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  1. Day 9: Friday Forget Robert Mugabe, the main World News Event of today is the planned “Double Penetration of Leandro”! Together we’ve chosen the +1... Leandro doesn't want anyone from Mezzaninu... so I go for the best from Plataforma - Henrique I collect the car from Mario Quintana. Excellent job. I couldn’t tell it’d been repaired. No clients at Fabio’s shop again. It's all pretty desperate. I slip the very straight work colleague 200R because I fear he'll leave Fabio if this continues (just as the last one did) I’m messaging both Leandro and Henrique throughout the day... Henrique is a guy of few demands. Leandro drinks champagne... Henrique wants Polar beer... the locally brewed cheap beer (50p a can). I can't let this happen... so get some Leffe and Budweisers as well. I ask him to dress smart. Leandro suggests that instead of eating out… we have pizza delivery instead... I'm not sure why?... ashamed to be seen in a restaurant with me? Get here for 10pm! Get here for 10pm! But first...Plataforma! Elliot …is one of Tom's past conquests. He's been here for 10 years... smiley fidgety... the sort of smiley fidgety you get with drugs... and he does everything really well... he kisses, sucks, takes it... but he's rushing things... trying to move things on. Afterwards I tell him (this is possibly the new me coming out) Agreed 100 Paid 120 Friday night at Mezzaninu and it's the same old faces hanging around... Leandro... Matheus... Marius... a few actives... that big guy from Rio... I do nothing. The Double Penetration of Leandro 10pm and both boys arrive before 10.15pm. Leandro is wearing the jacket I bought him previously (nice touch – determined to show who’s the favoured one here!). I suggest a restaurant... Leandro easily persuades Henrique to accept delivered pizzas instead. Henrique is even more gorgeous than I remember. He is from that beach we went to in the far south of Porto Alegre. His story is basically... got girlfriend pregnant at 15... she died of pre-eclampsia... but the child survived... he's 27... he has a 12 year old son... both of their names are tattooed on his arms... he works during the day making burgers and selling food locally... he works at Plataforma because it is closer to the south of Porto Alegre than Mezzaninu (Tom and I suspect it's because he knows he beats the competition there)... he often says "I'm just a simple man" (when explaining his request for Polar beer)... but he seems very pleased that champagne and a range of continental beers are available. He seems like a really nice guy. I give Henrique some M sized cuecas (Calvin, Armani and Stonemen) and some perfume (CK One Shock)... he's really happy... and he's trying them on. The chemistry between Henrique and Leandro is good. Henrique is a man... Leandro has now changed into a "wife"... preparing everything and serving Henrique. They chat a lot... music... dance events... other garotos... saunas in Sao Paolo... drugs... (basically Leandro has experience of everything... Henrique has little). A fair amount of time was spent discussing the fate of Diego – a garoto from POA who worked in Mezzaninu last year. He decamped to Sao Paulo at the beginning of 2017 and then moved on to Brasilia. In August he was in a car being driven by his transsexual girlfriend. Two men pulled up and shot the girlfriend at point blank range. Diego was injured and went to ITU. Two days later he was dead. Henrique agrees this is very sad. I say I remember him fondly. He was one of the few POA garotos who could actually speak English (though no one could understand how he learned it) and he could be funny with it. Leandro refuses to believe he died… saying he absconded from ITU and went into hiding in Sao Paulo. Drink is flowing. The gargantuan pizza arrives. They like each other. This is going to be great... 3-way kissing ✔ 2 guys sucking me together ✔ More 2 guys sucking me together ✔ And then we hit the bed... Henrique's erection dissolves after 5 minutes. It's the alcohol. It's the poppers. And you know how difficult it is to get an erection when you've lost it and need it?.. well we're in one of those scenarios.... let's wait 10 minutes... let's wait 30 minutes... Leandro... for all of his doe-eyed coquettiveness... and despite being drunk... is a total professional... he instinctively knows what to do in most situations... and in this case he’s brought Viagra (How come you’ve got Viagra? – “You need it if you’ve got to have sex with people… but I don’t use it for you!” – do I believe him? - No!)… Henrique is given some Viagra... we wait. Leandro, sensing that all is not as it seems, is mouthing "Passivo!" to me... then suggests we all fuck Henrique. Which we do. Henrique probably is more passive as you can fuck him readily... but he's really tight! Henrique keeps insisting that he’s more active. Eventually there is an erection and Henrique throws on a condom and starts to fuck Leandro. It's forced in, it's rough, it’s too fast... and too painful. 2 days ago Leandro had my fist up him and that had gone well... but now he seems in real pain after being forcibly fucked (later he apologises for not being able to do much bottoming, saying he’s in pain and thinks he's damaged something) Can't remember much more... Leandro went to sleep... Henrique and I chatted... In the morning (3 hours later), Leandro said he didn't think he could take anything... I fucked Henrique... As Leandro texted later - "It was a pleasant evening but didn't go as expected" It was a good evening but the pair had too much to talk about and compare in Portuguese. Even when I asked what they were saying, Leandro would reply "Você sabe!" (you know!), assuming my ability was better than it is. Leandro Unspoken 600 (his usual) Paid 600 Henrique Asked 350 Paid 450 Day 10: Saturday After goodbyes... I sleep! I'm feeling unwell... probably unopposed metformin (I haven't been eating much)... Into town... I buy some books and try to go to Fabio's printer... but it's closed! Tropical rain is belting down. Pick up Tom at 3.45pm and we head off to Plataforma. 