuppa. There are some interesting and potential meetups but I decided to soldier on and go to my spa appointment that I booked via app. Upon arriving there, I thought it Will be a good idea to soup up the package and add more from their menu. That took another 3 hours off my day (facial, massage, foot scrub, pedi). I marched out feeling rejuvenated and a few baht lighter. Dreamboys was tonight's destination. This will be my first time to visit since they moved to their new location. I'll say that this new location looks much better especially with the absence of that huge pillar in the middle of the stage. The place is quite full and I can see several tables with bottle service that the staff are focusing their attention to. This turn out to be positive as I was left to my own devices the whole time with no Mamasan pressuring me to make my selection and off a boy. Question: how do bottle service works and is it more cost effective? How much should I tip the guys who say with me helping to down the bottle? One guy caught my attention since he looks like a twink version of this cute Thai actor named Papang (photo below). I smiled and motioned that he come join me which he immediately did. We had a good conversation as he can speak English reasonably - He mentioned that he will be moving to Australia soon. He's very personable and attractive but for some reason, I can't feel any spark. So after handing him his tip, I made my way out not really knowing where to go next. Given my lack of direction, a tout from freshboys managed to get hold of me and dragged me inside without any resistance from my part. I sat on a corner and realised that they are more than halfway through their show - the bit where they have to hit the pole with their dick. The sound the pole makes always make me cringe and can only imagine how painful it could be. Or is there a trick? I looked around and cant seem to find Nam around. Maybe he's on leave? I also saw a group of really youngish looking female Asian customers intently watching the big cock show. When they left a little while later, I noticed that they went to the bar straight from the shopping mall. A couple of their large transparent shopping bags contains all sorts of stuffed toys and other fluffy cutesy items. What can I say? Cock aficionados do come in different shapes and forms! One guy approached me, introduced himself and asked if he can sit beside me. He's cute so I did not object and even offered to order a boy drink for him. The plot thickened when it turned out to be Nam serving the boy drink while playfully looking at me pretending to be heart broken. I continued chatting with my guy until it's time for him to do his stage rotations. Nam took this opportunity, sat beside me and with a hurt puppy look on his face asked "you don't like me anymore?" which I answered with a resounding "yes!" We both laughed it off and he took that as a signal to be clingy and have his hands wandering everywhere. At that point, I started to feel that I am enjoying the night. While variety is good, I think there's a certain degree of comfort that familiarity can bring. So when Nam popped the question "I go home with you tonight?" I happily smiled, nodded and minutes later, were out in the street making our way to my apartment.
    20 points
  28. ggobkk

    Time to return

    Well, I made it! Thursday morning United Airlines Flight from San Francisco to Tokyo, 5 hour layover, then more hours on the ANA flight to Bangkok. Arrived as Friday turned into Saturday. Using the benefit of being an ancient and following long time ago advice from PaulSF and Reader I bypassed the general immigration area and went to the monk/diplomat/old fart line. Changed some money and then my bag tumbled onto the conveyor belt. Then through the green channel at customs and down one flight to the taxi stand. Checked my watch and found that it had taken 22 minutes from departing the plane to negotiation of the taxi fee and heading to Bangkok. Quick check in at Quarter Silom. Decided to not unpack but, rather, to see what was up and happening, I thought I’d read that the closing hours were extended to 2am. So out of the hotel, soi 6 had a few guys sitting across from the dark Tawan (need to put the new name into my memory), noted that the Coffeee Grinder Silom space was up for rent. Massage emporia darkened, many with the foot massage chairs occupied by sleeping staff. Patpong was a clatter of booths being dismantled and Tuk Tuk availability being shouted. Tuned onto the next street which features a dispensary much better lit than the ones in California. A bit surprised by the aggressiveness of the “women” at the new bar (I’ll have to get the name and put in my next report). One even grabbed my arm and forcibly blocked me from forward progress - I had to push her away. Hot Male Bar and the grabber for the show were busy, I put off checking out the show which I thought might not be too busy for Mr at 1am. Went to Good Boys which in its former life was always one to stay open as long as possible…it was open and crowded….very crowded. And, I came to understand what it must be like for Vinapu, PaulSF, and Reader when they arrive after a time away. At least 40 boys on stage or in the club. Several were formerly at Banana,Hot Male, etc. and knew me then and the Vietnamese who remembered me well enough to surround me and provide much fondling, kissing, etc. I bought a few drinks and the crew around me expanded - it was clear that the Vietnamese had decided to keep others away and my eyes from wandering, which they were going. A benefit to this was when the big cock show ended and the wandering for tips for wanking headed my way, my Viet security staff blocked them from getting to my person (wallet). All this while, the stage acts kept changing, divas, drumming with personal equipment, more divas, all the boys on stage, and I had a very good back massage. While viewing At 2am, staff start bringing in the furniture that had been outside, lights go up, and it seemed that private going’s on continued. I noticed one table of two straight couples (guessing, which I shouldn’t do) had a dozen boys drinking with them. I tuned down multiple offers of night company, including one boy, who told the manager that I was offing him. I note here that there was one boy who was with another farang . One of the Viets noticed this and did a yeoman’s job of blocking my view. I left when most of the boys were departing, I gave the object of my attention a Vinapu red note with a practice Vinapu tug. His name is CoCo from Cambodia, and we will meet up night. One of the boys who I’ve known for some time insists on walking me back to the hotel. I tell him, I don’t want anyone tonight as I’m jet lagged. He says he understands. We settle on a gratuity for services and we walk back to Quarter Silom. When we pass The Tarntawan he goes to turn there, which tells me that my habits were a matter of recorded memory as for many a year The Tarntawan was my hotel of choice. After a couple of rounds of discussing Vinapu’s stamp collection and two showers. My guest accepted his gratuity, asked for a tip, after hearing “no, tried the taxi tactic. Again no, then we both laughed as I said that if I over tipped the first night in town, the word would get out and my expenses would expand. He laughed pointed out that I’d managed to avoid the off fee and confirmed with another laugh and smile that I was correct in the word of mouth as he’d already had texts about our encounter. We exchanged Line info, and he gave me the bar tag #s for CoCo, himself, and someone he thought I’d like. The sun was beginning to emerge as he emerged from the building. I have not put in his name, real/stage, as he is a Viet who kisses, sucks, bottoms, and tops. Qualifications rarely found over many many years of Viet boy experience.
    19 points
  29. bkkmfj2648

    I may do a side trip

    I just returned from 12 days in Da Nang, Vietnam - as I needed to escape Thailand's Songkran water splashing madness. I LOVE Da Nang - a mid size city right on the South China Sea with little to no pollution as the winds from the sea keep things fresh. I live in Jomtien, Thailand and I found that Da Nang from a financial point of view to be between 20% to 30% cheaper than what things cost in the Pattaya area - I believe that is because the VND - Vietnamese Dong currency is not doing well at the moment. I hired a local gay guide to show me around and he was great - DM me if you want more info about him. No sex - but a great kind guy who has his own car and could take me out of Da Nang to nearby Hue (to see the imperial city), Hoi An where we went to the nearby off-shore island of Cham to do snorkeling and on return to Hoi An proper we visited the unique coconut island water farm in those typical round circular Vietnamese boats (this was one of the highlights for me on this trip to Da Nang). The other thing that I did was rent a motorbike for several days and I just LOVED driving out of Da Nang up into the surrounding hills where you have an amazing view of all of the beaches and the Da Nang city skyline off in the distance. Da Nang has 1 gay bar = https://www.facebook.com/qbardanang1 I did not visit it as I was too busy touring around and getting my daily massages in my lovely 22nd floor AirBnB that overlooked the entire South China Sea. To meet guys, the number ONE app is BLUED - now renamed to HeeSay. Hornet is not big in Vietnam like it is in Thailand. and then there is Grindr (which I hate). Just from the HeeSay app alone - I received over 300 messages in 12 days - truly off the scale - for sex, dates (even for just a romantic walk on the Da Nang seaside), massages, and general queries. Food was great and my gay tour guide turned me onto a different type of Vietnamese coffee - which is called - Cà Phê Muối = sea salt cream coffee - this is now my MOST favorite Vietnamese coffee. so, I guess I need to do a trip report - how do I hate those - as they are so much work to write a proper one with maps, photos, info, etc. - but I will do it eventually.
    19 points
  30. Day 4 For breakfast we opted for new Foodland at Park Silom this morning . At 8 am was so packed that we managed to get only last remaining table in the corner so conductive to not so accidental knee touching and similar sinister moves. Going there we passed stand with discounted clothing and some accessories and upon seeing S took an interest in some travel bag I bought it for him as a bonus for his contribution to my almost sleepless night. I’m surprised that is more hot than last January but still at least some breeze in the morning pretending to be cool with some degree of success. After we parted ways I started tourist program today which was Lumpini and Sukhumit are where I walked from Silom, For some reason despite heat I felt like having walking day perhaps to vent off heat generated last night ?. At night I decided to make some bar tour and started with Hot Male beer bar. P of course was asking what happened to me another night, he thought I was playing practical joke with him but I bluntly explained to him that I did not like fact that he asked for a drink only to leave me to drink alone, fact that was noticed and commented even by some other patron. Anyways red note brought peace but idea of going with me tonight was dismissed. I’m easy going but not that easy going and like to be treated a bit better than on my first night there. Then to soi 4 to have beer at Banana while watching Jupiter boys coming to work and finally to Tawan. As always I was greeted enthusiastically and walking ATM curiosities should be I guess . I was surprised to see Mekhin there. At one time he was unquestionable star at Tawan and his fame lasted quite a few years. Then he moved to Jupiter and when I offed him in 2018 he told me it was very good move for him. Few years ago he had serious accident and disappeared from the scene so I was both surprised but also very happy to see him. He still has his sizable frame but unfortunately muscles are only shadow of steel reinforced concrete they were when I saw him last time. He sat beside me pretending he remembers me from days past and told me he is still in recovery and indeed some fragility in him could be noticed. As always at Tawan boys were circulating asking for tips shamelessly lowering their briefs but today I decided to be not as much stingy as selective so few were left disappointed and one even commented that I used to have good heart and what happened to me to which I cheerfully responded that you guys become too expensive. Still as always I’m of opinion that Tawan is friendliest bar of them all and I quietly thought if Jupiter was so friendly I were bankrupt long time ago. Sure boys are pushing for tips a but it all is done with good natured humor. I watched show, tipped f….ck show participants , even forked out 100 for j/o show but since my tip was only one guy on the scene resigned but my red note was still taken, he, he. Tawan is more diversified now with few twinks in the rooster and one of them being only waiter drew my attention with his smile so I decided to cross Rubicon and asked him if he wants to see my stamp collection. Me and twinky twink – shock waves were probably felt as far as Koh Samui but yes, after the show to applause of whole bar we both marched out. It was actually pleasant moment to see that his co-workers seemed to be vary happy for the boy that he landed such handsome and generous farang i.e. myself. Dinner at Happy Beer Garden, again he selected some very modestly priced dish and back to the room. 2nd Tawan boy this trip and 2nd quasi boyfriend performance This trip is really developing very well and while there will be some mild glitches , that pattern will stay till very end. Again, as with D on the 1st night , I suspect he was happy he got offed and did his best to show his appreciation. I did my part to make sure he was rewarded for his efforts and it was money very well spent.
