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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/23/2024 in all areas

  1. From Bangkok Post New landmark in Dusit district to serve as another ‘green lung’ for the capital, as well as a reminder of King Rama IX’s contributions to forest protection and water resource management Thais are looking forward to the completion of a public park in remembrance of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej the Great, which is expected to become a major new landmark in Bangkok. Designed as a forest park covering 279 rai in Dusit district, thousands of new trees will provide the capital with another much-needed “green lung” where people from near and far can unwind from the hustle and bustle of the city and get in touch with nature. The park will be dotted with reminders of King Rama IX and Her Majesty Queen Sirikit the Queen Mother, which will give visitors an opportunity to learn about their contributions to forest and water resource management. The park will be a welcome addition to Bangkok’s green landscape, alongside Lumpini Park in Pathumwan district and Benjakitti Park in Klong Toey district, observers say. In November 2021, the Bureau of the Royal Household unveiled a virtual design for the public park, which is expected to be completed by the end of 2024.
    6 points
  2. I did that with my e-visa last time to Indonesia, submitted without verifying everything, even after I printed it. When I used autofill on one field, it changed one of the other fields, I didn't notice.... had to pay for another one at arrival because everything has to be 100% right or it's invalid....was only $30usd, but I was pissed at how careless I was. I have trips booked until the end of the year, and some travel dates are the same but in different months. it gets confusing 🙄 #firstworldproblems
    4 points
  3. Like to think I'm obsessive when making travel reservations. Yesterday proved me wrong when booking January trip. Shortly after pushing the "pay now' tab on the airline website, I received the confirming email and learned that I had the correct return day but the wrong month! Immediately got on the phone and after a long wait got to a rep and confessed my error. He repriced the itinerary, found no fare difference, and rebooked me on correct date. I was lucky. Lesson learned: read, reread and read again before paying.
    3 points
  4. From Bloomberg Over the past 30 years, Airbus SE has continuously eked out more range from its A321 aircraft, making the model a bestseller as customers pair the economic benefits of a narrowbody airliner with the reach and capacity approaching a widebody jet. Now Airbus is approaching certification of its latest variant — the A321XLR — which may get sign-off from regulators as soon as this month and will effectively double the range from the original model that entered service at the start of 1994. Airbus plans to showcase the plane, for which it has more than 550 orders, at the Farnborough Air Show. The XLR’s entry into service, delayed by a year due to the pandemic and concerns about a fire risk from an extra fuel tank, pushes its range to 4,700 nautical miles, or 11 hours of flight. It’s a radius that promises to take single-aisle planes to destinations that were previously the domain of fuel-guzzling twin-aisle planes, changing the operating calculus for carriers that ordered the plane. Icelandair has ordered 13 XLRs to replace its aging fleet of the out-of-production Boeing Co. 757, which has a shorter maximum range of about 3,900 nautical miles. The XLRs, which burn 30% less fuel than its predecessors, will let the carrier add destinations in California, Texas, Dubai and across Europe, its chief executive officer said. “In many cases we are competing with a widebody aircraft, which are not as fuel efficient and not that environmentally friendly,” said Bogi Nils Bogason. “So that is definitely an advantage and we see opportunities for us in that respect.”
    3 points
  5. Her speech in Wisconsin was great. The Trumpards must be worried.
    3 points
  6. I think the motives people have for becoming Trumpsters have little to do with affection for the man himself. There's a minority group of wealthy individuals who are interested solely in a candidate who may be good for their business interests. The second and most dominant group are white, working class Americans who seek instant inclusion in a political movement that satisfies their need for being among like-minded individuals. Acceptance is instantaneous and gives their life renewed purpose. It's a waste of time for Democrats to try to present candidates that might attract Trumpsters. The Dems need first to excite their base. Without the votes of the base it's impossible for them to win. They also should seek the dwindling number of undecided voters but the emphasis has to be on the bread and butter democrats. They represent the the population most likely to go to the polls. If early indicators are correct--and I believe they are--Kamala Harris is the best person to do it. I trust her to select a running mate that will boost her party's appeal.
    3 points
  7. vinapu