3 garotos and us. I've had one recently... the other 2 are unremarkable. I sit alone with a coke zero. Then head off… I meet Tom at the shopping centre... he is eating... I go to buy more coke. I miss him texting that he's gone to the toilet so, assuming that he's left for Mezzaninu on foot, I drive there. Of course he hasn't... he's still there waiting for me... disaster evening so far! Mezzaninu is a mixture of old faces and older faces. Nothing excites in here. The new bar staff are characterless never-there robots. Watching not very good guys trying to get business is equally miserable. Then I spot the lust of Fabio's life - Vladimir! I try to make an arrangement with Vladimir... he comes to my apartment one night... sex with Fabio... I pay Vladimir. I text him the proposal. But it’s unlikely to happen as Vladimir has to leave at 9pm. Vladimir I had Vladimir the last time I was here. He takes it. And has a lovely smile throughout it. And he's funny. Today... as I think it would be more upsetting to Fabio if I fucked him... I just take him into a room for a clothed kiss. Agreed 100 Paid 100 Alexander A use-the-room-twice jobbie with one of Tom's cast-offs. He's far too big and far too active... so this too is a lie on the bed and kiss affair. No erection. Nothing. Pleasant guy. Lives in Canoas. Has wife and 2 children. Wife knows what he does. Does something with cars. Agreed 100 Paid 100 Diego …asks to sit next to me whilst he plays the bingo. Been here all week. Not a beauty. Probably gets little work. Did it all and came… though I did have to tell him to stop saying "Oh Baby!" Agreed 100 Paid 150 - he's delighted. Much of my time is spent chatting to the lovely Brazilian guy Marcello on the roof. Garoto Michael joins in. Fabio comes over on Saturday night, having previously asked to cancel. He's stressed. It's late. I'm knackered. He wants to go home. That's ok. Day 11: Sunday - last day in Porto Alegre I miss a Saturday night out! I fall asleep and wake about 9am. Wash some underwear and t-shirts. And head off to Fabio's BBQ. ...which is in Fabio's garden. 2pm. Fabio's mother has built a grotto to St George in the garden. It's like a little hillock covered in cemented-in pebbles. And inside the cave is a plastic St George slaying a dragon. No garden is complete without a grotto I feel. Straight best friend Samuel (the guy who did all the work renovating Fabio's shop) is in charge of the BBQ... his other straight friends Samuel2 and Kuka are there. His work colleague Bruno (very straight, very sexy) turns up. After some introductions, his mother, aunt and sister retire to a back room whilst the boys sit outside under the veranda... it's all a bit Victorian!!??? I’m told this is normal. I’m with four boys, having a barbecue. Three are straight and they all know that I’ve paid Fabio for sex in the past. His sister knows. His mother and aunt know. In the past I have given a bottle of poppers to Fabio… and it seems that rather than use them in mad passionate gay sex… they have all tried them whilst just sitting together… and of course the conversation comes round to poppers… I have a new bottle… I give it to Fabio… it’s opened… and the rest of the barbecue is spent watching four boys pass round a bottle of poppers… their reactions are a mixture of exhilaration… and I think, faked inebriation. They laugh a lot. Last night at Mezzaninu I arrive at about 6pm... It's a bit subdued... again... low lighting... many clients... few garotos... old faces prowling round... As a sort of warm up for what will come later, I agree to... Alexandre …who I sorta remember from 2015. He doesn't remember me. His most memorable feature is his unfortunate dentition - canines in front rather than in-line. I remember him saying he'd been in Sao Paulo in the past... now he only comes here on Saturdays and Sundays. I seem to remember him part of my 2015 foursome (far too much direction required on my part)... but I cannot be sure. Anyway he kisses... sucks with a condom and gets fucked. He has a beautiful pert bottom (like Marcus). Throughout fucking he keeps saying "Beautiful"! Agreed 100 Paid 150 Michael …was a Tom conquest on Tom’s day 1. He's different. Mop of brown hair... beautiful eyes... and toned physique. And he's totally active. Everyone knows this. Last night (Saturday) I'd been sitting on the roof chatting to the nice client Marcelo. Michael joins us. We're all laughing because Michael is wearing black and yellow striped swimming trunks and we're calling him "abelha" (the bee). It's a lot of fun. Michael does a sort of "you and me" gesture... and I say “No, você esta ativo, eu estou ativo". Michael, speaking through Marcello, asks how much would I pay him to be passivo? I say 200. He says yes. We agree tomorrow (which is now). So many many WhatsApp messages later (he's asking what is the app to learn English at 2am... and lots of his own spelling of English words). He's promised the "Best Sex Ever" And when we get to it... it's a lot of fun. He kisses well... he sucks... and then he took it. At first he's on top of me... Then possibly the "extra-mile" position... he is on top... above me... leaning back... his feet are now pressed against the vertical wall... and his weight and position maintained by just his hands on the bed... his arms are rocks. Up and down slowly. It's a sight. We finish with a more routine "him on his back". He cums a little. It's all very light hearted. A lot of laughing and faces. We chat afterwards. He's from Curitiba. He's 19. He travels the country working in saunas (he listed at least 7 cities). He likes Porto Alegre because it's "very gay". He's bisexual... doesn't have a girlfriend... would like to study "Administration" in the future (though I suspect he'll just carry on doing this). He managed to quickly rent a flat in POA when he arrived (very unusual given Brazilian bureaucracy) and I suspect this is because he had the money to do so. I ask "Everyone knows you're active... why did you agree to be passive for me?. "Because I like your face" Agreed 200 Paid 200 (and I give him 2 pairs of Calvin Kleins that I still had left over) Back at the apartment… As a "present" for Fabio, I book a guy from Vivalocal (Fabio is basically sex starved in Mario Quintana)... and he arrives within 20 minutes of Fabio's arrival at my apartment... Kauan Well he was nice when he turned up. Probably very surprised that he was being asked to have sex with a "former" garoto. They had a drink. Went to it on the bed. I wasn't interested. I was writing this diary. Over in 20 minutes. From what I was told later... he's smaller than me... he couldn't keep hard... And then it gets a bit different... Fabio asks if I've eaten and should we all go out for a meal... we cannot find a restaurant so let's go to McDonalds... I'm going to have to drive... they're chatting away... Kauan wants the music on... Fabio puts the music on... I'm buying McDonalds... Kauan would like to study to be an estate agent... and he likes cannabis... he's been barred from Mezzaninu for 1 week for using his mobile phone... I cannot really see the point of all this because Kauan isn't gay... he's not going to suddenly declare his love for Fabio... I'm beginning to feel a bit used... sort of garotos squeezing the client for everything they can... Fabio senses I'm not happy. We return to the apartment. Kauan calls an Uber. Agreed 230 (200 +30 Uber) Paid 230 + Big Mac I spend the night with Fabio. Tomorrow Curitiba.
    5 points
  2. Hope you saw my post where you can get a bunch of free flights to Columbia on Jet Blue. Subscribe to the Chaterbate membership for $20 where you get 200 tokens and unlimited private messages. 1/4 of the rooms are in Medellin and the guys are eager to meet up if you private message them. Grindr is good in Medellin for "Prepagos" and of course I like to start at Club Tobi and network from there. The hustler bars/sleazy sauna/gay sex hotel block is sleazy and ugly guys.
    2 points
  3. TotallyOz

