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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/29/2024 in all areas

  1. Having read a lot of interesting trip reports and learned a lot from these as well as from interesting questions and answers, I thought I might try my hand at a (not very detailed ‘cause its a year ago almost) trip report from Malaysia. I was there in November of 2023, entered the Country by train from Singapore, stayed one night in Johor Bahru, two nights in KL and four nights in Georgetown. From there I traveled overland to Chumphon, Thailand, and got on a boat to Koh Tao, but that’s a different story… Johor Baru was an interesting, but unnecessary stop. I booked a night there because I wasn't sure how regular I could expect the border trains from Singapore to be or how smooth the border crossing would be. Very regular, very smooth turned out to be the case, so that left me a good half day, an evening, and a night to enjoy Johor Bahru before catching a train to KL the next day. JB is not exactly a picturesque city and not very walkable, but you are probably not here for the family friendly version of my trip with sightseeing and good food, so I will leave those details for Instagram and go on to the topics of interest to this community; boys and men. Malaysia has three very distinct population groups, Malay, Chinese and Indian, so both food- and hook-up wise there are a lot of flavors to sample. I don’t have a specific type and like guys in their 20s, 30s and sometimes 40s (so many men, so little time!). I must say however, that I found Malay Malaysian exceptionally beautiful. High cheek bones, almond shaped eyes, cute little noses, pretty lips and regular white teeth in just the right proportions seem to adorn the faces of many Malay men and women. Grindr is my hook-up app of choice, and I got a decent amount of attention. One message was from a guest from the local sauna “the Maze” (or it might have been direct marketing from the sauna itself). I decided a trip to the sauna would be a perfect way to sample different types so I went. As far as I recall the place had a bar, a gym and a fairly big maze where the sampling took place. It was a fairly mixed crowd of mostly Chinese and Indian descent in their 30s, 40s and 50s, so there were samples to be had. Sadly it was mostly sampling because the maze was haunted by a little old man and his flashlight. I don’t know if his job was to clean or to make sure the hanky panky didnt get out of hand, but he did a great job at both. After a couple of hours of a lot of close close encounters interrupted by the infinite loop of flashlight man, I decided I had had enough appetizers and went back to the city center for dinner and another look at Grindr. Among others I chatted with an early 20s Malay man, we met for a drink and a chat and went to my hotel where we had a really good time. I stayed at the Bello Hotel JB Central and there was no issue bringing my date to my room. Maybe because I had booked for two, or they didn’t care, or my assumption that the receptionist played on our team was correct. I hope my sample of Malaysia is of interest to the forums and plan to make a report on KL and Georgetown in the near future.
    3 points
  2. I've always struggled more with East to West. Just my personal experience.
    3 points
  3. From The BBC It may be an innocent enough racquet sport, but Hong Kong's Education Bureau has unintentionally given badminton a whole new meaning. In teaching materials it released last week, a module titled adolescents and intimate relationships for Secondary Year 3, suggested that teenagers who wanted to have sex with each other could "go out to play badminton together" instead. The materials also include a form called "My Commitment" aimed at getting "young lovers" to attest that they would exercise "self-discipline, self-control, and resistance to pornography". The new materials have raised eyebrows and attracted criticism for being "out of touch". But officials have defended the decision. Meanwhile social media has been flooded with jokes centered around "playing badminton". "FWB [Friends with benefits]?? Friends with badminton," read one comment on Instagram that had more than 1,000 likes. Continues at https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c4glreq44y1o
    2 points
  4. They have to be supporters of Trump to allow him to use them as props for his tasteless photo-op stunt. No Dem would stand for that.
    2 points
  5. From Pattaya Mail By Jessataporn Bunnag Much has changed over the past 30 or 20 years. Many of the western expats who retired here in the past and married Thai women have now died. Thus we are much more focused these days on wills, probate and overseas pension entitlement (if any) for the widows. Separately, there is less demand for holiday visas for Thai relatives to visit the expat’s home country. The number of annual extensions of stay here in Thailand, based on retirement or marriage, has fallen by around half since around the turn of the century. Gay marriages will be available within the next few months, allowing foreigners may wed their Thai same-sex partners, but the impact is unlikely to be huge. Thanks to the massive building programs in Pattaya over the same period, there’s a lot more property for sale. Since foreigners can own condominium units but not land, they often establish a company to buy a house. One of the problems here is the use of Thai nominees, (who have no connection with the foreign buyer) who will own at least 51 percent of the shares. When the foreigner dies or wishes to sell the property, the cooperation of the nominees is required by law and they are certain to demand their percentage share. Our general advice, if setting up a company to buy property, is to “keep it in the family” and avoid including strangers. Or take out a lease rather than a purchase. The customer base for lawyers is changing as more non-traditional markets, especially China and India, expand annually. Apart from tourism, there is currently a lot of interest in long-stay visas such as Elite, Long Term Residence and the new Destination Thailand Visa or DTV. The Elite visa dates from 2002 and was originally designed for westerners, but the largest number of applications in recent years has been from Chinese nationals. The DTV, on the other hand, is mainly aimed at digital nomads working for overseas-based companies. The early signs are that the main market will be Americans and Europeans who are not tied down in their employment to an office or base. Another growth area will almost certainly be the income tax consequences for tax residents, Thai or foreign, who spend 180 days or more in Thailand over a calendar year and remit cash from abroad. Our understanding is that the Thai Revenue Department will be publishing forms and a commentary later in the year. Hopefully this cover contentious issues such as double taxation treaties and pensioners living here on pre-taxed income. It is worth noting that the submission of a tax form does not automatically mean any tax is due. Moreover, no supporting documentation is required unless the individual is chosen for audit. My personal view is that some Pattaya expats are overreacting to this issue. Attorney and public notary Jessataporn Bunnag can be reached by email at lawyerpattaya@gmail.com
    2 points
  6. khaolakguy