    19 points
  31. Day 3 Raya has breakfast again at 250 per person if not included in the rate. Buffet style and all dishes very tasty. Pleased to see that guy I remember from my first stay there good 10 years ago is still working there although I have an impression he looks like 10 years older but what do I know? Today I’m moving to Baan Silom so after breakfast when Y left I packed what I have and rolled me suitcase there. Since it was bit early I was told to return at 2, left suitcase on reception and via Tourist boat went to Grand Palace are to browse stores there. It was good move as I required some old Thai banknote for my collection , one I was looking for for quite a while. This of course created an opportunity to invite somebody to admire and assess new acquisition. Upon return to hotel I was bit jet lagged- day 3 is usually my worst and collapsed on the bed for about 2 hours. Woke up quite hungry as I did not eat anything substantial since breakfast and decided to go to Unseco designated world famous Foodland Patpong for a dish picture of which is attached below. No prize for guessing it’s name though. Then wandered for about 1 hour through the area and decided to go to HotMale upstairs to see if S would be there as I kind of believe he will be best suited to see my new old Thai banknote. He was mentioned in my reports before as only boy taken for a tour ( of Grand Palace back in 2022 ) who genuinely was interested in sightseeing , even trying to explain us some paintings in the area around Emarald Buddha temple. At 21.15 bar was still very quiet. Few farangs were holding court and soon after they took 4 or 5 boys with them. S was there so I grabbed him right away even if there was no competition in the audience. Remembered from last trip when two girls were looking at him lustily when he was sitting with me already. Of course he accepted idea of seeing my new purchase not only right away but also in the morning where light will be more natural. By time we finished our drinks and took off two farangs showed up ( separately), gulped their drinks and left empty handed. Nobody was in the audience when we were leaving at 10 pm so it looked as quiet night and still quite a few offs from the bar. Via 7/11 across the hotel we went to my room and of course in a heat of the moment we forgot about my new trophy. No harm done. It turned out that next week he is going to see his folks in Cambodia and by sheer coincidence I will be in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap at the same time as well. He asked to join me for the whole week but since I had some designs on Phnom Penh I suggested he will join me for 4 nights I will be in Siem Reap. We left discussed particulars of that trip for Line and spent rest of time together how it was supposed to be spend. Third night in row and third fabulous. I started to count my blessings already !
    19 points
  32. ichigo

    Trip Report (Jan 2024)

    Phuket Bars Didn't go to any, next time! Massage 4 Massage: Only went here this trip but quite glad this place still exists, although they have moved just around the corner from where they previously were. I went with 3 different boys here, one of which I've been seeing since 2019 who is always good fun. He massaged my legs for probably 5 minutes before the main event started, but he always gives me a good time. Another who was messaging me on Grindr on my last trip to Phuket (2022) I finally got the chance to try, and he was very good and happily bottomed for me, and another boy who was relatively new was also quite good and bottomed for me also (requested an inflated tip which I just had to laugh at). I always have a good time here. Hotel Baan Paradise: Situated in one of the streets in the paradise complex, it was decent enough and close to all the action. I had a balcony room so was able to look out onto the street and watch the people go by. It is a pretty lively area with people coming and going, plenty of restaurants, bars and massage shops (for gays and straights), and it is only a short walk to the beach. Other Didn't do much else here, and although Phuket isn't one of my favourite destinations, I still feel drawn to it every once in a while. Maybe for the massage boys, who knows. It is quite a big island so I may try staying in a different area next time. The Phuket Smart Bus runs up and down the west coast from the airport down to Rawai and it is reasonably priced for 100 THB one way. Doesn't run super often though, maybe once an hour or twice in the busy periods. Nakhon Ratchasima (Korat) A boy I met in Jomtien a few years ago went back home to Korat and asks me occasionally to come visit him so I thought I would considering I didn't have much else to do. I also wanted to try out the long distance trains, which were easy enough to book online, and very affordable. The train left from the new Krung Thep Aphiwat Central Terminal, which is absolutely massive but probably good forward planning for the future. I took a 2nd class aircon carriage which was comfortable enough. My hotel was less than a 10 minute walk from the train station, and after meeting the boy at Terminal 21, we later had a look around some of the attractions in the city as well as going to the tower back at Terminal 21 to look at the view over Korat. Boy stayed overnight, which was my only overnight this whole trip as I don't usually like long time. He also insisted on buying me dinner which I thought was sweet. I only gave myself one night here as I wanted to give myself an out incase things went pear shaped. Would I go back? Maybe, but it wouldn't be somewhere I would go regularly. I did see some farang there though. On the way back to Bangkok, I was in a 2nd class aircon carriage and this was the type with the open windows and also the back door was wide open as we went. I really enjoyed watching the scenery go by, and really interesting and exciting to see all the new structures for the train lines going up, which are massive and seemingly a little out of place in the countryside, but I think these are for the new high speed rail that is going to Laos and other places? I had a cute guy sit next to me for some of the trip, and I offered him some of my bread (which he declined), and later on struck up a short conversation with me before he got off at Saraburi. Final thoughts: I had a nice time and just kinda tried to pace myself since I was here for a while (and also not incredibly fit). I'm slowly building up my list of regulars which is good for future trips, and ate quite a lot of nice food. And same as always, I would often get mistaken for being Thai (which I take as a compliment), even in bars, and it's amusing when they talk to me in Thai and I just kinda look confused, or say something like 'kor tord na kap, English na kap'. I'll get around to learning Thai one day. My next trip may be in June/July, or December, or both. I'm not sure yet. But I do want to visit a few more places, like more islands. Thanks for reading!
    19 points
  33. So, kind of like Pattaya, I was totally messed up on my 2nd night , sleep wise afer the 1st night and my sleep didn't get in sync on the 2nd night. Plus my body told me to recuperate and I did. I was ready for the 3rd night....woke up at 530am and thought I was going to be fucked again come later, but I kept busy and it's now almost 5am and I'm ok, nearly 24 hrs later. I went to MBK to look for a shirt I bought last time that I really liked, but it seems like is an old model and were out of my size.....so I bought a coupe of different ones. Went to DQ for a blizzard, always makes me happy, surprised how many they sell out of such a small stand in the mall. Decided to get a haircut at David #5, near where the gay hotel on Rama IV was (BBB INN)... got there just in times before 5 other locals came in shortly after me...the wait would have been ridiculous. Needed to buy some alcohol and was 4pm, so had to kill an hour....damn law for the drunk school kids, lol So I walked around Silom looking at the massage shops....ZERO interesting nor anyone interested in business, just their phones! Ran into a group of construction guys getting off work, thought about inviting a few for drinks.... Went to Foodland to do my shopping with a few minutes left on the alcohol timer.....so ridiculous. Messaged @vinapu to see what his plans were and we settled to meet at Hotmale downstairs bar at 7pm.....I was punctual, he was 4 minutes late. However this time he came straight to me instead of going to someone else, thinking it was me.... progress! Hung out there for an hour and we decided to walk to Tawan/Soi 6 to see if his Tawan massage guy was there....he wasn't (supposedly). The guy that was outside (I'll come back to him later) said he usually comes late, so we did a roundtrip of Soi 6, without anything interesting, except @vinapuknew a massage guy there from years ago. On the way back to Tawan, his "massage" guy came outside and they both disappeared into the heavens. We agreed to meet up later.....he wanted to see SOL at 10pm, since he hadn't been there before. I hesitated to go in @400 baht a drink, didn't look promising, but I did it for moral support, lol. I couldn't stand the entire show and left, they're hitting the Cabaret market, not the whores like us 🙄 Back to Hotmale bar downstairs....after the show he came over and we contemplated Hot Male upstairs or Screw Boy....I checked out Hot Male, was packed and the big cock show was on, we decided to try Screw boys. One of the guys that I almost fell in love with , that messaged me saying he was going back to Cambodia tonight, was shocked to see me walk in, as was I surprised to see him there, nothing shocks me anymore in Thailand, unless if Gayinpattaya bought me a drink maybe. I REALLY liked this guy and was willing to overlook everything...I don't go out with much CASH, but have credit cards....I asked the mamasan if I could pay with card if I bought a boy drink (soda only 400baht) and an off, 500 baht....10% cc commission , wtf? I said , ok I won't no neither and they said ok....yet another example of Thai business logic. Lose 900 baht of almost free money and to lose what comes to a max 4% cc commission, of 36 baht??? If you know me, I'm a stubborn man of principles, lol I made an agreement with the kid, I'd see him after work at Hot Male at 2am....I half knew he wouldn't show, and he didn't. Meanwhile I lost 2 options at Super A and 1 at Hot male downstairs. Will I ever learn..... doubtfully , I believe in people more than I should. Since I had about 2 hrs to wait for him I walked Surawong looking for a foot massage, this is when I ran into the Tawan guy that was outside of the bar, with 2 other guys....He told me I could pay for the 3 of them to eat and I could join them, lmfao. I told him I was full and am on a diet, but he could fuck me for free if he wanted too....he didn't get the irony. The only massage of the surawong shops wanted to do, was a body oil massage, because they know that have a happy ending upsell chance, but not with only a foot massage. The last place next to Tarntawan hotel agreed to take me in and A cute 20 yr old Laos boy did it and was fun, I'll give him a chance to do a full body, he was playful with my cock/balls because I was in my boxers only, was late and only us in the shop and I didn't want to use massage pants. After finishing, went back towards Hot Male and ran into the Tawan guy and friends AGAIN! I asked, "you still eating, wtf" he laughed and offered me some of his food, he redeemed himself. Hung out waiting for Screw Boy guy and never appeared nor read/replied any of my Line messages..... So I went to Silom, as DJ and GOD was letting out. Was like a scene of the night of the living dead, as you can imagine.....WASTED ASIANS stumbling all over the place. I sat on the side stoop and watched the show go on for about an hour, was entertaining/sad at the same time. I got on Grindr and a thai/Turkish guy messaged me, staying on soi 5....nothing added up, his story or his pics. So blew him off and never heard back from him. Saw a guy on Silom that claimed to work at a soi 6 massage shop, some made up name place, I gave him the "give me a sample" line, again, saved me, total shit massage, dodged a bullet there! Ran into one of the guys that work selling the good underwear on Silom, I've known him for awhile, I think I make him nervous, he knows I like him, lol I wasn't hungry, but how could I pass up Foodland on the way back to my hotel.....there was a few interesting guys there to watch, again for the entertainment value. End of the story, @vinapu booked a 1 AM guy as not to end up empty handed like me and I am always looking for the best in people, which seems to be more difficult anywhere these days.... Long post, not as eloquent as most, but I'm writing it before I go to sleep and my memory is erased by aliens overnight. Forgot to mention we met up with a board member in SOL, I forget his name, the aliens have already gotten to me.... Also , Screw boy guy just messaged me saying he's in Cambodia now, lol I met a Brazilian American YEARS ago in Rio that used to hang out in front of Corujinha in Rio, was like Malaysia hotel back in the day, before the internet, hook up place after the bars to meet MB's. I always remember his advice, yet don't always follow it.... NEVER trust guys that suck cock for money.....if they're willing to do that, you never know what they're capable of doing. Maybe not today or weeks/months from now.... but at some point they'll do SOMETHING and you can't be surprised by it. Some just show their true colors sooner than others 🙄 Sarcastic, yes....accurate....give it time, you'll see. A few pics, so you get the vibe of the night.
