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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/26/2024 in all areas

  1. 15M Massage has been featuring a guy in recent posts that I find difficult to forget: "Harn". Not that it's particularly easy to forget any of them IMO. ======== Nearby Phetboy Spa has posted a link to videos on Tik Tok. https://www.tiktok.com/@phetboyspa?_t=8n6PAB7TEiA&_r=1 Its continually updated lists of masseurs is available at https://phetboyspa.blogspot.com/2024/02/phetboy-spa.html
    4 points
  2. I am a mature cis Canadian gay guy who recently moved to Bangkok. I am curious about the gay scene, but a bit shy to venture out alone in Silom reading so many comments about mamasans and MBs who pressure you to drink and spend. I drink alcohol but I am not a big drinker. I am seeking friends over 50 like me to experience the Silom scene, and maybe chill out once in a while (I am not seeking a s*x partner as I like younger guys). I did put a similar post in Facebook and received a lot of nasty comments for being gay, so not trying that again. But I found this forum and hope to have better luck here. I live in central Bangkok.
    3 points
  3. NOTE -- On recent trip I was approached by a foreign male on Surawong Road (near Soi Thaniya), asking if I knew where he could find a hospital. After I directed him to nearby Bangkok Christian Hospital, he followed up and asked if I could change some money for him. I knew instinctively this was a scam attempt. If you're new to LOS, never agree to change money for a stranger. From Pattaya News Two Pakistani nationals were apprehended in Kamala after a series of thefts involving a clever 1,000 baht banknote trick. The suspects targeted businesses across Phuket, Pattaya, and other provinces. On Wednesday (July 24th) at 9:00 P.M., a foreign suspect entered a Kamala pharmacy posing as a customer. He engaged the pharmacist in conversation, using a 1,000 baht banknote to confuse them. The ruse involved pretending to buy small items, then claiming he didn’t want them, resulting in the pharmacist returning the banknote. The suspect would then change his mind and speak quickly, confusing the cashier, receiving both the items and the change, effectively leaving with the original 1,000 baht note. In the west, this sort of scam is called short changing, or a short change artist. The second suspect waited on a motorbike outside the pharmacy, ready to flee. This same tactic was employed at a mini mart in Kamala and three other businesses in Patong. In June, the duo executed similar scams in Pattaya, and earlier in March, they targeted shops in central Thailand, including Ayutthaya, Ang Thong, and Singburi according to Thai police. Authorities from multiple provinces had been pursuing the suspects until their arrest in Kamala on Thursday (July 25th). The thieves claimed they were intoxicated when committing the crimes and that they hadn’t meant to con anyone. Phuket Police have urged other businesses in the region to come forward if they fell victim to this scam. However, the names and ages of the arrested suspects remain undisclosed. Phuket police have also warned that these men may be part of a larger network and also could be involved in scams involving short changing tourists in areas like Phuket and Pattaya, confusing them by asking to help them exchange money and then short changing the victim instead.
    3 points
  4. I went Thursday night. 4 customers. Show only started at 11 so sat for quite a while. 500 thb entry fee. Comes with one drink. They had 8 male performers, one drag queen. The men had a variety of body types. One fit twink. One with no muscle, just chubby. Then lean muscle to bodybuilder roidgut. None were as pretty as the men you find at other shows, so don’t go looking for that. The owner or the guy running things that night seemed to be the hottest one! Lots of men with darker skin. My preference. They go up on stage two at a time. Before the show, they stand there. During the show, some performances were just two of them doing slow posing routines. They had a cockshow parade, could tip to touch and they all went around to each table. Next was cumshot. Sadly he received no tips, but still shot a load. There were some S&M performances. Running an ice cube over an asshole. Bags and masks over faces. It was just no atmosphere that night with a dead and unwilling to tip audience. I gave some tips during the “parade” to touch, but even I left before the show was over.
    3 points