    Massage... Ladyboy?

    Simple! Someone who is attracted to their own gender. EG In the case of males that includes the butchest and the femmist(is that a word?!). Don't overthink it.
    1 point
  7. I am shocked to hear that Brigadier Bone Spurs believes the laws and rules do not apply to him. Shocked, shocked, I tell you! 😜
    1 point
  8. I may occasionally validate but I wouldn’t anoint.
    1 point
  9. Your familiar voice always provides welcomed reassurance of your incomparable wit and mastery of language , Riobard. 🙂
    1 point
  10. I’m sure it’s not lost on @reader that a fellow comprehension challenged manipulator will lurk behind a back-handed validation to land a forward-handed bitch slap.
    1 point
  11. Vessey

    Massage... Ladyboy?

    Ordinarily I might agree with you these days. But a couple of the more fem boys I have know for a while have transitioned themselves in LBs now; no enhancements, so physically just the same as they always were but now with longer hair and regularly dress as ladies. Got one of them coming to my hotel this afternoon - we will see if the sex feel any different? 🤣
    1 point
  12. Seems like the stock price is a bet on whether or not Trump gets elected. If he doesn't, the company continues to lose money and DJT becomes a penny stock. If he does, I expect the price will go up. But even then, he couldn't unload his shares without cratering the stock price. My guess is that he's hoping to get elected and then sell the company to somebody with more money than sense. Hmm. I wonder who that could be.
    1 point
  13. never tired of reading those! please share more. love,
    1 point
  14. Instead of Google translate!
    1 point
  15. Emmet is busy selling his used undies on OnlyFans to raise money to buy Trumps new just released set of Digital physical trading cards. Just what every MAGA needs.
    1 point
  16. https://www.bts.co.th/eng/service/timetable.html
    1 point
  17. When somebody finally found better use of balcony than joining flying club, he is criticized right away. It seems one can't get it right in Pattaya.
    1 point
  18. Moses, I don't see the Ukrainian Jewish leader President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in your three photos? Where is he? Posting random photos is something that you trolls always do! You must think that random photos are evidence of something. 😄
    1 point
  19. @Moses posted factually false information, and I simply did not let him get away with it. Whether it's better to retire in Thailand or the Philippines is a matter of opinion, but certain things are just factually incorrect, such as the presence of Nazis in the Ukrainian government. If someone states "I believe the earth is flat," there are only two possibilities. Either the man making that statement is a fool or a liar. To state that there are neo-Nazis with a significant influence in the government, and that there are members (plural) of a neo-Nazi party in the Ukrainian legislature, when there is only ONE, in a parliament (Rada) of 450 members is simply factually false. For what it's worth, I believe he's probably lying, and intentionally spreading misinformation, rather than simply being foolish, but I cannot, of course, know what's going on in his head. I don't have tolerance for the spread of factually false information.
    1 point
  20. You mentioned something about members not being able to hold their shit.....
    1 point
  21. kokopelli3