    Biden endorses Harris

    good luck with extracting that from their idol Trump
    3 points
  8. I’ve been in Pakistan very recently. Pakistani love bottoms, specially if you’re smooth. TIP: Pakistanis love foreigners. If you see a man you like, approach him and ask him any question about directions or whatever. The conversation will lead onto exchanging info. You can contact him later by messaging him and making some suggestive comments. 90% of the time works. You could have sex everyday. They will not ask for money. They are just so horny and just want to get off.
    3 points
  9. My God, this tit for tat argument over Bidens medical record and condition has been going on for so long, they have found a CURE for Alzheimers..... Come on guys, give it a rest......its a new day and a new candidate..... time to focus on that.
    2 points
  10. vinapu

    Biden endorses Harris

    I bet they are and they should. Now they have their pick who is old, possibly fragile , with doubts sown of how he will perform at end if his demanding term when he will be even older.
    2 points
  11. Conversation between a friend of mine and their departing guest while in a car well on the way to the airport: "which terminal, North or South?" "No, Four". It's a good thing LHR and LGW label their terminals differently, or the mistake might not have been noticed until much too late.
    2 points
  12. reader

    Biden endorses Harris

    I truly don't know how I'd go about finding an "average" American today. Although there's some degree of racial prejudice in all societies worldwide, I think you'd only find remnants of it in some pockets of the old Confederate states. Since there are more women than men living in the US today, it would be difficult to find a bias against women in the 'average" American. I know a lot of people and have never detected such a bias.
    2 points
  13. It is & some low cost carriers take a lot advantage of it.
    2 points
  14. It's very common. I travelled an awful lot on business. On one trip from NYC to Chicago, I went to check in at La Guardia. The AA staff were puzzled, as the flight was from JFK! The e ticket and confirmation both said JFK, but I had assumed that as it was a domestic flight, it was from LGA! Hence blindness when looking at the ticket! I now check obsessively. Luckily I also leave a lot of time.e when checking in, so made it to JFK. Felt an absolute fool. Years before, I was in SF, going to Santa Barbara. I rang up the hotel to check the reservation, and like the member above, had the wrong month! This was expensive, as they only had a suite! The other issue, I find, is booking hotels many months ahead, especially if you have a duplicate booking, as you can do with booking.com. Unless you are very careful, you can forget one of the bookings. That has happened to me!
    2 points
  15. it was something in the air yesterday. Almost the same happened to me while booking short, 2 day hop. Just before hitting 'pay now' I noticed that return date is day later so managed to correct is before paying. those things happen occasionally , once I was asked to drive family of 4 to the airport on their way to Australia. We were almost at the terminal when wife looking at the tickets (remember those ? ) said to husband " John , we are flying tomorrow , not today ". That's only beginning of the story, when they returned home , bit disappointed they found they left back door to the garden wide opened. Sort of happy ending !
    2 points
  16. Absolutely! I'm glad they seem to have already narrowed it down to a Tough White Guy Veep. The sooner she picks one and they get out there and define themselves, before the MAGA Machine is allowed to define them, the better. I went Veep shopping. If anyone is interested these are short recent videos of Secretary Pete, Andy Beshear, Josh Shapiro, and Roy Cooper, either talking about whether they'd be Veep or in some other political context. I think any of them would be great. Three of them are, like Harris, former Attorney Generals. I like the idea of building "the rule of law" into the heart of the campaign. What I like even more is that Beshear and Shapiro talk about bipartisanship, lowering the volume, working together to get important things done. All four of those guys are great on that point. Although not necessarily when they are in rally mode like Cooper is, or on MSNBC with Rachel Maddow, like Pete is. But I agree with what a lot of talking heads are saying. Which is that Mark Kelly could add some special sauce that would help nationally, as well as in his own state. (The speech starts at 4:00, and the policy part starts at 9:30 and lasts about five minutes.) Harris will be attacked as the extremely liberal DEI Queen of identity politics who cackles. That is her big personal vulnerability. Put a White guy who flies in space and isn't the most eloquent on the ticket. When I first listened to his speech I thought he is not loud mouthed and witty and quick like Buttigieg or Shapiro. But I think I like it that he talks like a normal guy. Immigration is Kamala's biggest liability. And in the minds of some the reason she should not even be the nominee. Kelly can own that issue for her. And talk about why we need to come together and compromise and do sensible things we can agree on. Oh, and we can do that on gun control, too. Harris can now brandish her own tough on crime record, and a 20 % cut in murder and violent crime in the last few years, in a way she could not in 2020. Mark Kelly grew up with a Mom and a Dad who were both cops. You can not get more "rule of law" than that. But the thing I think would add special sauce is the way he talks about finding common ground with Republicans to solve big problems. Because he has the receipts. Like on the immigration reform bill Trump killed. I hope this is not only how Harris campaigns. I hope it's how she wants to govern. It's unlikely Democrats can hold the Senate. And the only way Tester and Brown will win is if they pound this message home, and people in Montana and Ohio believe it. And if Democrats ever want to have more than 50 or so votes in the Senate, it's going to have