  5. I get the feeling about being hesitant with the pressure, I'm also not a big drinker most of the time and I'm fairly introverted so I dislike having someone hovering trying to get me to make decisions. The first time I went a few years ago I was alone and very nervous, but after that first time it's easy. Sometimes I think we give the impression it's going to be relentless and confrontational, but it really isn't 99% of the time. It's just them trying to keep you there buying (any) drinks and hopefully getting you to take someone off. The mamasans don't care what you drink as long as you're not sitting on empty forever, most of the time I'm just drinking soda and lime (Schweppes Manao Soda). If the mamasan is asking you to pick a guy from stage and you either don't want to or haven't made a decision, just say "I will watch and chose later". Most of the time they get the hint and leave you alone for a bit while you decide to pick someone or pay your bill. The MBs are usually the least pressure in the bars i've found, it's after the ST or LT they'll send messages and try to get you back. You can avoid it by just not giving them your Line or Social Media. I still get a bit uncomfortable if the gogo is empty and I have a stage full of hopeful eyes looking at me, so maybe do a lap of the bars and look for one that isn't empty for the first time. If you go just before the show or during the show times it's more likely to have a crowd to sit and observe for a while. I'm under 50 and not there atm to intro, but i wish you well.
    3 points
  6. They were probably shocked by the amount of other people's DNA that registered.... thank goodness there wasn't a throat swab 🙈
    3 points
  7. typical pro-lifer, they oppose abortion in the morning , in the afternoon are all for death penalty, day after day
    2 points
  8. Clearly he cant separate the issue of Abortion from post-birth childcare. The GOP believes that after chikdren are born, you can forget about them until they get shot in school.... And then they'll offer their thoughts and prayers.
    2 points
  9. The immigration level that is needed should be determined as part of comprehensive immigration reform. The neo-conservative economic revolution of the 1980s has made housing unaffordable to wide swaths of the American public, this, indirectly or directly, impacts decisions on having children. The economy requires a certain level of immigration, for both skilled and unskilled jobs. Building a wall, or talking about building a wall because you're too incompetent to actually build a wall, is a stupid and misguided policy in terms of solving America's long-term economic needs regarding immigration.
    2 points
  10. at Hot Male on 2nd floor that have go-go bar. Like in every go-go bar in Thailand this is where you will see boys presenting themselves on the stage , usually bare chested , sometimes in jeans , sometimes in just briefs with number pinned somewhere. That indicates he is available to be taken out . Around 10.30 they will have a show with finale most likely being big cock show after which boys will circulate audience for tip in exchange for a feel of their rigid thingy. T you not obligated to tip but in such case don't touch guy either as it will be bad form, just look is for free. I usually tip 50 or 100 , some others just 20 drink is likely 500 and it's in reality admission ticket to a bar with 1 drink included. As you enter you will be seated and asked what do you want to drink. With your order invoice will be brought and placed in bin in front of you , you will pay when you will be leaving but feel free to pay right away if you wish so -I usually do. You can invite boy to seat with you, then either ask mamasan (waiter) to call him over or , like I do , motion him yourself. You should offer him a drink which , depending on bar will be the same , slightly cheaper or slightly dearer than your drink, we are talking 50-100 baht deviation either way, in Hot Male if I recall it's the same. If you subsequently decide to off (take with you ) that guy , you will get another invoice in your bin. In such a case no need to tip guy you are taking. If you decide to send hi back after a while you should tip him 100-300 may be even more depending on length of time you were holding him and how things went under the table. A we all know , hand holding and cock holding are not exactly the same. Try to be discreet though , just follow boy's lead. Keep in mind if you not planning to take boy with you by holding him you are depriving him chance of getting business so either compensate for that with higher tip or sent him back with his tip after he is done with his drink. Off fee for taking boy is almost universal 500, only exception I know in Bangkok is offing models from Moonlight which is 1000, floor boys there, often as attractive as models are still at 500 Waiter at Hot Male beer bar on ground floor can be taken home too for the same 500 but sometimes you may need to wait till end of their shift. More questions-ask
    2 points
  11. Happens worldwide, not just Thailand.
    2 points
  12. t0oL1