    Electric Baht Bus

    I vaguely recall reading something about battery powered Baht Busses but last night got to ride in one from Jomtien to Pattaya. They look similar to the standard pickup truck bus although a lighter blue however the interior is much more comfortable and attractive. Seating is limited to about 10 people with no provisions for anyone to stand on the rear deck. And the sound of the "I want to get off" call button is a very pleasant "ding-dong". The ride was quiet, fume free and well dampened and brisk. Cost was 10 Baht, as usual. Anyone else have this experience?
    1 point
  22. You're spouting a load of crap, as usual: https://www.factcheck.org/2022/03/the-facts-on-de-nazifying-ukraine/ ...“Neo-Nazi, far right and xenophobic groups do exist in Ukraine, like in pretty much any other country, including Russia,” Finkel said. “They are vocal and can be prone to violence but they are numerically small, marginal and their political influence at the state level is non-existent. That is not to say that Ukraine doesn’t have a far-right problem. It does. But I would consider the KKK in the US and skinheads and neo-Nazi groups in Russia a much bigger problem and threat than the Ukrainian far right.”... “The claim that neo-Nazi or far-right groups hold any significant power in Ukraine is absurd,” Jared McBride, an adjunct history professor at UCLA whose work specializes in nationalist movements and mass violence and genocide in Russia and Ukraine, told us via email. “The most well-known far-right wing party, Svoboda (similar to say [Marine] Le Pen’s party or other corollaries in Europe) won 2.15 percent of the vote in 2019 election and holds one seat in the Rada – meaning they are politically irrelevant.” (Le Pen is the leader of the French far-right party the National Rally.)... The Azov battalion, which has about 1,000 members, represents a small minority of the overall Ukrainian military. As the BBC reported, the Ukrainian armed forces number some 250,000, and the National Guard — of which Azov is a part — has around 50,000 members. And some say the ultra-nationalist, neo-Nazi leanings of the Azov regiment have become less prevalent. In 2015, a spokesman for the Azov brigade told USA Today that 10% to 20% of the group’s members are Nazis. The leader of the Azov regiment, Biletsky, has since left to start a political party. And while there are still some far-right ties remaining in the unit, there have also been a flow of new recruits “who mostly are not there because of the regiment’s ideology, but because of its reputation as a particularly tough fighting unit,” Andreas Umland, an analyst at the Stockholm Centre for Eastern European Studies at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs, told us in a Skype interview.... What kind of an idiot (or liar) would say that Nazis have a significant impact in a country which overwhelmingly voted a Jew into power (73% of the vote). Так кто ты — дурак или лжец?
    1 point
  23. But if Putin pushes the nuclear trigger, maybe someday we'll be calling it "The former country, previously known as Russia." 😁
    1 point
  24. Yes, difference is that NATO action are hypothetical and aim is not to destroy Russia, rather prode nation to remove it's current regime, but war Russia started in Ukraine is all too real and you clearly support it. Which is very regrettable.
    1 point
  25. There are also Nazis in the Russian Federation and the USA. Doesn't mean their leaders are Nazis... 🙄 The narrative of Nazis running Ukraine has been completely debunked. https://www.dw.com/en/fact-check-is-there-any-truth-to-russias-ukrainian-nazis-propaganda/a-63970461 "...So the fact is that many of the claims about alleged "Ukrainian Nazis" are invented, or misleading. But the narrative persists because Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russian propagandists are constantly spreading false information. Even in his speech (here subjected to a DW fact check) shortly before Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine in late February, Putin spoke of Russia having to "denazify" Ukraine. So-called denazification is a historical term that has to do with the policy of the victorious Allied powers toward Nazi Germany after World War II. They wanted to rid the country of Nazi influences and remove those associated with the ideology from office. But the comparison with Ukraine does not hold up, Andreas Umland, an analyst at the Stockholm Center for Eastern European Studies told DW back in February. "The president of Ukraine is a Russian-speaking Jew, who won the last presidential election against a non-Jewish Ukrainian candidate by a huge margin," he said, adding that the talk of Nazism in Ukraine was completely unfounded. Umland said that although there were right-wing extremists groups in Ukraine, they were relatively weak in comparison with many European countries. "We had a unity front of all the right-wing radical parties at the last [EU] parliamentary elections in 2019, and that unity front received 2.15%," he said...". https://romea.cz/en/world/speaking-of-nazis-the-donetsk-leader-of-pro-russian-separatists-honored-a-russian-soldier-with-nazi-symbols-on-his-uniform#google_vignette St. Petersburg: Khimki, a suburb of Moscow:
    1 point
  26. Dude, you're all in on the unprovoked war with Ukraine, falsely calling their Jewish leader a Nazi.
    1 point
  27. Better we don't push to test value of NATO armaments. War is terrible thing whether you are on losing or winning side. After WW II Berlin and Warsaw were equally destroyed just to name capitals of countries, where it all started. It would be nice if warmongers like Moses remembered that although we need to remember that he really doesn't have a choice if he cherishes his freedom. No doubt every Russian keeps in mind fate of Nemcov, Politkovska, Navalny and countless others who tried to cross their bandit government.
    1 point