to work in states like Indiana and Missouri and North Dakota again. Unlikely under Kamala Harris, probably. But if I wanted to get anything through a Senate with 51 or 52 Republicans, I'd want someone like Kelly on the team. I think it makes a lot of sense as how Democrats want to brand what we want to do. It is very different than what Trump is saying. And it goes well beyond "Orange Bad Man" and "Felon". I think identity politics is what got us to this point, in a good way. I remember in 2008 having excited conversations with liberal friends. Like, could we actually have the luxury of even being able to choose between a Black man and a woman for President? Now it took 24 hours for Democrats to get their minds around the idea of a Black woman POTUS, and unity. And less than that to think we probably want to have some Tough White Guy on the ballot next to her. That's a lot of growth. And sorry to rain on Trump's parade. But I think after Trump loses they will regret the choice of JD Vance, and the over the top testosterone level of their MAGA party. Kevin McCarthy was the one who said you can't have a Republican Party led by mostly White men. I'm glad Trump did not pick Tim Scott as his Veep. Since his message, that we need to have each other's back again, doesn't really belong in Trump's party. It may belong in the Republican Party of 2028 or 2032. Nikki Haley would have made a good first woman POTUS. But she's now been forced to lick Trump's ass. Trump is good at one thing: trying to divide us, and conquer. Which is why he and his MAGA candidates keep losing. And I think will lose again.
    2 points
  17. One of the things I like about @EmmetK is that, since he has no interest in trying to be objective or balanced about facts, he challenges me to think about my facts before I post. So this thing about favorable ratings is quite interesting. And maybe significant given how divided we are, and how close the race is. Check out the difference in the disapproval ratings between Biden, Trump, and Harris. Trump's disapproval, as always, can't really get below 53 % disapproval consistently. Kamala's has been more fluid over the past four years, and since May has been closer to 50 %. That's got to be good news for Harris. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/biden-approval-rating/ https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/favorability/donald-trump/ https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/approval/kamala-harris/ I think that chart on Kamala Harris's favorability was never up on 538 before, since she was not the nominee. But there is a very clear break in trends in 2024 between her and Biden. It would be clearest visually if I could overlay the three charts. But you can see it looking at each one individually. Until 2023, the Biden and Harris charts were mostly tracking together, in terms of what direction they were going in. Both had a relatively brief period of net approval before their approval ratings tanked in Summer 2021. Since then both have been underwater. In 2023, both saw their approval ratings decline further. Meanwhile, in 2023 Biden's disapproval rating went slightly up, while Harris's disapproval rating went sideways. In 2024, the two have diverged. Biden's disapproval ratings continued to increase, to a recent all time high of 57 %. Meanwhile, his approval rating also kept declining, to a recent new low of 37 %. Kamala's did the opposite in 2024. Her approval rating increased slightly, and for the last month or so was close to cracking 40 % again. Meanwhile, her disapproval rating has declined slightly, and a few times recently fell just below 50 %. That still means net disapproval. But the trend throughout 2024 is that her numbers are getting gradually better, whereas Biden's have been getting gradually worse. Meanwhile, Trump is now in between the two of them on disapproval. He's at 53.7 % disapproval right now, which is 2.3 % worse than Kamala. That said, his approval rating is slightly better than Kamala's. Trump's lowest disapproval was just around 52 % around February. That makes sense. It was right after he put DeSantis and the primary to bed. But before he became a convicted felon. At no point has his disapproval rating ever fallen below 50 %. So this floor of a 52-53 % disapproval rating, which never goes lower, matches pretty tightly with the fact that he can never get much above 47 % of the vote - either in poll averages, or in two national Presidential elections. My point is that this may be a measure of Biden's specific and unique problems with his age. Back in 2023 I kept thinking as inflation came down and unemployment was at 50 year lows and the stock market hit new highs, Biden's approval ratings would go up. They didn't. And now, with hindsight, it seems obvious that all that stuff people were saying about his age is probably the reason why. Meanwhile, Kamala's disapproval rating actually did go down. Maybe it's a reflection of overall feelings about the Administration. Or it could be that she really hit her stride as the leader on abortion and women's rights. Whatever the reason, even a small difference like 2.3 % in disapproval ratings could have a huge impact on who wins. As long as both candidates have disapproval over 50 %, by definition there have to be "double haters" who disapprove of both, but have to vote for one - if they vote at all. Once Kamala's disapproval rating is below 50 %, that's no longer true. She could get to 50 % of the vote based on people who do approve of her, and people who don't really feel one way or the other, but do disapprove of Trump. Favorability ratings are seen as much stickier than horserace polls. And also more impactful on how people actually vote. It does seem like Trump is stuck with the fact that something like 53 % of voters will always disapprove of him. It is good news that Kamala has been much closer to 50 % disapproval for much of 2024, and at least has the opportunity to further lower her disapproval rating in the next month. Especially now that it's a guarantee that the Chicago DNC will be a unified love fest for Kamala Harris.
    2 points
  18. macaroni21

