I find it annoying that we have now gone (halfway) back to the old travel restrictions for travel to Cuba from the US. I had already bought a ticket to travel to Cuba over Thanksgiving, and now the Trump administration has announced new travel restrictions. They are, to say the least, confusing. Americans are still allowed to travel, but not allowed to do business with certain shops and hotels and businesses that are rumored/believed to be connected to Cuba's military. There are now restrictions on certain categories of travel (people-to-people, for example). But you can still go and stay in an AirBNB/casa particular, something that was explicitly spelled out by Marco Rubio on Twitter. Some sources are saying that the new policy is very restrictive, while others are saying it's only a partial roll-back. Part of the trouble is the enforcement piece--since it has been basically left to travelers to self-police, what will the future bring in terms of scrutiny of travelers, itineraries, etc.? And will US-based airlines begin canceling flights and routes? http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/359354-trumps-cuba-policy-allows-airbnb-stays-for-americans