    GOP- Nice Boys

    I am glad he is ready to ask for forgiveness and more money...
    2 points
  13. ST = Short Time - the guy goes back to your room and you do the deed then he leaves. LT = Long time - usually overnight and sometimes the morning LLT = Long long time - multi-day/night arrangements, i would say do this only when you know him and you have good chemistry. When in the bar and you have picked the guy you like and you're having your drink with him, ask if him 'you want to go short/long time with me', then he will usually respond with yes and price paid to him directly in the room after the time. The bar also charges a fee 'off fee' to take him from the bar and it will be added to your bill in the bar. I'm not in BKK atm, I can only travel to and from when work permits unfortunately.
    2 points
  14. Fame at last.
    2 points
  15. They called hydroaccumulating power plants and for them you need that reservoir to be very high located - at night pumps move water up and and day water flow down and powering turbines, but a) they are not possible in flat Cambodia, b) they are below 30MW of power
    2 points
  16. khaolakguy

    GOP- Nice Boys

    Honestly?! What dicks, presumably they were in it together. I know there is a level of desperation etc, but they had clearly established a positive reputation which must have been with more than just the posters here and they have just trashed that without consideration for the upset that it has caused those who were fond of them(and might have helped them if they had just been honest).
    2 points
  17. vinapu

    GOP- Nice Boys

    Great to heat Gop is alive but questions lingers - who was cremated on that Wednesday mentioned in OP. I know dead body but whose ?
    2 points
  18. size of your endowment perhaps ? Not trying to be smart, while leaving one of Bangkok hotels for breakfast there was short exchange between my boy and night time receptionist and boy told me later receptionist asked if farang was generous. Diplomatically I did not ask what answer was
    2 points
  19. vinapu

    Dick's Cafe Jomtien

    Chicken with nuts plate looks yummy. Vote Trump advice generates urge to vomit though ( not related to dish just consumed)
    2 points
  20. I think Mara Gay is right. The full quote is at 5:00 in this Morning Joe segment about the racist and sexist attacks on Kamala. Here's a fuller version of the quote: Of course @EmmetK will say "racism sexism, blah, blah, blah." But I started this thread just to record some of the most ridiculous examples of "Dumb As Rocks" Trumpers saying dumb, racist, and sexist shit. 1. "Dumb As Rocks" Politico says early indicators of how this race will go is "dumb as rocks" versus "the crook". Good! It is objectively true that Trump is a felon, and a fraudster, and a sexual abuser. That was determined by judges and juries. The point has already been raised that whether or not Trump committed a crime on and around Jan. 6 SHOULD be determined by a judge and jury, NOT a Presidential campaign. That's true. But it's more than fair to say 2 in 3 Americans are worried that Trump did commit other serious crimes, like trying to overthrow a free and fair election. Which is why in one poll 57 % percent of voters said Trump is not fit to serve another term and should step aside. Why is the Republican Party trying to cover up what 57 % of voters see as his moral and criminal deficiency? These are just facts! It's just not an objective fact that Kamala is "dumb as rocks", any more than it is objectively true that she feel out of a coconut tree! 😉 What I wonder is this. If the issues are on the side of Republicans, and the right solution to inflation is to cut taxes more for billionaires and corporations, why isn't Trump talking about THAT? If the right solution to an invasion by brown skinned cannibals is a compromise immigration bill, why isn't Trump talking about THAT? Why does he immediately go to "dumb as rocks"? I mean, it makes him sound a bit slow, mentally. Not to mention sexist and racist. Who would have known? 