    19 points
  34. Flew Singapore airlines flight from New York- Singapore, used miles for Business class- was a bucket list item- Longest flight in the world, solid 19hrs. I liked it better than dividing the trip in Tokyo, got way more sleep and then a 1:45 flight from Singapore to BKK instead of a 6-7 hr flight from Narita. Went to VIP immigration section upon arrival, was kind of full, I followed a Thai guy that just snaked his way in between everyone with kids, they were too busy taking care of the kids, that we went unnoticed. My bag was 1st one out and found Mike Taxi right away and off to Pattaya we went. Staying at the Ambiance, booked this a few months ago and got 5 nights in a king superior room for $97 usd....comfortable beds, nice towels and sheets, convenient to everything and the receptionists all know me.... Took awhile to defrost the frozen mini fridge, so lost whatever time gained in BKK, ADD about certain things 🙄 Walked around, stopped by Paradise massage and a few of the guys caught my attention....the one that spoke English, wasn't the best looking, but had something about him that attracted me to him, I asked him for a sample of his massage and it was really good....I told him maybe tomorrow, and went to Dreamboys to see a few guys I know to check on them. With the price quoted at Paradise, all in...seemed like a better deal than the go-go bars, so I asked the guy that since it was almost closing time, if he'd come to my hotel, obviously he said yes, he hadn't had a client in 2 days....( he's not THAT ugly). Did EVERYTHING that I asked, only didn't give me the full hr massage that he promised, so I explained to him that's how to lose repeat business, over stupid shit. He promised to make it up to me if we go again, let's see...I'd go with him again. Grindr is very active...it's 5 am, I'm ready to sleep....tomorrow my plan is Jomtien about 2pm for manicure/massage on the beach then try Sansuk about 5-6pm and maybe another round with the Paradise sauna guy, or someone else from there. Since I'm not very good with trip reports, I'm going to try to report a little every day....see how that goes. Pic is of the Singapore seat made into a bed, other than Gulf Airlines first class....I think this is the best bed for flights to Asia.
    19 points
  35. vinapu

    Patpong last night

    There,s similarly tittled thread already but I could, t find it so started new one. Arrived early evening yesterday. Decimated by long trip and jet lag still managed to do short survey of realm. Area much busier than in July, my last time here. A lot of young farangs. One visitor on Patpong market was, so stunning that I almost pretended to tipple over something, just to hang on to him for brief moment to keep my balance but regained my composure and dropped idea. Patpong market and soi 4 fairly busy. With another member visited Jupiter. House half full just be fore show started but filled in with big group of visitors soon after. Show pretty brief, I think just 4 numbers but two erections visible. Mao, heavily tattooed hunk who left to Moonlight while ago is back. Three walkabout, first in briefs, no numbers, second in white shorts, no numbers and last one in black jeans, with numbers although quite a few of the guys did not have one meaning thay are already booked. During walkabout I tipped 2 best looking guys and expected as minimum acknowledging nod or smile during next walk but no. I was like transparent. So same old there, handsome but disinterested guys. Good for them but I took off for Moonlight. As it was 11.45 crowd was thinning, few floor boys still available and few modes, dressed already. Hoping to see one of three guys but to if them did ot show up tonight and third one, while sitting was, already booked by some Asian, as attractive as himself. Off to Hot Male beer bar, quite a crowd. Got myself a drink, invited one of their boys for his but he was, still doing some errands prompting comment from one of the patrons " you bought him drink and have nothing to show for it". Lost all hope for warm bed tonight but there, s still Suriwong where I spotted guy I offed in the past few times. Bingo! So to summarize, Patpong still alive and presents a lot of opportunities.
    19 points
  36. Day 6 After doing a bit of work, laundry (advantage of Airbnb) and room tidy up (disadvantage), I felt l like rewarding myself and immediately looked up massage options. I messaged VClub7 and JeySpa but an hour later, never heard back from both. I looked up online and realised that Jey Spa approximately a 12 minute walk from my place. I decided to just walk in to have a look with the plan of going somewhere else, maybe a no hanky panky spa if no sparks were found. It was one of those pleasant day in Bangkok for a walk so I appreciated the chance to stretch away from my current sedentary routine of lying down in a massage bed, sitting cuddled with a bar guy or in a horizontal position on a bed parallel to my boyfriend for the hour. Given the photo I found online, Jey Spa wasn't hard to find and I was able to shortlist a couple before reception welcomed me in. I was about to be shown a small tablet but I inquired and pointed to a guy standing a few metres away and asked if he's a masseur. Receptionist swiped through the tablet to show me his profile and minimum tip expected. While he's swiping, I saw quite a number of hunky potential but I decided to stick with my choice - with the advent of image enhancing apps, nothing beats seeing them face to face. After getting cleaned up, Put (????? as he introduced himself) started the message. It was reasonably good and I started to let myself relax. We exchanged the usual pleasantries and backwards and forwards with questions. I was once told that when asked, never admit that you are a newbie in Bangkok and must make yourself sound like a frequent visitor (less chance of them pulling a trick on you) and make it always sound that you are staying for many days (better chance of good service to entice repeat). Not sure if it works but fortunately I don't need to lie as both are true and I also have another trick on my sleeves: to not be an a**hole. Around the 30 minute mark, I can see from my peripheral vision that Put is starting to lose pieces of his clothing. I ignored that for a while wanting to squeeze a bit more massage time from him. A few minutes later, he brought the big guns out and started doing body to body massage. I waved my white flag and let him take over. Overall, the experience was pleasant. It was a good amount of intensity that I enjoyed immensely. Looking back, I really appreciate having the subject of tip sorted prior to the session. It removes the guesswork and that awkward negotiation while you have most of your blood rushing down your hard on. I left the place satisfied and feeling really rewarded. I added a bit more tip and Put seems to be satisfied. He even stayed with me chatting while waiting for my taxi. What a gentleman! Come night time, I decided to play it safe and went straight to friendly Tawan. I haven't fully warmed my seat when I felt a tap on my shoulder followed by a big hug. "Welcome again!" said Tun. He sat beside me and clung like a koala which I find cute. I immediately scan the area to assess other guys and I decided to stick with Tun. We already have a good vibe between us since my last visit so I think it's the most logical choice. Did I mention that he's good looking too? We stay cuddled and chatted while watching the show. He's a bit cheeky constantly grabbing my hand placing it down his crotch and look at me with a mischievous smile. By almost midnight, I decided I had enough and we made our way outside. I asked him what he would like to eat and we ended up in 7-11. He and I bought several items and Tun asked if we can buy booze and drink it in my place. We continued our chatter over our 7-11 purchases. It wasn't long before the conversation progressed to the shower then bed. After cleaning up, he asked if he can turn the TV on which I gladly obliged. He tuned in to a Thai TV show and he animatedly explained to me what is going on. I find his effort to translate and the cute thinking face he makes the most entertaining of all. A little while later, we were cuddled and I start hearing a gentle faint snoring from him. I panicked a bit as there's no plan for it to be a LT. But then I realised: there's a hunky tawan guy sleeping in my bed, what am I panicking about?
    19 points
  37. Day 5 here we go! This is the part of the trip where the excitement is still there but I can no longer ignore the jetlag and the fatigue coming mainly from days 1 to 4. So after Ghanaian guy left, I felt the need to properly recharge in order for me to fully enjoy the remaining days - reminding myself that this trip is a marathon not a sprint. Woke up at around 11am with a message from "lone wolf" (see Day 2 report) asking if I'm keen to get some crabs. I responded saying that as long as she's referring to the crustaceans, she can count me in. She then forwarded a link of this restaurant in Khet Taling Chan (Mae Khlong) which is quite far to where I would go for food. But having read the glowing reviews saying how popular this restaurant is with locals, I was convinced. Imagine having good food while people watching! We meet up at Iconsiam, loaded up on coffee and took a taxi for possibly an early dinner gig. Overall, the food was so worth the trip especially if you like seafood dishes. I particularly enjoyed the grilled crab with roe on shell and the giant river prawns. We order a couple more item and it became obvious that it was too much. I looked around and other items looks yummy too. Kinda the same feeling when you're sitting with a bar boy and enjoying yourself but also eyeing and low key jealous of the customer and his guy at the other table! We parted ways and I decided to give Arena another go. I was a bit self conscious how my breath will be like so I got myself a brush and toothpaste in 7-11 before taking the lift to Arena. After a mind boggling selection process, I asked the uncle to tell my guy not to massage my feet and leg because I have an injury. He walked up to the guy, whispered something and my guy (who introduced himself later as kao) gave me a thumbs up. Hopefully this trick will avoid the masseur for spending so much time down there. The session with Kao was quite an enjoyable one. Not as intense but exactly what I need given the heavy meal I had prior! I'm glad i went to 7-11 prior as Kao seems to enjoy kissing a lot. I stepped out of Arena feeling a lot refreshed. I then decided to walk towards Starbucks in Montien Plaza while waiting for things to get busy in Surawong. After my coffee, I walked a bit further through patpong market and attempted to satisfy my curiosity by going to Banana Club. Not sure if it's just a bad night or completely a wrong decision in my part but I did not enjoy my time in there. There were only four guys on stage alternating between performances. I know it only takes one guy to make one's bar experience extra special but unfortunately, I can't see any of the four fulfilling that role. After about 40 minutes, I decided to leave and give Jupiter a visit. Jupiter is totally another Kettle of fish but from experience, I'm already expecting that the possibility of an off will be very slim. I think it got something to do with how the guys project themselves onstage or most probably how they were told to do so. Maybe it's just me but the stage feels more like a catwalk with most guys giving that standoffish model vibe. I can see a couple of ex dreamboys guys in there and remember having good fun with them. But given the vibe they are now projecting, I decided not to call anyone down and just enjoy the show. Jupiter is a type of club I imagine myself bringing my female best mate in and we can have lots of good time - but not a place I can source my BF for the night (and next morning). Don't get me wrong, maybe Jupiter's approach works for other clientele. And maybe I'm just not their key target market? With a not so successful attempt at bars, I decided to taxi back to my place and possibly look at the apps. Found this guy visiting from the Philippines who turned out to be an MB. He showed up half an hour later. I was pleased that he got good banter and can carry a decent conversation. I opened up a bottle of wine apologising to him that it's not the best but he drank more than half of it like a champ. We eventually found ourselves in the bedroom and after the deed had a quick shower and he stayed a couple more hours for a chat. Today may be a mixed bag bar-wise. But overall, I felt happy and satisfied and can go to bed with a cheeky smile on my face. Got a week more left so I can still afford nights like these.