    Leather pants

    It all started when I was 13 and we were swimming in a pool. There was a huge group of us and somehow at the end of the day it was only he and I. It was getting dark and my mother was inside the house. But, he came over to me as I was at the edge of the pool with my hands on the concrete and he started gyrating. I moved my ass a bit and before you know it he had my swimsuit down and was fucking me. His girlfriend (future wife) was inside my house with my sister. It was quick and painful but good and sweet all at the same time. It was the first of about 50 times over the next few years but the rest of the times were in my bedroom. I had a basement bedroom and it has a door to the outside. He knew after 10PM my family would be asleep and he would visit from time to time. It was one of my fondest memories.
    2 points
  4. So, I changed my travel plans from my intended trip back to Rio. Due to a few factors, I decided to check out Columbia instead (and possibly head to Brazil afterwards). Will arrive into Bogota Jan 15 and have a flight back to California on Feb 4. I haven't booked accommodation yet, but found incredibly appealing and stylish options in both Bogota and Medellin on airbnb. Amazed at how much more value they are than similar options in Rio. I've contacted a couple of guys from Instagram and will use Grindr once I touch down to connect to more. My type is clean cut/fitness guys and there seems to be an abundance on Instagram. A little nervous to explore a totally new country, but from what I've read, Columbia is considerably safer than before, so I'll just exercise the same caution I would in Rio. If anyone has any fitness model recommendations for Bogota or Medellin, please DM me. I'll be posting updates and reviews here during my trip.
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. We'll always have Florida
    1 point
  7. boiworship

    Leather pants

    How about omnisexual?
    1 point
  8. BiBottomBoy

    BoyToy wishes

    Last Tango In Paris...
    1 point
  9. AdamSmith

    BoyToy wishes

    Again... 'I don't use too much butter, I use enough butter.'
    1 point
  10. My interest in this story has more to with Jesse, the photographer who helped his whole family shape up. Jesse did quite well himself, becoming a hunk with a six pack. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/5257932/weight-loss-transformation-chinese-family/ You will find other pictures in the Sun story, but the above is my favorite! For example, Jesse looks great in a tight t-shirt!
    1 point
  11. MsGuy

    Americans Are So Weird

    True enough until they start stacking the wood around your legs. It's kinda the original meaning of 'faggot'. Just FYI, this is not the time to cheap out on that final tip to the executioner. You want that wood piled high and dry.
    1 point
  12. BigK

    The Organ

    I loved the Yes Minister series of shows. But you need to start with the first show of the first in the series. Yes, Minister then Yes, Prime Minister.
    1 point
  13. boiworship

    Leather pants

    That’s incredible! When I was 15, I had an on again, off again relationship with my very hot next door neighbor. We never played at my house, but would play in the loft of his garage, or in the woods during the summer. I’m sure he’s married with several kids now since ha was raised in an Anabaptist family.
    1 point
  14. Maybe the gay students could complain about having seen girl butt?
    1 point
  15. For me the repression makes doing it all that much better.
    1 point
  16. tassojunior

