Tom, the libertarian in me totally agrees with you. It's his money and if he wants to "make it rain" as I have seen many do in Miami he is totally free to do so. However, I don't think this is a business decision I think the poor guy may believe that he's in love which means that the toy is in charge and will definitely take him for a hard ride I agree with the consensus here that $350 plus travel, lodging, food, entertainment and shopping (yes, the poor guy will probably end up taking the toy out to buy new swim trunks or something) is outrageous given all that is available in Mexico. However, I think that he has a strong case of the Latin Fever and as long as he has money the toy will continue to give him the interest that he wants. I just pray that he isn't making a terrible mistake though given the communication difficulties and the amount of money that he's spending. Still, he's a grown man and who am I to interfere with consenting adults.