    19 points
  38. Day 7 we woke up at 6 and after short wrestling session and shower went for breakfast. That early I expected hotel restaurant to be empty and to my surprise it was almost full. Back in the room I tipped him. He did not seem to be happy, not that I was stingy. He likely noticed I’m surprised with his reaction so put himself together and said ‘thank you Buddha”. That’s better I thought. Problem with occasional over generous tip is that some guys expect it to be permanent fixture and that was likely a case. Today MA and me have tourist program – visit at GMMTV , producer of so many BL series headquarters in Ratachada. We went there by subway. There;s whole procedure before admission to gift shop on 30 something floor. We were told to leave passports on reception before we could enter elevator. Gift shop was mobbed by Asian girls so we both were bit out of place but they were [patiently waiting when we were browsing screens with memorial trinkets they offer for sale . At end of day nothing took our fancy but it was fun. Then we had coffee in Starbucks in the lobby , there were dozens of fans camping there hoping to catch the glimpse of one of their stars I guess. Then we parted ways. I went to Rama IX Central nearby on hunting mission. One of my most favorite guys of all times , M from Senso is hairdresser in one of shops there. I tried to spot him previously but did not succeed and neither I did today. Hope dies last though, it’s always next time ! Upon return to the room and it was already 3 pm I was surprised it was not cleaned yet but I went to XOne to change some money and when I returned it was already tidied. This afternoon I have meeting with guy I met by chance in one of previous trips who is not a guy from the scene. We talked occasionally from time to time . Last time we talked , one of us , I don’t remember who , suggested we should have dinner together one day . Today was the day. Kao is his name or at least it’s how he wants me to call him. I did not have any expectancies but was very curious to see if something more than talk and meal together comes out of it. He arrived on the dot at 5 as agreed. If this trip proved something it was that most boys are very punctual and on time contrary to what some slanderous farangs may say. To break the ice we went to place across hotel with some stalls and had some Lao craft beer there. When subject of something more substantial came he suggested meal in Sizzler on Silom. I liked idea although I don’t usually dine there but few years ago had birthday meal at the place with two other boys in tow. Surprisingly he suggested we walk there, so much about Thai guys being reluctant to walk. Reason given was even more endearing ‘ we will have more time to talk” ( his English is good conversational although he admitted he speaks tongue but doesn’t write it). That was a good sign no doubt. He was visibly reluctant to order as prices there are quite high but I made it easy for him “ do you want that steak?” , ‘too expensive “ , ‘ ok, one for you , one for me “. But I liked fact that he was trying not to take advantage of being treated. Best part came when we were considering drinks ‘ I have a juice, we can buy some beers at 7/11 and drink it in your room “ . Hearing it I thought I just have a stroke as it was something I was afraid even to dream about , him in my room , whoa !!! Nasty surprise came when we went to settle a bill. Not it’s size ( 2045 , not a cheap place I told you ) but fact they don’t take a cash. . Normally I don’ use plastic when I travel unless not given a choice and in Thailand I don’t even carry cards with me , keeping them in safe box. I like cash. If Guardian Angel did not suggest I take wallet with me just in case I wouldn’t. If I did not it were so embarrassing. I generally boycott places refusing to take cash and now I’m even more inclined to boycott them so likely it was my last visit at Sizzler Silom in this life for that very reason. Uff ! So we did as planned , stocked up on beer at 7/11 near hotel and went straight to the room. Yes, we drank all that beer and had very nice conversation and yes, as evening was unfolding we slowly but surely become bit more closer and closer but that’s nobody’s business. From what I thought it will be sober and well behaved evening it turned out to be quite romantic and interesting one even if two things were excluded by Kao from the menu – kiss and long time. Not that he was in rush to go , I was trying to use fact that he drunk quite a bit to keep him here even pointing to the fact that there’s bed in bedroom a but also sofa in the living room but he was firm “ I drive slowly and will sleep at home “. So around midnight I decided I let him go, I did not want him to get too drunk. We already agreed to met on another day this trip. It was one thing I was not sure how to handle not to create any offense to such great guy. You got it – should I tip or not. I decided to abandon any pretense of diplomacy and asked straight away “ can I give you some money?” to get an answer “ of course”. So I did. Long live Thailand where casual conversation may lead to such great afternoon and evening I thought when he closed door.
    19 points
  39. Day 5 Quite active morning which is what I like. What I didn’t like but at least expected it was his tip request. As I said yesterday, he likes his tips over market , at least from me , lol. But since I always say I rather overpay and be happy than save money and be just Ok. So I succumbed to his bit inflated request (1000 more than I gave him initially). At least he worked for it, sand bag he is not, that’s sure. MJ joined us for breakfast, we resolved to go to MBK for Japanese dinner later on and parted ways. I took haircut on Silom and then went to new Foodland just opened in the basement of Silom Park. Menu in restaurant the same like in sisterly Foodland Patpong. In the store several good deals of 2 for 1 type , unfortunately not on items which interested me. Then to Coffee Grinder to met newly arrived this morning another member MA. It was a while since we met last time so a lot news to share, very esthetic task considering is sweetened by ogling their cute waiters. We agreed on Hot Male visit tonight. At 4 pm MJ and me were supposed to meet S on Sala Daeng platform but somehow S mixed it up and went to MBK . After ½ hr, of waiting we decided to cut our loses and went to Foodland Patpong instead, instructing S who called me in meantime to show there if he wants. He did so we had opulent 7 stars dinner together. After that MJ went his way and S suggested he will walk me to hotel but on our way we can drop at Silom Center as Central there has original Lee jeans on sale. Nice scheming and abuse of my soft spot for him but I tagged along. Indeed they were discounted to 1250 a piece and S wasted no time to point deal is valid on purchase of three pairs only. Ok I sighted but you will come to my room to try them afterward. Idea was accepted enthusiastically. Not only in the mall but also in the room so We had quite funny yet steamy short time session. Not that short by the way I’d say 1 hr. per pair. Not only tip free but visually strong as he looked in those jeans very well and with bleeding heart I was helping him to remove each pair, one after another. But when asked about repeat of last night I was rude enough to say I have cheaper option. He still left happy though. Around 9 pm 20 baht motosai to Silom and short walk to Hot Male. While crossing Silom walking I noticed familiar face. It took me few seconds to connect the dots . Arthur, porn actor featuring in “Beautiful Flower “ from GThai series among others. Smiled at him and got smile back when he marched past me. Stars smiling at me tonight thought I . At Hot Male MA and me had few drinks with boys in beer bar and then went for show upstairs. I was hoping certain SK will be there but he was not but mamasan offered to call him . By time show was over he arrived recognizing me immediately. So after all I did not lie to S that I have cheaper option tonight. Cheaper and sweet, time tested companion who never asked for anything other than to be offed again.
    19 points
  40. Day 20 Of course we forgot about sunrise and parted ways quite a while after that. Today I’m off to Phuket. It’s my first time there. Few people mentioned that ‘ you will forget at times that you are in Thailand “ . On another had my friend is there ( not gay)now and he swears by the place spending most of his time in Thailand there , often bypassing Bangkok entirely. So bottom line is I’m very curious. Since my said friend is there but leaving tomorrow morning I’m booking 1 night in hotel he is staying to keep appearances and tomorrow I will move to Paradise Complex. To Don Muang by usual combination of BTS+ MRT + SRT red line, in airport smooth. Flight with Air Asia uneventful but not very comfortable due to cramped seats but at 50$ for 90 minutes flight I’m not one to complain. In the airport I followed signs for ‘public bus” , there called Smart Bus. There are 3 different lines with schedules well posted and mine, in direction of Patong was departing quite soon. Left half empty by but time we reached Patong in about 1 hr it was filled to capacity. I alighted somewhere central, not sure where as it was my first time there , later on I learned it was quite close to Bangla road and to get to hotel I took motorsai. He quoted me 150 , I as instructed by my friend counter offered 100, immediately accepted , still too much for 6 minutes ride , even if uphill but I was in no mood to haggle for another 20 baht. Got room with quite a nice view with Royal Paradise Hotel well visible in a distance so knew immediately where in relation to gay area I’m. My friend was waiting impatiently being hungry so soon after we were climbing to nearby recommended restaurant with the view and one of best chicken with cashews I had this trip. Then we went downhill to central Patong to get grip of the place and as always when one is freshly arrived, curious of every corner and another one already 14 days there who been everywhere dozen times it was basically waste of time for both of us but at least we stopped by one of many booths selling tours and I booked grandly named Tour of the Island for tomorrow morning. Listed price was 1400 but I got it for 900 without even bargaining – lady knew my friend from few tours he booked with her so gave proper price right away. Bottom line there it seems is don’t pay listed price but if you have time , bargain down and if necessary see another 1 or 3 places and see what their price will be. There are tons of offers but it means there’s customer pocket friendly competition. Or at least it’s what it seemed. Seeing my friend is itching to return to hotel as he is leaving tomorrow morning and needs to pack I gladly suggested we do , if only , after refreshening to return to Patong for further exploration , this time alone. Of course first steps to Paradise Complex, I located my hotel I will be moving in tomorrow, Cruise club across it , big Zag club beside in the same soi. Soi seemed full and busy then surveyed parallel soi with massage shops where one of the guys caught my eye so I enroll his services. 500 for the shop. Further compensation was discussed inside in the process already when my suggestion he can remove his clothes as it’s too hot was countered with 3000 request. Sorry I only look as first timer so told him , no, just go on with massage. “ how much you give me ?” he still had hopes for business , “l000’ was my offer and we settled on 1500. To be honest , still too much for what I got but it’s OK, finally my first Phuket boy. After that I treated myself with banana pancake for 80 ( I just paid 30 few days ago at Sukhotai for the same ) , went to see famous Bangla Road and was amazed how crowded it was that late. Certainly Patong visitors like their fun and after declining proposals from 3 or 7 ladies of the night there I returned to hotel.