    BoyToy wishes

    wait til his mom sees what he did with those Hefty bags.
    1 point
  17. Glad you were able to enjoy the fireworks @Badboy81 Clearly the best pyrotechnics display here in awhile. So there was a smoky ending that blocked some viewing at the climax. Sometimes you just have to use your imagination. In the end it's the overall Carioca vibe that makes it worth it. You seem to get that.
    1 point
  18. AdamSmith

    Leather pants

    20 Endearing Julia Child Quotes That’ll Get You Through the Day Lean August 15, 2016 No Comments THE FRENCH CHEF, Julia Child, 1962-73. photo: Paul Child Today is Julia Child’s birthday! And to honor our favorite chef and author, here’s a compilation of 20 of her most endearing and unforgettable quotes: “I enjoy cooking with wine, sometimes I even put it in the food…” “Find something you’re passionate about and keep tremendously interested in it.” “I was 32 when I started cooking; up until then, I just ate.” “There are only four great arts: music, painting, sculpture, and ornamental pastry.” “The only real stumbling block is fear of failure. In cooking you’ve got to have a what-the-hell attitude.” “A party without cake is really just a meeting.” “Just speak very loudly and quickly, and state your position with utter conviction, as the French do, and you’ll have a marvelous time!” “Tears mess up your makeup.” “Always remember: If you’re alone in the kitchen and you drop the lamb, you can always just pick it up. Who’s going to know?” “The measure of achievement is not winning awards. It’s doing something that you appreciate, something you believe is worthwhile.” “With enough butter, anything is good.” “The main thing is to have a gutsy approach and use your head.” “Every woman should have a blowtorch.” “Everything in moderation…including moderation.” “Life itself is the proper binge.” “As you get older, you shouldn’t waste time drinking bad wine.” “Cooking well doesn’t mean cooking fancy.” “The only time to eat diet food is while you’re waiting for the steak to cook.” “It is hard to imagine a civilization without onions.” “People who love to eat are always the best people.” http://foodeagle.com/eaglefeed/20-endearing-julia-child-quotes-thatll-get-you-through-the-day/
    1 point
  19. marcanthony

    Leather pants

    And I would take this model as well!!
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. Suckrates