2. "DEI hire." I'll let Morning Joe go on about this one. 3. Dumb White Guys In California, and Dumb White Women In Michigan And Arizona Why are some conservative white guys dumb as rocks? I mean, not to be ageist. But with Trump at least you can blame it on his age and lack of mental acuity. But even supposedly smart conservative journalists who don't rant about cannibalism for 90 minutes are saying things that just don't even pass kindergarten level logic tests. The racism and sexism just pours out without purpose, it seems. This is the end of the Democratic Party as we knew it Joe Biden’s withdrawal will open the floodgates to unrestrained California-style progressivism. The essay is worth reading, since it makes the grand theory of the case that Democrats are now officially the party of narrow elites and progressivism. Every Hispanic and Black worker worth his gun is now flocking to Trump's workers party, which stands for traditional worker values. Like being against unions, being for corporate tax cuts, being against Obamacare, and wanting abortion bans so women in abusive relationships stay home with their babies. Okay. I like porn. So if this is what conservative White guys want to get off on, more power to them. Just take some Viagra. But I also like facts. And this shit doesn't even pass the low bar of having anything remotely to do with reality. JD Vance has already made it clear that dumb as rock White guys like him can't figure out what California, or Kamala Harris, stands for. He wants her to be the DEI welfare queen who just "collected checks" while he was hard at work making a fortune in Silicon Valley. But wait? Don't we want elected officials to be paid to fight crime and put fraudsters like Trump in jail? Isn't it a good thing that California is the 5th largest economy in the world, and the center of American innovation, with one of the highest average incomes in the country? Oh, memo to JD. The very popular Governor or California, who Republicans keep trying to fire, is a White male. Not a DEI hire. But he does collect government checks, despite himself being rich. And the problem is? But what is this nonsense about Arizona and Michigan? Both have Democratic Governors who are women. Both have Democratic Senators, two of whom are women and two of whom are White men. Democrats are doing BETTER, not worse, at every level of power in Michigan and Arizona than they have in generations. Both states are prime beneficiaries of bipartisan bills to create good paying new jobs building chips and cars. The argument doesn't even begin to make sense. Arizona and Michigan are now states that Democrats can win statewide, consistently, because working class voters of every race like Democratic policies. They are good examples of places that have moved beyond the politics of racist and sexist name calling. Just ask John McCain.
    1 point
  21. People who are against choice on abortion are not "pro-life". I am pro-life. I support a woman's right to choose, and paid parental leave, and affordable child care options. I support preventing unwanted pregnancies with birth control universally covered through health insurance, public health education in the schools system. The anti-choice zealots are fixated on a fetus and government control of women's bodies, they are not interested in actually solving a problem and supporting the lives of children and women.
    1 point
  22. Maybe JD Vance suffers from the same character weakness as the defeated former President, he might not be able to say "I was wrong, I am sorry."
    1 point
  23. As far as I am concerned his Megyn Kelly interview sucked. He still sounded like he thinks childless women are somehow inferior. He managed to imply that the children of immigrants, in general, are inferior to native born children. His wife is the child of immigrants. Huh? Maybe he is just dumb as rocks. But the part that fell the most flat to me as an explanation is this: Profoundly anti-child? Harris clearly plans to run on very popular policies that could be paid for by taxing billionaires. Like parental leave and child care. The expanded child tax credit cut child poverty in half for one year, until Manchin and Republicans killed it. It helped something like 50 million kids. While it was not the main point, it softened the blow of inflation on working class families when the whole world was going through post-COVID inflation. It would soften the blow of higher prices on working class families with children now. This is a set up question for both JD and Trump. If they are down on childless cat women, will they support pro-family and pro-child policies? Both these guys come off as sexist pigs who are dumb as rocks.
    1 point
  24. The surprising thing about the poll numbers currently is that after the Republican National Convention bump, after being a victim of gun violence, Trump is still topping out in the low/mid-40s in approval. No other presidential candidate has failed to crack 50% like the defeated former president. Reagan was at 70%+ after his shooting. I approve of your GIF.
    1 point
  25. unicorn