    18 points
  41. Day 2 I woke up at 9 AM, a mix of giddiness and jetlag clouding my senses, and made my way down to the breakfast buffet at the Ibis. Opting out of the prepaid breakfast during my reservation — a decision driven by my plan to eat minimally, only enough calories to keep me from keeling over in a sauna or dungeon if I were so lucky — I paid 199 Baht for the meal. The mint chicken and rice were so delectable that I indulged in a second serving, an unexpected treat amidst my hectic schedule. I was thrilled to discover that the Ibis was hosting a gay pool party on its rooftop that evening, a serendipitous welcome for me. However, I had already arranged to meet a companion through Siam Road, run by fellow poster Moses. My initial apprehensions about navigating Bangkok's vibe and concerns about potential communication barriers were quickly proven unfounded, and the companion proved to be unnecessary - but more on that later. The first major agenda of the day, aside from the unforgettable massage experience technically this same day, again my grasp of time and reality are still ruptured, was a visit to Prime Massage for an authentic Thai massage. Remembering the advice to wait two hours after eating, I used this time to hit the gym, running on adrenaline and excitement — after all, it was the main event, my birthday. The rooftop gym and pool offered a fantastic view, though the greenhouse-like gym design made for a sweltering workout. After freshening up — I now understand why so many posts on this board mention showers and showering, it became a recurring theme of frequent showers necessitated by Bangkok's humid climate and my intimate excursions — I headed straight to Prime Massage. Opting for a one-hour session at 300 Baht felt almost too good to be true. The massage, delivered by a fit, young masseur, was surprisingly intimate, despite the non-sensual setup and the unflattering pajamas I was forced to wear. His technique, involving close physical contact and a lack of hesitation around personal boundaries, was both professional and deeply relaxing. He laid on top of me, rolled around me, letting me feel his tight body, and let his hands go where they needed to go without flinching, even if it came to grazing my thankfully soft penis. I was a bit nervous I was going to be hard as a rock and thrown out as just another proud American sex freak. Post-massage, I ventured out to explore the landmarks of Silom, a district I had only recently become acquainted with through Gay Guides. My first stop was X-One Currency Exchange, known for its favorable rates and efficient service - a great Google review and I believe I had seen it mentioned here a few times. The process was quick, and I was impressed by the excellent English spoken by the staff, as well as the constant smiles and 'wai' bows that seemed to be a charming staple of Thai culture. With cash in hand, I began my exploration like an excited child, even snapping photos in broad daylight in front of the legendary Tawan Bar, Super Pussy, and Jupiter 2018 as if they were the Eiffel Tower, Christ the Redeemer, and Great Pyramids of Giza. My stroll along Silom Road was pleasant, noting the cleanliness and orderliness typical of an emerging market economy, although later encounters with carefree rats would add a different dimension to the experience later that evening. My next anticipated visit was to Arena Massage. Arriving in the early afternoon - again after another shower in the hotel - at a seemingly decrepit plaza, I initially doubted my choice. I seemed to have wandered on to the set of World War Z, a post-apocalyptic scene, until I spotted a welcoming wave from a fit, middle-aged man several stories above and the sight of the "Arena Massage for Men" banner reassured me: I had indeed arrived at my intended destination. As I ascended the steps of the plaza to enter Arena, I was immediately struck by the atmosphere — it was exactly as one poster had described: akin to a car mechanic's shop. The setting was raw and unrefined, with men resembling rugged brutes grunting and scowling at each other as they worked out in a gym setup reminiscent of a prison yard. This gritty ambiance and unhinged testosterone was making what the kids used to say… flood my basement. However, just as I was immersing myself in this prison/mechanic porn fantasy, I was pulled back to reality by the man who had been waving at me earlier. He reminded me of an elf from a video game, appearing suddenly to offer an urgent clue. He guided me to a leather seat and began explaining the various options available — the "menu," so to speak. Despite my extensive research on Gay Guides and a fair understanding of what to expect, I feigned surprise, cooing and oohing as he described the allure of the VIP room, and offer up a complimentary Coca-Cola. Then came the moment of the lineup — about five beefy guys, each exuding a mix of bravado and charm. They flexed, posed, smiled, smirked, and scowled, each trying to catch my attention. Despite being forewarned about the intensity of this moment, I found myself overwhelmed, my heart racing. In a desperate attempt to stall for time, I awkwardly asked the maître d', "They all look so great, who would you choose?" Amidst nervous laughter - I am sure with panic in my eyes, I finally settled on a light-skinned masseur who stood out as the quintessential model of muscular perfection, smiling and posing shirtless as if he were on the stage of Mr. Olympia. Abruptly the pageantry stopped like with a screeching proverbial record scratch, and the men went back to business scowling, lifting weights, dispassionately eating take out etc. With my mind still reeling from the selection process and my chosen masseur momentarily out of sight, my attention was inadvertently drawn to another striking masseur. He stood shirtless, his jeans precariously low exposing his fat ass and rippling abs, and he caught my gaze with a look that mingled bemusement and perhaps a hint of bitterness. He added to the tension by teasingly grabbing himself, then returned to his workout, his actions playfully taunting and reigniting a wave of panic within me. I found myself second-guessing my choice, wondering if I should awkwardly ask for a do-over and select this bad boy masseur over the one I had initially chosen, who exuded an angelic aura. However, before I could spiral further into this delirious rabbit hole, my Mr. Olympia reappeared and gestured for me to follow him upstairs. As he led the way, I noticed that he, too, appeared shorter than when he stood in the lineup. This realization of height disparity was becoming a recurring and somewhat amusing theme in my Bangkok experience. The VIP Room proved to be a wise choice. It featured a large bed and an en-suite shower, which I took advantage of before the session began. Mr. Olympia, following my lead, also headed for the shower, but surprisingly, he did so fully clothed. This peculiar behavior reignited my sense of panic. I began to question his shyness and wondered if he would return in those same frumpy pajamas I had encountered at Prime. Doubts about my choice resurfaced, and I found myself longing for the bad boy, knowingly, now taking residence in my head rent-free. However, my worries were soon put to rest when he returned to the massage bed, where I lay anxiously awaiting, fully nude. He appeared to be in his twenties, with flawlessly smooth skin and strikingly good looks. His massage technique was strong and proficient, albeit not exactly what I had anticipated for the session after Prime but steps above my Grindr connection. Nonetheless, as the hour progressed, the experience evolved into something more aligned with my expectations. He took his time giving me a wonderful blowjob and allowed me to rim and finger him until climax. I was a bit disappointed there was no sex - my goodness, I was getting greedy - but frankly, there was nothing to be disappointed about having a god-like man do the things we did to each other. Back to the shower and then to the lobby for more awkwardness as I paid 1900 baht, and the elf snatched the 100 baht change as his tip. I’m sure he caught my look of horror as I was too slow to snatch it myself. As I sauntered to the door to greet Mr Olympia one last time, I was reminded of the minimum tip of 1000 baht. I offered it up. Fumbling with the colorful money still not sure what it all meant and think was this $ 1000 US dollar in my ongoing exhausted joyride. I offered up the minimum tip with a swirl of elation and disappointment but soon regretted that and assured myself I would return and give him a bonus tip as it was an amazing massage experience – and perhaps a visit with that Bad Boy. — to be continued, Crazy Things At Night - the Pool Party, Siam Roads, Sauna Mania, Circus, DJ Station, GOD
    18 points
  42. DAY 5 The frustrations of the previous day forgotten, I'm starting to enjoy being by the beach in Pattaya. The vibe is far, far different from Bangkok's, I have to say. The sight of a farang - typically in his 50s and up - sitting by himself at a bar in the middle of the day, staring rather blankly out into the street, is surprising in its ubiquity. Meanwhile, the locals almost seem to treat tourists who cross their path with an indifference that sometimes crosses over into badly concealed exasperation, as I found out when I asked for a grocery bag at the supermarket. (The sustainability movement hasn’t missed Thailand, so bags have to purchased at certain large retailers – Big C in this case.) I decide that I want a massage today, but as it turns out, the big guy up there had other ideas. I was in the Boyztown vicinity, and remember a fellow forum-er (Christian?) posting about a place called Relax Massage that boasts rather fetching lads. I stroll past the joint, but perhaps it’s too early in the day – this was slightly before 2 p.m. – and the few masseurs who were present did nothing for me. I ended up taking a rather pleasant jaunt back to my hotel along the beachfront instead, which actually wasn’t a bad substitute for the missed massage. I try my luck on Grindr later in the afternoon for an in-call masseur, and of course make the mistake of not asking for a video chat first. The boy shows up, and the discrepancy between the person in the profile and the boy in the flesh is just too wide for me to ignore. (He had photoshopped his acne issues out of the pictures, and there *were* issues.) I politely declined the session, and gave him 200 baht for his troubles. I wonder if it was too generous, but he did get all dressed up in a button-down shirt and slacks. I choose to be charitable about the misleading photos, since it seems to be common practice hereabouts – he was likely just doing what he needed to, to conduct business. Lesson learnt. As consolation, I buy myself a couple of cocktails at the Hilton’s rooftop bar. The view over the sea at sunset is quite sublime, though – IMHO – the curving stretch of Beach Rd. glittering in the gloom of dusk is by far the more attractive view. Spent an hour and a half there, staring out at the city lights with a sea breeze in my face. Definitely a highlight of the trip so far. I head off to Sunee later in the night – which did not prove an auspicious beginning, unfortunately! Nice Boys was first, but its crowd is a *little* too rough around the edges for me. There are maybe 8 boys hanging around in their undies, with nary a customer in sight. I decide that I would rather not stay, and take off to Winner. This was around 10 p.m., but all I saw were two patrons seated outside. I’m assuming that the boys are all indoors with their patrons, but that was an assumption indeed. Inside, there’s no one on stage, but two small clusters of boys seated around, who can barely be bothered to get up. That’s it for me. I decide that Sunee is not happening tonight, and set off at a brisk stroll for Boyztown. First stop: Classic Boys, which I skipped last night. There is a clutch of boys in their undies, but no one catches my eye. I head off to Toy Boys, where there is a larger selection – 16 tonight, the papa tells me ruefully, when at their busiest there are something like 30 – but it’s pretty much the same line-up from last night. I buy a beer, then head to Dream Boys, where I chat a little with Arm and the mama. (@floridarob, you are completely right. Arm’s enthusiasm with a john dips significantly after the first encounter.) Nothing much is happening there, so I swing into X-Boys to take in the show, which was a surprisingly fun time! It was the right amount of farce for me, with certain acts an improbable mix of the erotic and the completely ludicrous – the standout here being the one where boys do pull-ups with buckets of paint (? – I think) tied to their erections. And then there’s the act where they play miniature golf with their er, flesh putters … The difference between bars that boast shows, and those without, is stark. Like BBB last night, XB is packed out this evening. There are a couple of lookers in their roster, but those guys get called to other tables pretty quickly, so I head back to Dream. I’m very, very keen on a boy named Dao, who apparently has been at the bar less than a week, but he seems shy, with limited English skills. For some reason, he’s reluctant to be offed this evening. My initial guess is that he’s none too fond of me, but he communicates through the mama that he’s free the following night, and even asks me before I leave what time I’m dropping in tomorrow for him, so perhaps I’m not a complete ogre. Mama recommends another boy, Boy. Yes, that is indeed his real name.. Boy has a great smile, so I’m won over. “Straight, but can smoke”, I’m told. We go out for supper at the all-night Thai-Chinese place next door, where one can get braised duck at 1.30 am in the morning!! Praise be to the gods. Boy hails from a town in the south of Laos, and has been working in Pattaya for about a year, or slightly less than. Back at the hotel, the purported straightness of these boys is once again, I find, belied by their reaction to another male body in bed. After he leaves, I sit on the balcony and have a puff and listen to one of my favourite tunes, Carole King's "It's Too Late", and think about ex-lovers, and good times and bad. Tonight, I’m off to see Dao. Wish me luck, folks.