    Leather pants

    They should FIT more like this !
    1 point
  22. AdamSmith

    Leather pants

    And for us alte kakers, leather is very effective to help contain & conceal 'accidents'!
    1 point
  23. Sorry, @Lucky, I can clearly read "if you want to go throw 100 dollar (or Euro) bills of your balcony" , that is not talking about his experience, AND that is clearly misconstruing what PopeFrancis and I do: we are not throwing away money. Why would he say we are? He is clearly coming here to diminish the value of our generosity for no reason that I can see, (appart from maybe making himself feel better about not being generous? I have no idea.) If you want to tell your own story, do that, but don't come here and start saying "you" in PopeFrancis's travel report thread, and then use negative words like "throw away". I can also read the sarcasm in "I think it's cute when people think they are bettering someone's life with something materialistic". If I was wrong, apologies, but if it isn't sarcasm, then why didn't he write "I think it's cute when people are bettering someone's life with something materialistic". The sarcasm is again designed to belittle the impact of generosity. As for the hypocrisy, what do you call this dialog? A: "I bought myself a smartphone. I love it, it has really improved my life" B: "Can I have one too?" A: "No, materialistic things won't improve your life." As for his last comment about a guy clearly undergoing a depression, resulting in him cutting himself, I can't see how a straight-thinking mind would bring that on the table to talk about presents. That completely baffles me and still needs explaining.
    1 point
  24. Finally I can disagree with Tartegogo! floridarob has his own opinion, based upon his experience, and it isn't sick or hypocritical. It's just different from yours! I don't give presents, but I do tip. I never send money after I leave. That's just me and I wouldn't expect anyone to blindly follow my opinion. One example is tipping a go-go dancer. I will sit in a bar for awhile watching the guys, but I don't off one. I give the guy I liked best a tip though, just for pleasing me with doing his job. I don't see that as throwing money away, but someone else might. Okey-dokey with me.
    1 point
  25. Throw of your balcony? Completely irrelevant comparison. By the way, do you guys say the same to your friends who buy a present for their nephew at Christmas? "But you are not going to get better sex out of this! You are throwing money of the balcony!" Are you dead inside? Yes, some do that. So what? It doesn't say anything about those who don't do that. in case you think we don't, we know they have sex with us for the money. We know they would rather be somewhere else, if it wasn't for the money. It doesn't mean I can't make a few moments better anyway while together, for both the boy and I. I assume you buy some materialistic things for yourself. You don't live under a bridge, do you? Why do you ever buy anything for yourself, if it doesn't better your life? I think the word I am looking for is hypocrisy. Why are you mixing up someone's mental health issues with a simple present. That is sick.
    1 point
  26. I respectfully disagree. Most people don't "throw around" "money and presents" in the hope of being liked more. And I've read Tomcal's "they think he's a fool" anecdote a few times on here in the past. I'd even read it before deciding it was something I wanted to do. ...and it's a viewpoint which has been allowed to prevail unchallenged on this forum. BUT there are so many reasons why people enjoy giving presents... - on a basic level it's another "thank you"... a tip for providing a service to you - you can actually feel good by giving presents - the biochemical gratification of being the gift-giver is far larger than than being the gift-recipient - I really really enjoy giving presents... and I suspect that Tomcal's "they think he's a fool" falls into this bracket as well. - for me it neatly fits into the way I was brought up - "treat others as you'd like to be treated yourself". - and I think certain items really are appreciated - Perfumes which are very cheap in the UK are prohibitively expensive in Brazil (a 100ml bottle of CK One Red would cost me less than £15 in the UK, an equivalent bottle bought in Brazil would cost around £100) Take Marcus (above) for instance. A year ago or so, I scrolled through his Facebook page. I saw he'd posted a photo of a bottle of Hugo Boss perfume... so I thought he must like it.... fast forward and we're sitting on a bed... I lead the conversation to the photo... he tells me that the picture was not of a perfume he owned, but of a perfume he dreamt of owning (WTF) !!!???!!! He went on to say that if he had a bottle of it, he wouldn't be able to use it because he'd be so scared to use it up... he had no idea of what was coming... and to be honest, I had no idea how far away he was from actually owning a bottle... anyway then I gave him two bottles of different Hugo Boss perfume and told him he must use them! He just sat there and cried. I'd had no idea of how much these would mean to him. We didn't kiss. We didn't have sex. We just went to sleep in the end. Fully clothed. We didn't have sex at all the whole time I was there. I was too aware of how easy it would have been to take advantage of him. Tartegogo and Geodesic both feel that presents have led to better sex. And Tartegogo also suggests (he's read a draft of this diary) that my presents have led to better sex. I'd never really thought about it. I just sort of thought me and the guys were finding each others likes... But the "what happens next" is certainly not something that you negotiate in the corridor of Mezzaninu...
    1 point
  27. Nah, not because they will like you more, but because it feels good to give and see their face light up. But they are often (not always) thankful afterwards and the sex sometimes gets significantly better, even when it is already good. It certainly did for me, and I think @PopeFrancis ‘s presents also had this effect at least once (in posts yet to come if I remember well from reading a draft of this).
    1 point
