I decided to go back to Brazil in Sept but given what I have heard about the state of Rio's Saunas lately I decided to spend the first weekend in Belo Horzonte where a lot of the Rio sauna boys seem to come from and I have two guys from 2010 that I met in Rio when they were 18/19 and met in Rio but have stayed in contact with after their one summer in 2010 in Rio and are now 25 and have offered to show me the sights! plus I want to visit Olympia sauna!
then I will spend 5 days in Rio with the guys I hang with there and then the last weekend go to Porto Alegre where I have some guys I have also know for a number of years. I realize that Mexico has a stronger draw for me now then Brazil does but I still am very nostalgic about Brazil. I plan to still go back but probably just two times a year rather then the 4 to 5 times a year I have been going. also I plan to visit Mexico a week a month from October to April.