    Gay Jakarta

    Jakarta also has much more Islam. If a boy is seriously looking for this kind of work, he would either go to Bali or Kuala Lumpur.
    2 points
  19. He clasps onto individual polls, like a drag queen clutches her pearls in a lip synch. The drama
    2 points
  20. Hang on EmmetK, hang on...I can feel your desperation and fear....But its not over yet, we have 3 months to go with Kamala humiliating Trump at every turn.... Trump hates woman, and especially BLACK woman, Judge Chutkan, Fani Willis, Lettia James, etc.... so imagine one beating his ass at the finish line ? This November, Trump will simply be a FELON....with 3 more cases hanging over his head. Hang on EmmetK, this will hurt alot, but you'll survive. And then you can come back and stump for Donald Trump Jr in 2028
    2 points
  21. vinapu

    Biden endorses Harris

    Plainly, you are in wrong crowd
    2 points
  22. Personal request. You don't seem to call Obama, Barrack. Or Trump, Donald. Or Biden, Joe. Please stop calling Harris, Kamala. She's not your friend (I'm assuming). She's running for President and, personally, I think referring to her by her first name diminishes the seriousness/intellect she brings to the campaign. And it's so Hillary. You may disagree of course. I really hope Harris doesn't campaign as 'Kamala'. She's a prosecutor for god's sake, and a prosecutor is what America needs.
    1 point
  23. unicorn