  28. Day 4 - Sunday in Mezzaninu (after Tom and I go hunting for a McDonalds for Tom) About 8 garotos, 15 clients... it should be a sellers market but it's the same old sellers faces... I chat with Roberto I chat with Tom The usual boys who sit with the Filipinos are not there. One boy is standing in for them all. Alex Roberto (who is looking out for me)... has sent Alex to hunt me down... We all agree Alex's indigenous look is not his best feature. But he is lean and golden skinned. And.... he's unbelievably good.... he's got the passionate kisses... he sucks.... he enjoys being sucked.... he gets fucked.... and does all the work... he's really good. He will be a repeat. Asked 100 Paid 150 Bruno I'm now doing a "Tom's Super Saver Sunday" whereby you don't hand the room key back (we've worked out that they're lax on time keeping here)... and you grab boy number 2 and whisk him into the room you've already got! So this is 50 for just kisses with Tom of Finland lookalike Bruno. He's totally active and won't suck... so kisses was as far as I'd get. And he's rubbish at that. It’s like kissing the Blarney Stone. That said... he has a killer smile... looks great... and was very jolly and smiley. He says he has a girlfriend and a boyfriend. He works as an estate agent in POA and lives in Gravatai. I've had worse experiences. Agreed 50 Paid 50 A quick exit to get back home... to prepare for… Leandro So at 10pm the "swan princess" will arrive... and he does... hair in a bouffant style... shirt open... tight trousers... he looks amazing. We go for dinner in a nice restaurant. "Pope Francis you must teach me English" (obviously he didn‘t call me that but you get the idea) We come back to the apartment… Leandro offers to park my car… and he crashes it into a wall. We chat forever. So many things... 1) his ex boyfriend Paulo is suicidal. He tried to kill himself again recently. When Leandro tried to tell him it's over, he took an overdose and cut his neck with a knife.... and so it continues... Paolo is still sleeping in Leandro’s bed... Leandro is too scared to try and get rid of him... I tell him that it was Paolo’s decision to cut himself, not Leandro's and allowing Paulo to stay in his bed is not being honest with Paolo. Paolo needs honesty. 2) Leandro now has alopecia areata.... of course no real cause... but he is blaming the stress with Paolo. It is a 50p piece size on the back of his head... very noticeable. But there is some new fine white hair growth. 3) He's only been to Mezz 3 times since April because other boys don't like him. That said he has a WhatsApp of lots of repeat requests from clients which he shows me. He asks me how he compares to the other boys. I tell him he's the best. He says "no"... but I suspect he's heard “the best” many times... He talks about being in a room with 3 other boys and the others being ordered out... he talks about his fetishism. .. how Americans love taking photos... he likes double penetration... He says he wants to stop doing this but needs the money for his studies and his mortgage. I know he likes champagne so I've bought him a bottle of Brazilian "Chandon". It was his birthday recently so I give him some presents. Chatting until 3.30am. After finishing a bottle of champagne, he seemlessly moves on to Fabio's bottle of white Martini (having previously dismissed it as a girls drink) He finds it funny that there are other brands of alcohol in the fridge... which he knows can only mean one thing... Then the sex marathon begins... and he is unquestionably the best. It is difficult to work out how he has managed to become perfect at this... immaculate presentation ... almost punctual… an absolute delight to be with... and a total total slut in bed... at times you’re fighting him off… he is amazing. Day 5: Monday - Mezzaninu CLOSED ...so it's like a "find your own way" day... For me, the day begins with being sexed to death by Leandro... I'm on a high... I'm exhausted. I spend the rest of the day pottering around... doing nothing... staring into space... eating chocolate... washing a bath mat... much like the Prisoner of Zenda Fabio has texted to say he can't meet me this afternoon because he has to take his mother to see a lawyer (it's about getting her dead husband's pension). ...so I'm now scanning vivalocal for something to fill in the time... I turn my attention to two of my long term targets - Mateus P - a guy who once advertised on Vivalocal about 5 months ago (and I kept his details) - and Lucas M - a guy who I tried texting the last time I was here, but felt that he blew me out. I Facebook message Mateus... back comes the response - R$ 5000... there's a bit more texting… I’m saying his prices seem to have gone up somewhat... him asking how much I'm prepared to pay... he wants a nose job... it's all very odd... best avoid I WhatsApp Lucas (who had previously advertised on vivalocal and less than a month ago was still advertising on Skokka)... 150 for 1 hour... and after lots of faffy messages... do you have a photo of your dick?... I need to go to the shop... I need to tidy up... I do the 25 minute drive to his apartment. It's a massive gated community called Parque Vargas... and it is, no joke, 100m from Fabio's house and shop!... a few more faffy messages... I have a flatmate here - do you mind?... did you bring a condom?... and he comes out to meet me... Lucas M After having to walk past some guy sitting in his own living room... Lucas leads me into his sad rented room... He keeps asking me if I'm nervous?... no I'm not… he clearly is... he starts by standing up and undressing... he is taller than me... very thin... his face is beautiful but his body is a mixture of mottled pigmentation, razor reactions and pustules and pick axe scarring from acne... kisses are half hearted... and like others who advertise (in my limited experience), his trick here is to try and get you to fuck him as quickly as possible to bring the episode to a close... so he's repeatedly turning his back to me... and I, realizing that the kisses are unlikely to improve, that chupa is not on tonight’s menu, eventually fall in line with his plan and I make a half-hearted attempt to fuck him. I quickly decide to stop... ask him to gozar... which he does. We then have a little chat on the bed... he's a primary school teacher... he likes Taylor Swift, nightclubs, sneakers and fashion... he has depression and anxiety and takes Fluoxetine... and would I like to see him again? I'm escorted out of the compound. Agreed 150 Paid 170 Fabio A two second drive around the corner to Fabio who has just messaged me. He says it's been a difficult day but it’s been productive (in terms of his mother’s pension)... he gets changed... then apologises for his clothes. We drive to McDonalds. Back to the apartment... a bit of something... I'm too tired. The problem here is I've had Leandro... no one else compares really. I'm now telling myself that Fabio is real... Leandro is a professional. Day 6: Tuesday in Mezzaninu Fabio leaves in the morning and I spend the rest of the day eating jelly beans and watching the fall of Robert Mugabe. Tom and I arrive early at Mezzaninu. There are about 8 clients (mostly active) and 8 garotos (mostly active). Madonna is still in concert. Given the lack of fresh talent, I attempt to lay old ghosts to rest with Marius... On the stairs, we Google translate one another... I tell him that when I was last with him, at the end he started requesting more money to pay the rent. After first trying to tell me about