    Biden bloodbath

    Well, it's definitely too early to say "Trump is Toast" and ring the victory bells. The vice-presidential pick only affects results in that candidate's home state, so Harris would be wise to pick someone from Michigan, Wisconsin, or Pennsylvania. She'll definitely need at least one of those states. National polls are irrelevant with the electoral college system. What matters is the polls in the swing states, especially the populous ones.
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. Yeah there's a few in that 15M pic that could ring my bell any day
    1 point
  28. TRUMP picking Vance for VP will overshadow McCain's Palin selection as one of the greatest political miscalculations of the past century, On the bright side -- at least he'll have someone to blame when he loses.
    1 point
  29. Yes, China is just trying to be helpful. As we speak it's trying to rearrange the South China Sea to relieve its neighbors of excess real estate. And its neighbors respond be being downright ungracious!
    1 point
  30. silverwolf76

    Hotel breakfasts

    you wish but i only invite mb for breakfast.
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. Olddaddy

    Biden endorses Harris

    No ..but now we have a youth crime problem in Australia caused by the years of the 9k baby bonus which ironically was brought in by a conservative government and taken out by the socialist government
    1 point
  33. A couple of notes to JD Vance. 1. Jesus had no children, I couldn't find any references as to whether Jesus had any cats 2. Donald Trump should carry JD Vance to full term to November, not sure the MAGA extremists would empathize with an aborted VP.
    1 point
  34. Welcome to the forum. No need to be shy and no need to get drunk. Mamasans will pressure you, mainly to off a boy or buy next drink indeed but it's not like strangulation and can be easily shaken off. Drink your drink slowly and it doesn't need to be alcohol, they have water , soft drinks some bars even hot tea or coffee. All drinks in bar cost the same 400-500 depending of venue. Best way to prevent from overspending is to take only that much money. I'm sure somebody will find you there to be your guide even if it's relatively low season there. Mamasans at Jupiter , Moonlight, Dreamboys and Hot Male are relatively tame so you mat start with one of those bars. But first step should be Hot Male beer bar on street level on Patpong 2. No mamasans, drinks are cheap and no pressure to off the boy as they are mostly for drinking company. Don't confuse with Hot Male go-go bar which is on 2nd floor right above.
    1 point
  35. I go back and forth on Mark Kelly. He's kind of a quiet guy, not sure if he's the campaigner that's needed at this moment. He looks good on paper on immigration and his appeal to the Southwest, but, does he look good on the campaign stage? Do you remember who Hillary Clinton's vice-presidential candidate was? (Of course you do, you're a junkie.) However, Tim Kaine was a boring candidate, probably boring was a choice that was made, I don't think that's the choice to make this time. Chris Cillizza has a short video out today about Biden's historical assessment that touches on the messaging aspect of the Presidency, it mirrored my thoughts on this governing AND campaign essential mix.
    1 point
  36. As far as I can tell, there's a built-in problem for authoritarian followers. They have to wait until their leader has settled in on what they need to believe. If they head out on their own today, and the leader takes a different direction tomorrow, they've got some serious cleanup to do. Or they may be under the bus for good. Trump is unpredictable on the best of days. With the curves he's been thrown recently (Biden, Harris, Project 2025), he's going to take some time figuring out his targets. Anyone who speaks his mind before then is taking a big risk. I'd be surprised if someone as opinionated as Vance stays out of trouble. I wouldn't be surprised to hear radio silence from Trump's loyal followers until the cue cards are signed off and printed.
    1 point
  37. since we mentioned Myanmar in this topic, one of the guys that spent the night with in Yangon told me later than as he exiting the hotel, someone from the reception called him and said: "Hey, you look good. Can you leave your contact number? We have customers that like young guys. We can give you a call". They were pretty much trying to pimp him out.😁
    1 point
  38. lookin

    The GOP Are Iditots

    Perhaps Trump farts botox?
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. as they say where I was born ' bell sounds but nobody knows from which church". There were various versions of reason for sudden closure circulating but I guess it's better to leave them to whispering, if at all , than put in print. Even from their boys I got two completely different reasons.
    1 point
  41. Australia is hearing all of this as it happens. The loudest message we are receiving here is about abortion. This is not just a women's issue. Men need to realise that without abortion or Mifepristone then we are headed for perhaps ten million extra men paying child support for the next eighteen or so years. Let that sink in. As a footnote I heard a snarky comment regarding the MAGA morons wearing a maxi pad on their ear. What are they going to do when he has a colonoscopy or a prostate exam.
    1 point
  42. not being involved in military conflict in first decade of XXI century did not prevent certain country located between Belarus and USA from attacking her neighbour and being first country post World War II to change borders in Europe by force. I , with many other hope an pray that we will be able to say the same highlighted part about certain country between Latvia and North Korea before w we close our eyes forever. But since you mentioned US and Cambodia , I'm 100% sure that we agree that USA committed many gravely since against Cambodia in 70 and 80 ties, starting with Lon Nol coup, through secret bombings (Mr. Kissinger, hope you are not cold in hell ? ) to supporting UN seat for Democratic Kampuchea fully knowing about Khmer Rouge atrocities.
    1 point
  43. there's big difference between being detained and freed shortly after and jailed for 6 years.
    1 point
  44. Can't see how placing a card to log the Serial Number then inserting it into a machine would work. Plus in the scale of things, Airport Security have no jurisdiction when it comes to stolen goods. Are you sure they weren't carrying out a swab test, ie looking for traces of explosives or in some countries drugs as well?
    1 point
  45. ⚠ I can attest to this, from personal experience in Jemaa el Fna. Decades ago, but the incident / altercation remains etched in my memory.
    1 point
  46. Latbear4blk

    Biden endorses Harris

    Her speech in Wisconsin was great. The Trumpards must be worried.
    1 point
  47. vinapu

    Biden endorses Harris

    Oh, the same like Blanche from 'Golden Girls'
    1 point
  48. vinapu

    Biden endorses Harris

    proof that one can be business genius and still idiot
    1 point
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