    18 points
  43. I had an unusual itinerary where I flew Air Asia to Bangkok from Kuala Lumpur. Air Asia uses Don Muang airport. I seldom have reason to go through Don Muang - must have been at least 10 - 12 years since I last did, coming in from Chiang Mai. At that time, there was no easy rail connection to get downtown from Don Muang. But now there is the Red Line connecting the airport to the spanking new Krungthep Apiwat central rail hub. I made a careful note of how I got from Don Muang to Sukhumvit-Asok (where my hotel was) by rail. Possibly this may be useful information for others. It took me 1 hr 15 minutes between exiting the Customs gate after landing and reaching Sukhumvit MRT station (Blue line). The same blue MRT line continues to Silom and Samyan MRT station. Just add a few minutes more. The first step is to get from the International terminal of Don Muang airport to Don Muang train station (run by the State Railway of Thailand SRT). It's a bit of a walk (15 minutes), but nearly all in airconditioned comfort. I had to go southwards from Terminal 1 (International) via the full length of Terminal 2 (domestic) till I reached the south end of Terminal 2. Then there is a bridge over the highway; the bridge connects to Don Muang train station. For an overview, here is a sketch map: First, walk to the south end of Terminal 1. There, near a money changer and a 7-eleven store, you'll see a sign saying "SRT Red Line". The route takes you past nice toilets. A good spot to get a leak before the long trip downtown. Every now and then, there's a sign, assuring you that you're going in the right direction. Then you enter Terminal 2 Keep walking, Look carefully, and there are signs indicating "Red Line". Finally, at the southernmost end of Terminal 2, it said to go up an escalator. At the top of the escalator, more convenience. There's a Magic Food Court. Finally, you turn right and get to a pedestrian bridge that crosses the highway. In fact, you can already see the elevated train station at the upper right corner of the window. At Don Muang train station, tickets to Krungthep Apiwat station (20 baht) can be bought either from machines or a manned counter. I had to struggle a bit with the machines. They just wouldn't accept my 20-baht notes (tried several times). I had to insert a 100-baht note, but then it gave me eight 10-baht coins in change. This is the platform level of Don Muang train station. Take care that you're on the right platform for the train going to Krungthep Apiwat. The station is not the final stop for the trains; they run north to Rangsit as well as south to Krungthep Apiwat and beyond. Take the south-bound. Inside of a carriage. Lots of room for luggage. I don't know if it can get crowded at other times, though. There seems to be a train every 15 minutes or so. On reaching Krungthep Apiwat after only 15-16 minutes, you can't miss the signs for the MRT blue line. You will need to exit the SRT fare gate, go through an underground tunnel to get to Bang Sue MRT station. Including buying an MRT ticket at Bang Sue, it took me about 8 minutes' walking. (the fare to Sukhumvit station was 41 baht). Then take care again to board at the correct platform. That they have mounted a big sign suggests that many people make mistakes. The blue line took 23 minutes to get from Bang Sue to Sukhumvit station. Total time = 1 hour, 15 minutes. Total cost = 20 baht + 41 baht = 61 baht. Precisely because my hotel was in the Sukhumvit area, notorious for choked traffic, I was glad I didn't have to rely on taxis. Taxis might also have cost me 7 - 8 times more, and I don't know how much in tolls might be involved. Hmmm... two pictures seem to be repeated at the bottom of the post. don't know how to remove them without screwing up everything else. Please ignore. the last two pics.
    17 points
  44. Day 9 After my guy departed I was left with my dreams so to speak and sleep soundly till quite late. Late breakfast for 16000 in Dolce Vita, quite sumptuous and then I went to Royal Palace as last two times I was in Phnom Penh it was still closed due to covid scare. Now is reopened for for some reason was closed today and I was directed to come tomorrow . So decided to treat myself with tour of island at confluence of Mekong and Tonle Sap rivers , tuk-tuk for 15$. It’s mostly new developments , in 2001 it was mostly wasteland but still at the southern top fishing village on boats survived. With new bridge access to an island is easy but old ferries are also circulating quite frequently. Tonle Sap river from new bridge Central Phnom Penh from other side Fishing village on the boats mighty Mekong in Phnom Penh Returned to hotel around 13.00 hoping my last night companion will keep his word and indeed first Line came’ I’m coming soon’ and then at 1pm on the dot he showed up greeted in the lobby by welcoming committee i.e. me. Another fabulous , no rush session and it was darkening when he left. I feel hungry so decided to try that Polish place I discovered last night. I chose quite typical fare of chicken soup and schnitzel with potatoes, only beer reminded me I’m dining in Cambodia , not in Europe. Very tasty but in my opinion servings were too generous for the climate. I was hungry and still did not manage to eat it all. 11$ plus tip. My treats (glasses not included) : In meantime I received another cheering message , this time from S (day 3 ) that he is planning to join me in Siem Reap tomorrow evening. After exhausting exercises of last night and this afternoon I felt bit in need of nap so went to hotel for 2 hours sleep rightly expecting that tonight it will be another session. In the evening to my headquarters in Phnom Penh i.e. Space Hair. For another evening of fun there. My last night guy did not waste much time to inquire if he should see me come after work which I guess both of us expected to happen. I must say I got quite drunk tonight , switching to gin and tonic did better job that those lady -like Margaritas and Cuba Libres. Of course not that drunk to forget where I live or that I will have guest tonight, all was under control. Soon after me my guy showed up and I had impression he was even more clingy and passionate then last night and in the afternoon.
    17 points
  45. Day 8 My room was booked without breakfast so in the morning I purchased breakfast coupon for $8, princely sum in Cambodia and went to sister venue OK Boutique around the corner where breakfasts are served on top floor with beautiful view over central Phnom Penh. Yesterday I purchased tour to Killing Fields. Very sobering place where mass executions were conducted by Khmer Rouge. I was there on my first Cambodia trip in 2001 and wanted to see what changed during those years. They were supposed to pick me up at 10.00 , I was waiting on steps of my hotel and when I got impatient 45 minutes later guide finally appeared to pick me up. We went to few other hotels to pick up other tourists as well as picked up few at another sobering place – infamous S-21 Tuol Sleng prison. Killing Fields are on the outskirts of Phnom Penh and while 23 years ago road leading there was atrocious , now is paved all the way. Another thing I noticed is absence beggars without limbs , victims on landmines. Them they were I ubiquitous all over Cambodian cities , now is rarity to see one. I wonder what happened as a lot of them then were quite young. One hopes they were taken care of somehow. On the road they played movie about Pol Pot life , rise and fall, very objective and hiding nothing. Including my Cambodian pet peeve- fact that after Vietnamese removed Khmer Rouge, their atrocities were will known and 2 million skulls strewn in the countryside and still Thailand and West supported their regime of so called Democratic Kampuchea on international stage including UN seat. If we think that politics are dirty there’s no place better to contemplate it than Cambodia. Centre point of the place is temple -like monument with skulls on shelves, new thing there is another monument picture of which I show below. Sadly, that place along with Tuol Sleng are a must visit at least once to understand better what happened in Cambodia but also to appreciate how far country moved from that horror although past is still present and oddly house of Ta Mok, one of Pol Pot’s bloody henchmen in Anlong Veng close to Thai border is still place which I was told some locals still visit with reverence. I remember talking to some journalist well versed with SE Asia affairs in mid-80ties and he told me that thanks to Khmer Rouge and their killing spree Cambodia is only country in the region without problem of grandchildren still toiling in half slavery to pay debts their grandparents took to pay for their wedding. That would explain Ta Mok nostalgy I’d say. It was nice to return to vibrant city , after a bit of rest and my obligatory mid-day tea I decided to try massage at Arthur and Paul gay hotel. Inspiration came from one of our tour participants being picked up and dropped there. It looked as classy place so I said to myself “about time to see and try”. For 8000 riels (2 $) tuk -tuk took me there. I was hoping guy I spotted on Grindr, hunky hunk working there will be present but unfortunately no. 1.5 hr massage fee was 28$ , certainly well above Cambodian standard. There were 4 guys available, none of them close to my type but all smiling so I picked up one whose smile was widest. Room quite spiffy but container with soap in the shower was empty , not for that price thought I. After morning experience certainly I was not in the mood to complain or get sour about anything. Massage was skilled but when temperature raised and was time for masseur to remove his excessive clothing i.e. undies and towel he quoted me tip of 40$ , again quite a sum for Cambodia but if one gets massages in classy places must be prepared to pay thought I and agreed. At least I’m glad I tried the place. Next time I will be trying to secure that hunk I guess. Right beside Artur and Paul is Rambutan, popular in gay circles with rooms about half price of those at A $ &P but still twice as much I’m paying at my OK Palace . I did not need an accommodation but after running whole day on breakfast and bottle of Hanuman Black beer I gulped on my way from Killing Fields not at 6 ot 7 pm I was hungry so decided to eat there. Another tourist place with prices to match , 15$ I paid for dinner I summarized in my diary as ‘; money not spent well” . Upon return I alighted on Pasteur street and then walked to soi where my friend told me Toolbox bar was resurrected and asked me if that is true. Indeed I found it, from info I got it’s just across the soi whom old location but inside was nobody and outside was sitting lone twink , not exactly of my type but for those venturing there I confirm , Toolbox was resurrected. It was short walk to my hotel from there and when passing Saravoan Royal Palace hotel on street 178 I thought I have stroke . Warsaw ? Polish place that far ? Indeed it was newly opened restaurant so for those craving Central and Eastern European food there place for you and very easy to find – right beside old location of Blue Chili bar and 200 meters from National Museum. Price list looked quite human so I took note where I will have my dinner tomorrow. Too bad I overspent at Rambutan when I could have likely better food ( I love schnitzels an European soups) for ½ price and steps from my hotel. In the room I freshened up , took shower to remove oil after that massage , packed my pockets with money – you know my system perhaps ,50 $ this pocket, two 20$ in another few 10 , 5 and 1 in third one, some 20000 riels here and some 10000 there . This way I don’t need to show wad of money when tipping or paying bill. This all in preparation for another fun evening at Spice Hair bar. Walked there and when arrived, I guess it was 21.00 or 21.30 there were no customers but 7 guys on duty already. How do I know? Because seeing them unemployed I took pity and ordered 8 drinks. You should hear an applause , probably heard as far as Sum and Moon hotel which is next door to the bar. Fun started , luck had it that two guys I liked the most positioned themselves beside me and soon after bar started filling up with patrons and few more boys. Guys made sure I’m entertained, I stole kiss or 4 from guy on my left, made discretely sure that guy on my right is not a girl by strategic hand placement and it was well understood by asking question where’s my hotel. Hour or two later he expressed curiosity to check if I have balcony and view from it which led to suggestion he is willing to check it after bar closes on his way home. I explained to him that in case he will feel tired there’s sofa in the room which led to an instruction where I’m supposed to wait for him. Around 1 at night I left , waited where instructed which took a while because as I said earlier, guys there must stay on duty as long as bar is opened . Knowing procedure it was sweet waiting. Soon after were at hotel. No fuss over bringing guest that late, no questions asked. In the room he notices sofa is not comfortable enough but bed is big and shyly ( ok, not) suggested we share it which we did in gusto. Fabulous 2 or 3 hours, when he left it was still dark, earlier in the bar he offered some plausible explanation why he can’t stay till morning so I was Ok with that , if only because he offered time compensation “ if you want I can come at 1 tomorrow “ which felt like Christmas day for me.
