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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/09/2017 in all areas

  1. Like Trump, His Highness doesnt sit well with criticism, contstructive or otherwise. I am Banned now, for supposedly posting an "erection" pic. Blastphemous !!!!! HIS ongoing paranoia is his ruination.... But I do believe his greatest pleasure in life is Banning people. Kinda like when Trump says "you're Fired!".......But I am so immune to it now, I dont give a fuck. Banning used to piss me off, but now I just go watch the Real Housewives of New Jersey.
    2 points
  2. And for all the "Bannee's" that take asylum here, I think we should have one of those Vegas or Palm Springs meet-ups....
    1 point
  3. 1 point
  4. Thumper1

    One of those days....

    Fucking EXCELLENT.
    1 point
  5. Lars, I am glad you brought this thread here and am happy it is an active thread. We provide a place for people to chat about anything they wish to chat about. However, to say we lack humanity based on that. People participate differently in different places. However, I can't think of many topics we don't allow and we don't ban people very often. I hope the participation is now low based on lack of humanity. I call the activity of the other site the Trump factor. His fans have one thing in common, they like authoritarians. This site is the opposite. We are the anti-Trump. I still hope there is a place for us as we are not going anywhere.
    1 point
  6. Lars, I dont think its lack of Humanity. I just think its apathy, or perhaps selfishness. People participate here only to "receive" and not contribute. Its the reason I stopped posting. It felt as if I was the only one that was.... Whether its lack of time, or laziness, people here dont feel the need to contribute. Maybe there's really no "connection" to the material contained here. Dont know what it is, but when compared to participation on other sites where the management is dictatorial and manipulating, its quite surprising and something to take note of, that they would rather be on those sorts of sites than HERE, where there is a refreshing sense of Freedom.
    1 point
  7. Because I actually am here and come here, so I know what I'm talking about? I'll bet I'm younger than you are thinking and I've been coming here 18 yrs... There are quite a few people on this board that have met me, so my comments here are credible.....can we say the same about you, just curious.....
    1 point
  8. I completely agree. It was a never ending rollercoaster of realizing that I had abandoned friends (some never returned) and family who knew they were helpless to offer any real help. I remember one time when I was about to lose the house and I took my sister to dinner to ask her for $700 to help make the mortgage. I pulled myself together the best I could, but I was a shaking mess and sweating like a pig. She quietly sat there and listened to me, eyes filled with pain, knowing the money wouldn't really go toward the mortgage, then she said, "I can't, I don't want to enable you" ...She paid the bill and got up and walked out. I understood...Today, she is my best friend.
    1 point
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