his rent, he settles on "Sorry"... I tell him to be careful as he will gain (should read as "has gained") a reputation... Marius After some intense bargaining (he says he is usually active) we head off to a room... I think he has an incredible body. The tattoo on his left wrist is the same and he has resisted the urge to get more. His lips demand kissing. Ok kisser. I don't recall chupa. And you need to fuck him slowly... every time you get as far as you can, he squeals. Fuck… squeal… fuck… squeal… fuck… squeal… Agreed 125 Paid 150 + he asks for food I’m not seeing anything new in Mezzaninu... the only other possibility would be Andre but I cannot bring myself to go there. Yet. Tom has found himself a relatively new guy called William And Tom refuses to share him! With nothing happening here, I head to Plataforma... It's raining. Tom has left his umbrella in my car. Divine justice. Plataforma is as sad and dingy as ever. The boys are all watching TV. 4 garotos, maybe 3 clients. What the Plataforma boys lack in looks, they more than make up with desperation... Willian He comes and sits... says he'll do it all... off to room 12... Great kisser... asks to put a condom on for sucking (I say don't bother)... then he sits on top of me and gets fucked until he comes. It takes ages. Every cum-face known to man. I have to check my penis doesn’t have a repetitive strain injury. Offers to send me photos of other guys that are available (if he can have 50R commission!) Agreed 120 Paid 150 Jorges Again… he'll do it all. Room 12 (by now I know all the dirt on the floor) Kisses are virtually none existent. He makes it clear that he doesn't like it. He also says he won't be able to get fucked as I'm too big (possibly worth the payment alone) He then sets out on a blow job that I've never experienced by a garoto... constantly sucking... taking it down to the hilt... holding it there... gagging... tears rolling down his face... looking up at me… surely he can’t continue doing this?... but he does!... gagging… tears… looking up… tears… Bambi choking to death… it's all an incredible turn on. Sensing he’ll go further… I enter into a renegotiation…and I cum in his mouth. Agreed 150 (in the end) Paid 150 Marcus I pick Marcus up at 9.30pm... we go to Zaffari and buy his drink of choice (Campari)... off to a restaurant... then back to apartment. All the time we are speaking English. In the room I give him some Hugo Boss presents. He seems much happier now that he’s left Mezz and is working at the telephone shop. He earns 1800 per month... works six days a week... and can only have a month's vacation after he's worked for a full year. He'd like to rent his own apartment. He's thinking of doing university entrance exams for accountancy now. In March 2017, he told me that he wouldn't wear a pair of brightly coloured Andrew Christian swimming trunks on the beach as it would be tantamount to telling everyone you're both gay and passive. So I present him with a pair of pink Andrew Christian swimming trunks with “PASSIVO” in neon yellow lettering printed on the backside. He loves them. But he still won't wear them. We're in bed. He seems keen. We have sex. We're a good fit in terms of height. And he was always perfect to fuck. His buttocks are perky. The bed moves 2ft across the floor. He is totally lovely. We sleep. Paid 400 (though his lowly self esteem had previously quoted me 250 per night when I was last here)
    1 point
  29. Day 1: Thursday – Porto Alegre I've officially chosen the worst car hire company in POA – FOCO!... wait ages for the FOCO shuttle bus... then the women in the office faff around… their ethos seems to be "if you keep going on and on about insurance in Portuguese eventually he’ll buy it". I won't and I don't. The weather is terrible. Grey with tropical rain. The traffic is terrible. Every road seemed blocked between 4 and 7. I've never seen it this bad. Mezzaninu seems subdued. Slightly more boys and slightly more clients than I remember on a Thursday night... the lights are turned down. I don’t know if this is to make the clients seem more appealing. Will they ever stop playing that “Madonna in Concert” video? Gustavo Pretty. But it's an ordeal. Has to have the television on (straight porn). Tentative kisses. Looks at my penis as if I’ve got leprosy and suggests we “tomar bano”. .. so then we're standing in the shower and he's soaping my dick like he's scrubbing up for surgery.... of course by now it's all a recovery mission... some halfer-than-half-hearted sucking... back to the bed for a finale of sorts... but for me, it's more a final countdown... Didn't ask him any questions... I couldn't care less He'd asked for 80. I paid him 120. Yes too much... but it’s probably the least I've ever paid. Felipe Distinctive look... beautiful long neck... going bald… Roberto tells him to give me a very very good time... he's probably a better top... kisses are better 3/10... he makes no effort to suck 0/10... instead he's making me suck him! 2/10... he gets fucked... with fake moans... it’s like fucking a resuscitation dummy. He asked 100 I paid 120 Julhano This is a repeat with a guy from last time. He's bigger and gay. Now he's leaner... and now he tells me he's not gay! Says he’s got a wife… that she’s taken his phone… It's ok. He kisses well. He sucks well. He takes it. He flops with poppers. But he rallies at the end for a gozar. It's good but I think I was already a bit fed up. I give him a pair of Armani briefs that I’d arranged to get him before I arrived. Fabio It's belting with rain. I drive 5 miles out of POA to what is one step up from a shanty town... Waze describes my destination as an "unnamed road". Fabio is waiting... excited... happy... I get to see his shop "The Village"... meet his best friend Samuel... it's wonderful. Fabio and I head to McDonalds. We meet one of his "fans" from when Fabio was a singer. Fabio cannot remember his name... but he's gay and cute... and with his boyfriend! Fabio and I get to the apartment. Fabio still very happy. He has an erection! It's a lovely night. There seems genuine passion. He seems to have lots of plans... basically me and him every night. I'll text him. It's nice. Uber home 26R. Day 2: Friday - Porto Alegre is much better.! It's Friday!... that means get your vaccination regime up to date... swallow an antihistamine... and off to Plataforma! …Purge your thoughts of the life you knew before… Plataforma There are about 3 clients and 10 garotos. I'm mostly sitting alone in their main room. Chris Issac is belting out “Wicked game” He’s always singing this when I’m here. Then one guy comes, introduces himself and sits next to me... this time I make a point of translating "Do you kiss?" "Do you suck?" "Do you get fucked?" ...and with a "yes", we head off... Rodrigo My height... very lean... tattoos... and he does