"You know, Chris, I've read that for a lot of really good-looking guys, their looks can be a burden at times. Do you ever find your beauty causes you problems?"
"Yacky di yak"
Yeah I know trolls are always hitting on you, but do you find that interesting guys you would like to spend some time getting to know are too shy to approach you?
"Yack yack yack..."
"Wow, and I bet a lot of guys focus so much on your looks, they never get to know the (really wonderful) man you are on the inside."
"Blah blah yack yack blah blah................"
"Yeah, man, I bet so many people never get to see that side of you."
At this point an occasional 'I didn't realize that' and 'Wow, that's so true' should be good to hold up your end of a couple of hours conversation.
It's like Disraeli said of Queen Victoria:
"Everyone likes flattery; and when you come to Royalty you should lay it on with a trowel."