Many of the “online” escorts also work in the saunas at 1/2 the price asked.for online! Since less then probably 80% stay in the business a year or less there are not many professionals to review and unlike the US, I have found what they do with one person can vary greatly between customers depending a number of factors(age, in shape or not, Personality! Among other things). They are not as professional for the most part compared to their European or American counterparts! Imhotep but there are those that are just a lot fewer in number and i know there are a lot of Americans that like the ametuer or not as professional or as smooth as the experienced escorts with several + years under their belt! Again this is just my opinion but it’s based on 16 years of going to Brazil 4 - 5 times a year! But I will admit I have never hired off the internet...too many choices you can see in the flesh in the sauna! ;-)