Kevin, now I understand what you are talking about. However, taking a boy to a white table cloth restaurant and going full date is on a mission with most of the boys I've been with. Though, many of them do speak some English and I speak tourist Spanish the experience would probably be wasted. Since I'm in a foreign country with a guy I just met and with whom I may have some translation errors communicating, I never get too carried away. I have taken boys on expensive dates and not yet broken $100. However, given that I know that the boy will not really appreciate it I always get a middling local wine for around $10 USD or less. The wine is the x factor here since you can spend as little as $10 USD on a middling but delicious South American brand or spend a lot more purely for personal enjoyment. The boys are usually so intimidated by the setting that spending more than $10 USD on a bottle would have been a waste in my opinion. Many white table cloth establishments have relatively expensive bottles to choose from so if that is the standard you are use to, I totally understand. I may need to up my boy game to your level Keven but, I am very satisfied with the young middle class boys I've been getting, the models can be so much drama