That is most likely true. Hoo had ultimate Admin access. When he died, Daddy was the host provider and had access to all the code (MS Frontpage at the time). When he tried to steal the site from the estate, I took control of the domain name and informed the estate of its value. Daddy requested that I not tell anyone and that WE would run the site. I did not want that. I wanted Hoo's BF to get the site. My plan did not work. But, the estate was shocked when I offered them near 6 figures for the name and the site as Daddy was at the funeral and told them nothing of the site or its value. Old story, but all true. It was at the time that Daddy started hating me as without me interfering, the site would have been his for free. As the site got run into the ground, my price point went down every few months and finally it was of no value to me. I always regretted not just turning the site over to Hoo's BF as opposed to telling the estate I would buy from them to give to turn over to him.