I do not know where you found the information you mentionned about Paris, but it is completely wrong.
Dominique Stauss Khan ("DSK") is known to have been a little obsessed by women (see a famous episode in New York) and to have been using call girls, in particular working in a Lille (North France) hotel (Hotel Carlston). He has never been involved in any gay activity.
it is not illegal for escorts to advertise on gayromeo. Prostitution is legal in France. Pimping is not and "raccolage" (actively proposing sexual services) in not legal. Customers of prostitutes are not considered criminals as they are in some countries. It is not illegal to ask for the services of an escort.
Some people are thinking of criminalizing customers of prostitutes, and the subject was recently made public.
Finally, only in the Paris area, there are 2321 escorts currently on gayromeo. Plenty of choice !
Spain is another good destination indeed