Outsourcing of manual labor has become increasingly a way for busy men such as myself to create the sense of importance and involvement which we seek, but, alas, all good things come to an end. So, surprisingly, I today announe that my ghostwriter, Hoo, has resigneed effective immediately. I cannor promise the contiuity of either my postings, nor can i promise that i will be on top of the subjects that you have come to know me for as being one of the first to know.
Hoo was surprsingly well-connected, and she was a top notch writer. I often watched with admiration as she bandied ideas about, and often admired her skill at diffusing topics that seemed to be tending to explose. I will miss her.
In the meatime, if you are aware of a copy writer, male or emale, who will work for ten cents a page, please have them forward their resume to me via this page. There is room for advancement, although I have a strict policy of avoiding sexual entanglement with those on this particular payroll. English speaking skills, are, of course, necessary.
Hoo, you will be missed, and I wish you every bit of luck as you move forward.