    17 points
  46. Day 2 - Part 2 I didn’t think this report was going to reveal itself like some perverted Harry Potter series with so many posts but I must concede that the most intense moments of my week-long adventure occurred early on, as my stamina and sanity would wane. 😀 After returning to the hotel from Arena, an experience that fully met its renowned reputation, I quickly prepared for the Ibis Styles Silom pool party. Given that it was Saturday, the hotel and Silom Road were already bustling with activity. My initial plan was to observe from a distance, somewhat inconspicuously in a dark corner creepily oogling the crowd. However, the reality was quite different. The pool party turned out to be a lively and social gathering, drawing in about 100 attendees from a wide range of ages, backgrounds, and countries. I found myself engaging in conversations with various friendly men, boys and a sprinkling of curious women. Some of the people I made conversation with also agreed to make plans to extend the festivities later at DJ Station and G Bangkok, both already on my itinerary. Traveling alone, I'm usually cautious with alcohol consumption, particularly in unfamiliar places. However, the engaging company and seemingly endless beer buckets, coupled with my lack of sleep and the lingering effects of my trans-Pacific journey, led me to let my guard down and warning bells began to ring. As the evening progressed, I was introduced to a striking Cambodian boy in his early twenties, Lenny, by an American of Asian descent living in Mexico — a testament to our awesome planet. Lenny's charisma and captivating presence in the party, complete with a group of equally animated friends, caught my attention. He paraded around with his boyish good looks in a tight white speedo daring gawkers to see the results of his ventures into the pool. Taking his time to pose and preen for his friends to snap photos as they shrieked in delight over the scene of envious glares and thirsty voyuers viewing the commotion. However, my attempt at conversation with him was not as successful as I'd hoped as I fumbled around a few lines and nervously made small talk. That is when I realized I need to make a hasty retreat as my pre-arranged companion had arrived from Siam Roads. The concept of a companion for the evening seemed sensible at first, but as the night unfolded, I began to realize that my hyper-promiscuous energy combined with the City’s high-spirited sex-fueled denizens, made such an arrangement somewhat redundant. Nevertheless, my companion proved to be understanding and supportive of my own sex-crazed ambitious plans for the night. Meeting my companion in the hotel lobby, I was apologetic for my tardiness, likely looking as the Crypt Keeper on Spring Break. We had a brief discussion about my dream and desires for the evening before heading out - hardcore partying 🫡. After yet another round of showering, we embarked on our first destination of the night: Sauna Mania. Walking to the bathhouse, I became acutely aware of the unique smells and sights of Bangkok's streets at night, including the surprisingly large rats that seemed more akin to rabbits, all under the backdrop of streams of people on the sidewalk. The entrance procedure for Sauna Mania was all very familiar to typical bathhouses I’d been to before with utilitarian lockers and very old and worn feel. It was “underwear” night and I had worn a very revealing jockstrap with a cut out for my dick so it was mostly visible not realizing that Sauna Mania would only be giving out towels the size of a wash cloth. My companion alerted me to meet him at 10pm in the lobby and I said 9pm, which was about an hour not knowing how this was all going to unfold. Well, long story short, I left him waiting for me once again as I got sucked into a swirl of Asian bodies and sex not to be seen again until - about 10pm as he had figured. I was obviously foreign and a slut by my underwear as most guys seemed to have traditional briefs or boxers and very few went all naked or had revealing jocks so I recieved a great deal more attention than I am used to in a bathhouse. I was impressed by the size of Sauna Mania with its vaulted and open air patios and various mazes. The facility was packed to the brim with people. At one point in the maze area is was so crowded hardly a person could move and people smashed against each other just gave in to whatever orifice or phallus was pressed upon them. It was hard to tell even who’s what was going where. After breaking free of that chaos I connected with a very large, bodybuilding type Chinese man about thirty or fourty. He was a top so I finally was able to check that box, or I guess I should say scratch that itch. After that I hairy local Thai guy who had been tailing me all even wanted me to top him and I obliged putting on a show for the Sauna in several of the open air rooms as neither of us had a private room and it didn’t seem either of us cared. Even at my last moment in the lockerroom as I departed I could not help but to molest an older Thai daddy who was buzzing next to me - I was unglued and loving it. Sheepishly returning to my companion he suggested we go to Circus and see the “gay street”. The energy was off though. At this point, I was covered with sex. The unfortunate thing about Sauna Mania is that for a bathhouse, its hygienic or “sauna” features were sorely lacking. There was no pool or hot tub, which is likely best for everyone's health and safety but even the showers were too utilitarian and soap harsh and unpleasant. Not to mention the little hand towels they supplied did little to encourage a thorough clean. So after an awkward beer at Circus - vacantly staring out into a sea of lights and chatting gays, me reeking of raw bathhouse sex and now horny as ever I had to explain to my companion that I am going back to the hotel to yes, shower, properly. After that detour he decides to take me to Dreamboy. Now through all my research, Deamboy never came up as a bar I wanted to see. Mostly because I took @vinapu clairvoyant suggestions to my inaugural post soliciting advice at face value and was hesitant to deviate as from my diligent studies of this board I assumed we are kindred spirits. However, Dreamboy is impressive in size and filled with people for the 10:30 show. However, the show was not all that entertaining to me with a few forgettable drag queens but some fun dance numbers with dancers and their cocks wrapped up like hotdogs. Now this is the first time I've seen gogo dancers proudly march on stage dicks out in such a manner. Certainly I've seen (and reported on) sex show and the like but this with the light one girls cackling and men drooling was still quite the sight to behold. Oh my. Thailand is different. I wandered around the bar at time trying to find the bathroom and everyone including staff and performers were quite forgiving and kind to me as I likely looked at this point a complete mess. I did enjoy some of the boys, who were clearly great gogo dancers and had great energy and moves but out of the some 20 guys on stage at a time, maybe that was one or two? Many others looking completely out of place made me feel uncomfortable as they stood there jerking from side to side or desperately staring out into the audience for attention. Their “boyish” lean looks were fine, I’ve already mentioned my tour of twinks and boyish men so far in the trip but they just didn’t quite pique my interest. I couldn't help but notice in my peripheral vision the several farangs that had arranged MBs in the back rows overjoyed and in love and that also warmed my heart. My companion was a bit agitated, I think he felt let down by the show, or perhaps my flagging energy was a sign we needed to leave. Continuing the evening's adventure, we headed to DJ Station now about 11ish, where I began texting some acquaintances from the pool party, informing them of our imminent arrival. The club, a multi-room extravaganza, was a vibrant mix of energy and people. It was bustling with men in their twenties and thirties, sprinkled with daddies who either shared their love or perhaps sponsored their company. One thing I enjoyed – it was all men! An extremely rare sight in a gay club in my hometown. The exact cost of entry or the other previous stops escapes my memory, a side effect of the endless beer buckets from the earlier pool party, but the entrance fee did include two complimentary drinks. I believe everything cost 400 baht, at which point I still figured was $400 US, still unsure how to convert money in my head only later figuring out it was more like a paltry $10. I chose a beer, clinging to the hope that sticking to one type of drink would help clear my increasingly blurry vision. I really enjoyed the pulsating EDM, all the songs seemed ripped from a typical American club. My companion, who had been more of a peripheral presence throughout the evening, seemed relieved to part ways as I became engrossed in the lively bar scene. He high-tailed out the building as if it had caught on fire. Not soon after, I noticed the Cambodian boy, Lenny, with the white speedo, now somewhat fully dressed - pants but proudly shirtless and gyrating on an older farang in his fifties. Lenny spotted me and came over and we shared a chat and he offered to buy me a drink with one of his tickets. At this point, I lost my other drink ticket and was relieved - hopeful that perhaps they sold Dasani? He suggested I get what seemingly everyone was holding a large half-gallon size container filled with a colorful drink. I didn’t realize these jugs that people were carrying around were mixed drinks that could be bought with one ticket. No wonder the place was verging on unhinged - nearly everyone was fucked up. Like any nervous gay trying to impress a crush I confidently agreed and get the jug of whatever may come. Soon I was slurping what seemed like straight liquor and continuing the party with him, his friends, his diligent farang companion, and others from the pool party. At this point, I had enough sense to know that I was not “going home with him” and that this older fellow who seemed to be a satellite in his orbit had priority and I respected the code. We make our way to G Bangkok thought I prefer its former moniker GOD, I think literally next door. A tunnel-like TSA experience but not very intrusive searching. I had poppers and random items like earplugs but none of that seemed to matter to the security guards who frisked me and metal detectors we were sent through. Once inside the nearly pitch-black club it was quite familiar to something I’d expect from New York City after hours, again the cover paid for drink tickets, which at this point I think I went back to beer with the feeble hopes I was not going to be in serious trouble tomorrow. The music was a varied mix of pots and pans clanging and electronic synthesizers but no one was there to sing along only to writhe and grind against one another and the sound system hit all the necessary notes. The pain could wait a few more hours for now I’m just making out with guys, fondling on the dancefloor, on a real warpath. Mercifully, at 4AM and the light blasts on and I permit myself to flee the premises a quick 10-minute stumble to my hotel with a huge smile and triple vision.