everything... and his kissing is passionate! His showstopper is his absolutely ENORMOUS penis... which he doesn't force on me but it demands further attention.... actually it probably demands a sauna for itself... He is good. Agreed 100 Paid 120 The next guy is walking around a bit... then he’s sitting at a table having a drink with a client... I position myself... unsubtlely in his line of vision... they are chatting away... then... they don't go off to a room together!!!... Five minutes later he's sitting with me... and another client has positioned himself in his line of vision!... Henrique Is quite simply handsome. Not muscular... or skinny... just a beautiful face... and very friendly... and speaks a little English because he once worked in the Sheraton. He says he is more passive... He kisses... he sucks... he gets fucked... he never gets hard... I ask why?... he says because he's being passive... Following a special request... he rises... and ejaculates! Lovely guy. Gives me his number... says he's been advertising himself on Vivalocal for 4 days... To check his number is working, I text "Oi"... and despite the fact he is lying next to me, butt naked with no phone, back comes the reply "Oi"! How come? I ask... He's left his phone with his brother so that his brother can respond to messages from any prospective clients!!! Agreed 100 Paid 120 Plataforma: unbelievably good! (what’s happened???) (and still unbelievably dirty) I leave. Arrive at Mezzaninu at 7.30pm. It's raining again. There is a group of 3 Filipino Americans sitting with some boys. They certainly have a "type"... I guess the term "jock" sums it up. I chat with Roberto. I meet Marcelo again. Roberto and I go to the roof. Free churrasco on the roof. Then I see him... the cutest guy by a million miles... But is he with a client??? He exits. I give him 2 minutes. I go down And catch him coming back up! Quick questions! Passivo? (of course he is!) etc etc We get a room... Guillerme Good kisser. He sucks. He is as cute as it comes. But his position of choice has a blue whale spooning with a pixie (I'm far too old for this Cirque de Soleil) He wants to do Radiology at college. His last day in POA is tomorrow before he goes on holiday... Later that night, Fabio comes over... we go out to Bar Mixx. It's terrible. Half of it (where the pool table was) has been blocked off. The garotos that are strutting around are all really tall. We leave. Night with Fabio drinking a bottle of white Martini I've bought him. Day 3: Saturday at Mezzaninu. I pick up Tom who's just arrived Mezzaninu is busy. I go to work... First stop: Repeat with Guillerme Great kisser. Beautiful smooth skin. Sucks. Gets fucked. Does what it says on the tin. Today is his last day here before going on holiday. Matteus-Henrique Having seen him enter whilst I was waiting for a key for the first room, he quickly went to the top of my "to do" list. I'd seen him on vivalocal so expected him to say he was called Henrique. But instead he called himself Matteus. He's 18. Beautiful eyes. Poor kisser but sucks and takes it. He is saving money because he would like to be a doctor. Asked 100 Paid 120 Gustavo Wears a maroon t-shirt because it's cold. He says he'll do it all. And he does. And he's as skinny as they come. If bad teeth street urchin is your type - then Gustavo is your man. He came whilst I was fucking him which is exciting. Then I try to talk with him. He cannot give me a WhatsApp number because he has no phone. He seems to find reading difficult... and he's not drawn into a Google translate conversation. Asked 100 Paid 150 Gianni Gianni is a trooper. I’ve always known of Gianni. He was the garoto’s go-to guy when they needed a bottom for duos. Last time I was here, Tom watched Julhano fuck Gianni. .. and even I've had the 'pleasure' of watching Lucas the straight guy with the massive Angel wings tattoo fuck Gianni (which I wasn’t so keen on). But we’ve never spoken. In the run up to this trip, I’d messaged Julhano... I planned to buy him some cuecas (underpants) and, because I'm guessing he's not a small, felt it best to ask... and he comes back with Armani, medium, black. And I’d given him them on the first day as a sort of thank you for the last trip. So it came as a bit of a surprise when, in the run up to this trip…and out-of-the-blue, I’m messaged by Gianni (someone I've never been with) advertising his services. I already know from Facebook that: 1) He's gay 2) He's friends with everyone 3) He seems very happy and funny (Unlike every time I've seen him where I think he's fairly masculine) Anyway we’ve already agreed to meet! So I come down the stairs... and there he is... I pretend to ask him his name... agree 100... and off we go... And it's brilliant. He kisses, he sucks, I fuck him for what seems like ages, he's pouring with sweat. It seems like something close to passion. We both cum. He's training to be a fireman. I ask what underwear he likes?... Calvin Klein... Andrew Christian (the brand that Marcus refuses to wear because it's like walking on a beach and advertising that you are "passivo"!)... and he's medium... which may be a problem. Agreed 100 Paid 150 Repeat with Gustavo Some boys clearly have difficulty getting clients... and the "I'll steal your wallet" look doesn't really go down well. Gustavo is clearly in this bracket. He's also getting drunk. He's asking for another go (I suspect I might be his only client as he's done a lot of table hopping tonight)... OK then if I must… He does it all again. He's rough, skinny and eager. He cums again. Agreed 100 Paid 120 Fabio I drive out to the scary neighbourhood of Mario Quintana. And meet Fabio in his shop. We're going to go for something to eat... and where better than his brother’s hotdog van!?... which has now moved to the safety of his brother's front patio. So down a side street in the middle of 'unnamed road'… I'm eating a hotdog. I'm meeting his brother Roberto and Roberto's wife Veronica (who dances in the carnival)... two dogs are barking in the street… and it's just lovely. Fabio seems so happy that I'm there. He's still posting pictures of Paris and London on Facebook (I think how annoying must that be to his friends?) We drive to Bar Mixx (worse than Friday)... then on to Indiscretus... which is on the empty side. We both dance a little. Then back to the apartment for white Martini (his choice)... and lots of sex.... always ending with us thanking one another.
    1 point
  30. Lucky

    Whiten That Penis!

    For anyone interested, penis bleaching by laser is now available at a Thai hospital. Check out this article and then book your flight to Bangkok and make that appointment! http://www.nydailynews.com/life-style/health/penis-bleaching-bigger-article-1.3737468 (They didn't have any before and after pictures!)
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