  28. Let's not exxagerate about Ngo Dinh Diem democratic credentials and don't forget that quite often undemocratically elected governments have overwhelming support of their population. Without election and free press is only hard to measure extend of that actual support.
    1 point
  29. After a successful venture at Arena, I spent the rest of the afternoon and early evening recharging with a good snooze and a glass of wine. However, when the temptation to get out and about became unbearable, I marched towards Surawong for a foot massage and to indulge in my favorite sport—people-watching. Around half past nine, I made my way to Good Boy. Perfect timing, as a few customers were already inside, sparing me the awkwardness of having everyone on stage vying for my attention. Scanning the room, I noticed that both 7 and 42 were present tonight. Now, it was just a matter of making the right choice between the two. As soon as the Papasan saw me, he promptly sat next to me, and we engaged in our usual chitchat. Interestingly, this is the only bar where I’ve ever been asked if I’ve had dinner! While still wavering between 7 and 42, 7 caught my eye and grinned mischievously, making my heart flutter just enough to summon him to sit beside me. 7 is from Laos, and his English isn’t the best, considering he only started working in bars this past April. But there's something so engaging about his persona that the language barrier hardly mattered. Either that, or he’s so good-looking that I was just giddy having him next to me. As the show began, we continued our conversation using a translator app. Oddly, the app kept translating "Top" as "complainer," which we both found amusing. I shrugged it off, and we agreed to let him “complain” on me tonight—and maybe tomorrow morning too. After 7 went to get dressed, I watched the show, eagerly awaiting Mai's performance. He’s such a handsome lad, and I would’ve "offed" him if given the chance. Unfortunately, I was told he’s not offable, as his partner works at the bar manning the counter. After Mai's performance, 7 and I headed out to the street. I asked where he wanted to eat, and he gave the standard "up to you." We took a taxi back to the hotel, and once in the room, I handed him my phone and asked him to order food for both of us. We showered together, and just as we finished, our food arrived—perfect timing. After dinner, I handed him the TV remote, offering him the chance to watch something. We cuddled up for a good half-hour before he shyly suggested going to bed—a suggestion I didn’t resist. In bed, he turned out to be a surprisingly passionate kisser. He took his time before "complaining" on me, which I thoroughly enjoyed. After we cleaned up, we stayed up chatting, watching silly videos on his phone, laughing together, and looking at photos of his family. We fell asleep cuddling, with me wearing a huge grin. Lucky 7, indeed!
    1 point
  30. You seem top have your tongue firmly lodged up Putin's butt.
    1 point
  31. I see. Of course Al Jazeera and The Times of India is famous for their western propaganda. 🙄
    1 point
  32. Regrettable that he lacks same remorse for the great number of Ukraine kids that he's slain in their homes, schools and hospitals.
    1 point
  33. Talk about desperate - have you seen Putin sweat this past week? Running around the country, trying to raise support. It is a shame so many people have been killed to prove what we already knew...the Russian war machine is made of paper. It turns out the big red Russian bear has no claws. Their tanks have thin armor, their rockets only strike on target 33% of the time, their troops carry paintball padding as body armor and their much hailed stealth fighter is less stealthy than an F/A 18 Hornet that dates from the previous millennium. Ukraine has been kicking their butts with previous generation equipment...just think what current generation NATO equipment would do to them. It makes one wonder if their nukes are even a real threat... which is probably why everyone is ignoring all those "red line" threats and the red line keeps getting pushed.
    1 point
  34. Same can be said of Russians....you are the proof in the pudding 🧐
    1 point
  35. No need for belligerency, no fires we're needed to vanish Soviet Union.
    1 point
  36. This is hope all sides hold dearly but when ballistics are flying, nerves are frail and world is not far from edge in matter of days.
    1 point
  37. I wouldn't be surprised if you believe in such a nonsense. Russis's collaborating with Nazis is well rehearsed with Ribbentrop Molotov pact being it,s pinnacle and helping to facilitate caving of Poland in half between those two in 1939, no doubt fact NOT taught in Russian schools. Neither fact that biggest butcher of Russians over centuries were their own governments, not external enemies.
    1 point
  38. NATO would crush the Russian Federation. We have both better quantity and quality. Narva's only 150 km from Petrograd...
    1 point
  39. You're right. When it comes to body counts, Russia can win almost any war with almost any single country, since life is cheap in Russia. I don't see you volunteering for the fight against the hapless Ukraine, though.
    1 point
  40. Still holding up nicely. And Russia, like every thug , attacked them for that reason, hoping for easy walk.
    1 point
  41. Sorry, but no study or academic treatise (!!) is going to tell you what's happening right now. If you have any awareness at all of what's going on in the country today, you'd know that Governor Tim Walz has won over more than just the state of Minnesota. I believe that he'll add more to the ticket than any of the other VP candidates would have added. He certainly performs better than they do in front of audiences. Even Mayor Pete, excellent as he is, can't fire up a crowd like Walz does with policy stuff as well as homegrown folksy stuff. In political-speak, this is gold. And no "academic treatise" is going to prove that with statistics.
    1 point
  42. macaroni21