    17 points
  47. This is my first trip after I called it quits in the corporate world. I would've made this the trip earlier but didn't want to burn bridges with my ex-employer. Anyway, let's just jump to Day 1. Day 1: Arrived at the airport around noon. There seems to be a VIP in swampy during my arrival as there was a portion that was cordoned off to the public, and a few camera men on standby. Surprised with the paperless immigration process, this is an improvement - at least in the ecological sense. Took the skytrain to the silom area - where my hotel was located and decided to do some fruit shopping in the basement supermarket of silom complex. They no longer give plastic bags for free, instead they sell it for 1 Baht. I also found an affordable prepaid sim available on AIS shop - 50 baht for the sim, 200 baht for the month long 30GB internet and unlimited wifi for a month. The store clerk mentioned that I can keep the sim active by topping up 20 Baht per month. This seems to be a better deal for me than having to buy the tourist sim every time I come to Thailand. While in the shopping mall, nature called. I was surprised to see quite active cruising happening. Both local and farangs were obviously cruising. Saw a few above average cocks that are surely stage worthy in the nearby bars. At first I thought this would be a good alternative than hitting the bars, but the often interruptions by the cleaners was a downer. I wonder which other places have cruisy facilities in Bangkok? After checking in to my hotel, resting and freshening up, it's time to hit the night life. I tried small Joe salad place just below the BTS station. It seems to be good value for 300 Baht, I had a medium salad and entree. After dinner, I went straight for Tawan. I was surprised to see different handsome touts now welcoming the customers. The owner/cashier is stationed at the entrance to collect the 500 Baht fee. The place was the same as I last visited but with the added 2nd floor of the stage. When show time started, the crowd had ballooned and the crew added plastic stools in front to original setup. The customers' drinks were capriciously placed behind them on the existing small round tables. And as expected, they experienced at least one spillage every night that I was there. I saw some old faces and some new ones. One of my fave muscle guy was on this bulking phase, so not the type that I would off . So after a short hi/hello, he got the point and left me with the other guys sticking by. K who I had the hots for was on form, and he seems to have grown body hairs which is a plus. But I am wary to off him, as I think I would easily fall for him. Some new muscle guys were present, some a few non muscle guy - bordering on the rough looking ones also now part of the rosters. At around 1045pm the show thankfully started without the long welcome to Tawan prologue in 3 different languages. Unfortunately though, it was opened by a traditional Thai dance, and followed by a couple of cabaret acts. I think it was already 11pm when Ten's candle act started, which was followed by the usual muscle show, bdsm, and big cock show then another set of cabaret acts and then culminated with the fuck show and the aborted chuck wow show since there were very few tips despite the large crowd.
    17 points
  48. Hey! Just came back from a work trip but here's Days 11-12. Post trip reflections to follow. 😁 Days 11-12 I woke up with Tee still sound asleep. I tried to carefully wiggle out and move his legs off me but he instinctively pulled me back that I could feel his gentle snoring and his robust morning wood. "Not yet", I told myself. I may be a horn dog but at the moment, my body is craving for caffeine more than anything else. He's already awake when I stepped out of the shower. When I asked what he wants to eat for breakfast, he smiled and pointed at my phone which is good as I'm feeling lazy being out anyway. He ordered rice porridge while I opted for croissants, cold cuts and mangoes delivered. The croissant was surprisingly semi-fresh and Tee seemed to enjoy devouring two ham and cheese croissants I made. We chatted a bit more with him telling his story on how he survived the pandemic including how he got back into shape. He also talked about his experiences being in the trade and some weird experiences and requests he receives from customers. This made me cringe thinking what story he will be telling his mates about me. After a while, Tee stood up and motioned he's going to the shower. He removed the towel from his waist and draped it over his shoulder. "Come with me?" he asked. He's already hard down there. While I already showered and know this might be a ploy to extract more tip, this is one of those tricks I really don't mind falling into! By mid afternoon, I decided to book Knott at S'sense. I was tempted to check if the Prince spa (also in Suan Plu) is open but given I'm at the tail end of my trip, I decided to play it safe. Knott instantly recognised me and was smiling as he lead me up that endless flight of stairs. I'm happy to report that the experience with him was consistent, if not, better than the last time. I chose to spend my last night in Tawan. The Uncle hastily led me in and have me seated inside (no more disclaimer from him about BDSM boy show!). I saw Tun busy chatting with a couple of customers. After a few minutes, I was approached by one bar boy, shook my hands and asked if he can sit with me. BDSM show is not really my thing but I tried to enjoy and amuse myself with random stuff while watching. The clincher for me that night was one performance where they apparently intend to put a nipple clamp on one performer. However, rather than an actual nipple clamp, they improvised and used a large clothespin instead. The fact that both clampds are coloured pastel purple made me chuckle a bit. While I'm enjoying the show, I'm struggling to feel any sort of spark with the guy seated next to me. I think it's because he jumped the gun and switched straight to and used the transactional tone quite quickly. I mean don't get me wrong. I'm not naive of what patrons and people who work in this kind of place are aiming for. But I guess, investing more time to create rapport really goes a long way. I politely declined, gave him his tip and he was back in rotation. A few minutes later, I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder. It was Tun. "Hello my wife!" He whispered. I replied sarcastically pointing to the two guests he was chatting with and corrected him that those two are his wives. "No, they go home now" he said. We both had a laugh. Once seated, Tun seems to be working fast to secure the deal. He's extra touchy feely, sneakily kissing my neck, his hands wandering everywhere under my shirt. He even grabbed my hand and directed it down his crotch area. I was a bit flustered with the last one as I'm not used to this kind of public display - even when in a boy bar in Thailand! Moments later, Tun casually mentioned he's getting sleepy and suggest we "go home sleep together". I nodded, finished our drinks and made our way out. Just like last time, we did a quick pitstop at 7-11 before heading back to my apartment. Tun quickly made himself at home which is one of the beauty of a repeat transaction. The expectations and dynamics are somehow established and there are less unknowns compared to bringing in a new guy. While there's the risk of monotony and overfamiliarity down the line, I chose to ignore that for now given that this is my last night and it will be months before I return to Tawan. I will worry about it by then. Overall, my second time with Tun still exceeded my expectations. Given that I already had a session with Tee (morning) and Knott (afternoon), I was quite surprised and kinda proud of myself for capping off the day with another one. I think how Tun engages both in and out of the bedroom makes the difference. I may be generalising but from experience, I usually have better experience with MBs/bar boys/masseurs who are a bit older. Could be maturity? Less appetite for dramatics? Old enough to know the value of money so they tend to equate level of service? or considered old and less marketable by trade standards hence compensating through better service? Honestly, I don't know. Good thing though is that Asian guys who are in their 30s are still eye candies. We woke up a lot late than usual. Quite disappointed that with this late start, I wont be able to do my planned last massage session before flying out. It didn't help that Tun lingered even after I gave him his tip. Seriously, how do you tell a hunky, freshly showered, half naked Tawan guy to leave? I then had a light bulb moment that includes him dropping the towel wrapped around his waist and us marching back to the room. My last hurrah for this trip. With the above disappointment taken cared of, we had a relaxed lunch outside the apartment. When we finished, I handed him an extra tip which is the amount I set aside to tip my supposed to be masseur for today - then off we went our separate ways. This left me with a couple more hours before my pre booked airport pickup arrive. Plenty of time to pack up, get myself sorted and reflect a bit before saying a temporary goodbye to this gorgeous city.
    17 points
  49. Day 8 When Kao left I felt so happy and energized that decided I can’t leave things as they are. Send Line to Y if he is available, answer come right away and with picture – sick in bed. So I tried SK, only could leave message so I fell asleep, SK actually called me but I was sleeping soo deeply I did not even hear that. So I guess I was meant to sleep alone that very night. Came for breakfast quite late and it was so full I had problem of finding space. I apologized to SK for missing his message and offered him Mahankhon trip instead. He said he will be there in 1 hr. Then I got into touristy mood and asked him if he wants to go with me to see new tunnel leading to Grand Palace. Off we went, impressive place, most important there are toilets there. Then I hired boat for 1.5 hr canals trip, SK gladly joined me . He is not shy type, even called his mom and show her naïve farang treating him to those forays. Quite clingy on the boat too. We returned to Silom civilization by the tourist boat. At 4.30 I went to Cofee Grinder to meet MA for latest news exchange, next step was dinner at G’Bangkok and it was dark already when I returned to my room. Asked Y if he feels better now, shrewd guy answered that he does and if I want he can come to my room tonight pointing that it’s his day off so I can save money on off fee. Deal. Day 9 It seems I can’t have enough Y , after breakfast I asked him to return to the room for some more intimacies. Can’t blame myself , I like him , both personality and build. I think he appreciates too fact that I engage him so often this trip. Of course I tipped him extra for that overtime. Today MA moved to my hotel so we celebrated that fact by having coffee and bagel in restaurant in the lobby. And decided to go to Jey Spa to try our luck there. There were only 2 guys on duty, both suitable but mamasan said he will call one more in a second and that was good move as new arrival happened to catch MA’s eye. I opted for guy nicked/named Guy, 100% gay by his won admission. Handsome and knows his job but min tip 2500 . Not saying was not worth it but rather on high side. Then I suggested pizza dinner at Madrid so MA and me went there . Madrid Tavern never disappoints. In the evening I went to Patpong 2 hoping SA will be there but they told me he went to Cambodia to take his ailing brother there. Then had few drinks with MA and boys at Hot Male beer bar. There’s new host, named One there. Very nice young gentleman . But somehow I had hots for A at Moonlight so went there only to see him just being taken by customer. He apologetically said “ I know you came here for Y” which was not accurate but what I could do if he was already taken ? So yes, knowing from yesterday that Y will be available only till 2.30 am tonight I took him home anyways. I told you I seem not to have enough of him. We found way to keep us occupied till that 2.30 , than he collected his ST tip and went to Bus Station to pick up his sister as he told me yesterday he will.
    17 points
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