    Trump Shot at Rally

    Well, the second she said "I take full responsibility" is the second she needed to resign. Had she said "I asked for more funding, to allow for more staff, but my requests were denied," or some other exculpatory statement, then it would require more investigation. When she admitted the fault lay squarely on her shoulders, she had to resign. That was pretty straight-forward, in my view.
    1 point
  24. Next week, each day Joy Reid on her show on MSNBC will be dissecting P2025 chapter by chapter. This is what Americans need, so that they understand simply and clearly it full intent. Many of the policies in it are veiled or weighted by language most Americans cant understand... Once its unpacked for them, they will be able to see the damage it proposes.
    1 point
  25. It is. This could be an ideal fit on some long haul routes that carriers often discontinue on a seasonal basis. It complements the A350 Ultra Long Range (ULR) which I've flown on numerous occasions
    1 point
  26. I think we do better on our own, lol
    1 point
  27. The numbers were very much down last week. It was closed apparently over the past holiday weekend. Well , at least if there aren't many customers you can basically choose any of the guys you like.
    1 point
  28. vinapu

    Phnom Phen Info

    about 10-15 minutes, I did the walk at least twice, well past midnight and at no moment did feel unsafe, streets were mostly deserted. Remork may cost 1-2 $ max and those are easy to be found on 136th str where bar is ( for uninitiated, Space Hair is hair saloon during day and bar with hunky hosts at night, crew is different during day and at night so no haircut but the hunk)
    1 point
  29. Keep your shirt on EmmetKlown .
    1 point
  30. floridarob

    Mexico city metro

    To get in the Mazatlan, timing is the key, it's usually full and the receptionists are bitches....among other problems, lol
    1 point
  31. Vance’s comment that one should “Work hard and play by the rules” is laughable, coming from Donald Trump’s running mate. Trump himself is guilty of tax fraud, falsifying business records to influence the 2016 election, illegal acts in operating the now-defunct Trump Foundation, and was found liable for sexual assault. He cheated on all three of his wives - sometimes with the next wife. Quite the rule-follower.
    1 point
  32. a-447

    Bangkok bar shows?

    I've got a "friend" who takes care of me in BKK, and we don't go out to bars. Normally, it's sex in the afternoon, out to dinner and then back to the hotel (The Raya) for another round - if I'm up to it, so to speak. But if I do make it to a bar of two, I'll give you my impressions.
    1 point
  33. Jota

    Mexico city metro

    If you want to live a real cruisy experience in Mexico City forget the metro, it is not what it used to be, instead visit Mazatlan Hotel one of the hottest cruising spots in the city. There is also a Sex Shop in Zona Rosa area where you can pay the access to the cruising area on the second floor. Both of them AYOR.
    1 point
  34. caeron