    Bangkok Experience

    Small dicks are an advantage when you're top. You won't get bottom boys turn you down with "You too big, cannot!". Until... you meet a well-practised bottom who is loose and roomy down there, in which case you don't feel a thing, and the boy asks, "You enter inside already or not?". Whereupon it shrinks to nothingness.
    1 point
  43. reader

    boys rrates 2023

    What made you think I was Vietnamese?
    1 point
  44. Olddaddy

    boys rrates 2023

    Don't know what guys your after but all the guys I had from the apps ,all free, were satisfying to me If your after big cocks then Philippines is not for you either is south Korea I love the "manly" dominate Filipino boys with small cocks actually, and of course most are closet top gays which is my big turn on for me knowing most have girlfriends Brown skinned smooth looks , boyish looks , slim build ,small to medium cocks I don't like tall guys or guys bigger than me Maybe you have a different fetish from me I don't know ,but I'm heading back to Philippines soon ready to have my daddy ass fucked again and my pussy licked It's the only place I know where they love to rim 👅you , out of the 10 or so guys I had about 7 enjoyed rimming me and lick under my balls ,they love doing it as one said " it's better than licking pussy " I found most Filipino guys are dominant personalities and love their cocks sucked and slap my face I'm not sure of why your not succeeding,it can come down to many things ,and of course what your after sexually and how you look ,act ,etc
    1 point
  45. acquire /ə-kwīr′/ transitive verb To gain possession of. "acquire 100 shares of stock." To get by one's own efforts. "acquire proficiency in math." To gain through experience; come by. "acquired a growing dislike of television sitcoms." The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition
    0 points
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