Axiom i know who you are referring to and that is about the farthest from true love as you could get!! The american has no money left and the bf made fun of him to everyone when he wasnt around! But he did get all his objectives reached! He got to travel Europe, get his college paid for and get married so that he will get his spouses gov't pension when he dies! Meanwhile the older american spouse has no savings left and lives on his govt pension of under $4,000/ mo! And the condo he had in Rio was sold many years ago as he needed the money which is now gone! I will say it one more time Big dicked Brazilians DO NOT fall in love with guys who are 35 years older then them, Much less unattractive and out of shape! They are only there for the $$$! Every time! I could list 6 different Americans i know, just change the names who fell in the same situations! I understand it, they want to be "loved so badly" they believe against any reality that the much younger Brazilian loves them! Keep reality in check and dont fall for the fantasy! Because that is what it is! I told one guy this "if he really is in love with you then tell him that you lost all your money in the stock market but at least you still have each other!"" And watch how fast his ass is out the door!