    Trump Shot at Rally

    What? I thought most of were here because we didn't like fish.
    1 point
  35. To start, I'm not a big fan of identity politics. I think identity is important, and it's not something to unite a campaign around with an electorate of hundreds of identities. Say that, so far I've been happy with the coverage of Harris so far. It's less of the Clinton, I'm a woman running for president, than Harris is running for president and happens to be a woman. It seems like less of a big deal or focus, naturally given that if she gets the nomination, she's the second and not the first. My first inkling of concern today was when I saw a Kamala sign. No. Run as Harris, not as Kamala. Just like Biden ran as Biden, and Trump is running as Trump, not as Hillary ran as Hillary.
    1 point
  36. Shapiro was Attorney General of PA just as Harris was AG of California. So that might inform somewhat their similarity in style and substance.
    1 point
  37. From Thai PBS World The Philippines is looking to forge reciprocal troops access agreements with Canada, France, New Zealand, and other countries, the defence minister said on Monday. Defence Secretary Gilberto Teodoro told ANC news channel he hoped the agreements could be signed next year. The agreements would allow greater interoperability, as armed forces of these countries can operate within the Philippine territory and vice-versa, Teodoro said. “It is close to the apex of a defensive alliance,” he said. The Philippines and Japan signed a landmark military pact earlier this month that allows the deployment of forces on each other’s soil in the face of China’s increasingly assertive stance in the region. Canada, France, and New Zealand have expressed support for the Philippines’ claims within its 200-nautical mile exclusive economic zone. China claims almost the entire South China Sea and rejects a 2016 ruling by the Permanent Court of Arbitration in the Hague that its expansive claims had no basis under international law. The case was brought to the court by the Philippines.
    1 point
  38. LOL. You keep forgetting Biden and Harris won in 2020. Are you ever going to accept that Trump is a rapist, a felon, and a loser? Oh. And you keep forgetting you lost in 2018. And 2020. And 2022. And 2023. And you will lose in 2024. Poor thing. The one thing I would call a victory on the GOP side is that Kevin McCarthy, who comes from a diverse district in California, said we need to integrate the Republican Party. His approach was very different than Donald Trump publicly disgracing a Black female Republican House member, Mia Love. Who lost in 2018, because she did not "give me love", in Trump's gross old raping lying words. This is why most Americans can't wait to vote against the raping lying felon. Anyway, what did McCarthy do? He found Black and Hispanic conservatives and got them elected. What did the GOP do? They fired McCarthy. And now you are going back to attacking a Black woman because she cackles. You really have no clue, do you, clown? So Harris (the poll, not the next POTUS) is the most pro-GOP of polls. And this poll is very useful because it gives us a baseline. Penn says that the country is +5 Republican now, in his new poll. The 538 average says the country is actually dead even right now, 44.5 to 44.5, on the generic Congressional vote. They include Harris being R + 5 in that average. So it suggests that Harris leans about +5 to Trump, compared to other polls. If true, which I think it is, that means Harris and Trump are actually tied in favorability right now. CNN did an average of polls (pre-Sunday) and found Trump/Harris is too close to call, since Harris does slightly better than Biden. In this Harris poll, including leaners, Trump beats both Biden and Harris by 6 (53/47). That would sound about right, for a poll that is consistently skewed about +5 Republican compared to the average of polls. So it again suggests the race is very close, with Trump having a narrow lead that is not statistically significant. This poll was done BEFORE Sunday, when the race changed. Interestingly, since Harris separates out the field results from Friday and Saturday, Trump was beating Harris +8 (including leaners) on Friday, but only +4 on Saturday. Probably just statistical noise. But, again, this is a poll that consistently skews pretty far to the right. And it was taken the day before everything changed. So in my mind it simply confirms that it is a close and wide open race. A few other things. This poll was taken at the worst possible time for Democrats. Until Sunday, the party was in turmoil and near despair. Meanwhile, Susie and Chris did a hell of a job pulling off a fantastic RNC. With the sad exception that they could not get the lying raping felon to keep his mouth shut or stay on message. Sad! So whatever these numbers are, this is the best possible result for Trump, with a pollster that consistently shows him doing better than most polls. And you can even measure this comparing Harris poll to Harris poll. The prior Harris poll, on July 13-15 (pre-RNC) showed Trump beating Harris by 4, not 6. It showed Trump with 43 % approval and Harris with 40 % approval, a 3 point spread. That compares to the post-RNC 6 point spread (45/39) in approval ratings you cackled about. You like to cackle, don't you? This was all predictable. In 2016 Trump actually got a big but temporary convention bump in the second half of July after the RNC. It was actually the only time in 2016 he led Clinton in the national poll average, by about 1 %. In 2020 he got a very small little bump. Kind of makes sense, since people didn't really learn anything new about why they wanted to fire his ass. Which they did. Here's an interesting question: why did Trump get such a small bump from the 2024 RNC? I'm guessing because the lying raping felon could not keep his mouth shut, or stay on message. What do you think? Speaking of conventions, I think in 24 hours we have settled the question of whether Democrats will unify at their convention, or have a food fight. It is Kamala Harris's party now. Her stepdaughter, who raised money for innocent children being slaughtered in Gaza, will not be outside the convention leading protests against "Genocide Joe". I think that means Lichtman will NOT take the party contest or social unrest key away from Democrats. So in Lichtman terms, that means Democrats now have 3 keys against them, with only 3 more undecided (third party, foreign policy success, foreign policy failure). All three would have to turn against Harris for her to be predicted to lose. Possible. But probably unlikely, since Lichtman says only 2 are leaning against her now. I know you dismiss the fact that he's been right, in advance, every time since 1984. But you never liked facts much, anyway, did you? I'm sorry, poor thing. It's gonna hurt bad when your lying raping felon loses to Queen Cackle, isn't it?
    1 point
  39. I posted this on the thread on Biden in the general beer garden, but I will post it here too. This is Mark Halperin's 30 minute daily morning meeting. It's like cat nip for political whores. Halperin put his ass on the line on Friday going public about how Biden would resign as early as Sunday. Immediately he was accused of pushing "fake news". He now looks like the guy who is either the smartest in the room, or at least has the best sources. And he puts some of these people on camera and lets them speak their wisdom and experience. In that video there's a Republican described as very anti-Democrat who would love to see Kamala mocked, according to Halperin. The guy's point is that if all Kamala does is rehash "Orange Man Bad" and "sexist", it is a tired drone that people heard and rejected in 2016. I think he is right. That said, what has changed since 2016 is Trump is a convicted felon and rapist. 2 in 3 Americans think he has committed serious crimes like trying to overthrow a fair and free election. So we are about to learn how good a prosecutor is, I guess. But I think a lot of this is better left unsaid. The attacks on Biden worked mainly because voters could see him age with their own eyes. So I think it's the same here. It's probably true that when Trump is on a stage with her, he's losing. Even before he opens his mouth.
    1 point
  40. Would that mean in the future we can buy dildos and porn dvds at Thai markets, something that has never been available before?
    1 point
  41. Yes, it's why I keep coming back
    1 point
  42. Moses

    60-days on arrival waiver

    Bullshit "foreigners who enter the Kingdom under this Tourist Visa Exemption Scheme may re-enter and stay in Thailand for a cumulative duration of stay of not exceeding 90 days within any 6-month period from the date of first entry" https://www.mfa.go.th/en/publicservice/questions-answers-on-thai-visa?cate=5d5bcb4e15e39c30600068d3
    1 point
  43. We now know who was responsible.
    1 point
  44. @Moses You are correct! A Pew Research Poll published last week shows that for the first time in its polling history more voters identified or leaned to the Republican party than Democrats (47 to 46). The trend is clearly very favourable for the GOP. For voters under 26, the gap is remarkable. Republicans +30. "Just four months before the 2024 Presidential Election, young people are moving toward the Republican Party in a big way. Most of the people flocking to this party are below 30. This development is taking place despite its contender Donald Trump being convicted in the hush money case. This has also come at a time when President Joe Biden has come under scathing attack for his dismal performance in the first presidential debate held on June 27. Biden has rejected all calls to step aside and vowed .. 47% of respondents support Republicans According to the National Public Opinion Reference Survey (NPORS), published by Pew Research Center, 47% of respondents said they were Republican or lean Republican. Besides, 46% of the respondents claimed to be Democrats or leaned toward the Democrats, reports 'Newsweek'. Pew Research conducted the research between February 1 and June 10 and contacted 5,626 U.S. adults. Support base shifts In an opinion poll held after the first presidential debate, the support base was found to have shifted from Joe Biden to Donald Trump in as many as six states, previously dominated by Democrats. In another survey, more than half of the voters, mostly Democrat supporters, said that Biden was too old and weak to be the president for another term." https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/us/pew-research-center-report-young-voters-moving-toward-republican-party-most-of-them-under-30-details-here/articleshow/111669107.cms?from=mdr TRUMP/VANCE 2024 MAGA
    1 point
  45. I can confirm that a gentleman who resides in same condo as myself did arrive today, July 17, and was given 60 days, visa exempt.
    1 point
  46. reader

    60-days on arrival waiver

    The “stipulated period” is 60 days. You can apply for additional 30:days for total of 90.
    1 point
  47. How long are they issuing these 60 day visas for, or is it going to be permanent?
    1 point
  48. You'd make a great mamasan....just don't hang outside the shop doing your nails like @reader does.
    1 point
  49. speedoo1

    Mexico city metro

    You would have better chance winning the lottery than randomly finding guys fucking in the metro
    1 point
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