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  1. I already have. May I suggest donations be considered for Bachman's Dem opponent, Jim Graves. The race is tightening and I have to hope that an Obama surge will carry Graves over the line. I pasted a link for info and contributions. http://www.huffingto..._n_1889957.html https://secure.actbl...,1000&amount=25 Also worthy of consideration are NH Dem candidates for the House: Carol Shea-Porter and Annie Kuster, both in a good position to unseat GOP incumbents. The GOP pacs are spending to hold these seats and the Dems need some cash. Lots of Medicare seniors give Obama a good chance to carry NH. If these women stay close to their opponents then I believe the Obama coat tails and Medicare will do the rest. Shea-Porter was unseated in 2010 in the Tea Party/anti Health Care wave and Kuster lost a close race. http://www.sheaporter.com/ http://kusterforcongress.com/ I have had enough of the Tea Party crazies so I'm contributing to selected close races around country where I believe there is a good chance to unseat them -- Senate and House. I'd like to help defeat Steve King/Iowa and a handful of GOP TX crazies but I just don't think there is a real chance to affect those outcomes.
    3 points
  2. episevilla

    My next trip to Brazil

    Hello everybody! Once again, I'm travelling to Brazil (Rio and Curitiba), from Sept. 29th to October 14th. I have some work to do, but not much. I wonder if any of the followers of MER will visit Rio next month? Epì
    1 point
  3. Gotti

    Saunas during Carnaval

    Saunas are very busy during the 4 days of carnival, most of the boys stick around cause they know there will be an extraordinary amount of tourist both foreigners and from other parts of Brazil, with lots of money flowing around. Besides the locals, boys from nearby states come to Rio just for business, cause is the place to be. Boywise is one the best times of the year if not the best, to be in a Rio sauna, be warned that fees are a little higher at this time of the year. If you are heading to Rio mainly for boys don't lose any minute with bandas and blocos, the music is boring and monotone and they are basically all the same. If you happen to bump into one on your way to a sauna, give it 15 minutes for the exotic side of it, then follow your destiny and lose yourself in paradise.
    1 point
  4. Of course his body ballooning out around his own genitals and engulfing them would be unrelated.
    1 point
  5. ihpguy

    Saunas during Carnaval

    On the days leading up to the start of Carnaval - for me that Friday - the sauna have many boys coming in for the increased number of clients, both Brasilian and tourist, as wells as the much greater amount of money being spent. From that Friday on, I, and I assume many others, are too busy with blocos and bandas and the desfiles in the sambodromo to head to a sauna. So on that I have not much more of a clue. If memory serves me, back in 2005/2006, 117 was really busy. But memory can be more than foggy at times, and/or soggy with sweat and cerveja.
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. Thanks for sharing..love these reports
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. This guy is great. Gay. Sweet. Kind. Almost his entire family was killed in the Tsunami. He has been in Pattaya for a while and is often at Jomptien Beach.
    1 point
  10. In general-- I like men, the more the merrier, but when it comes to favorites in terms of nationalities, I prefer Brazilians for all of the reasons that Totally Oz alluded as well as others. As an older man-- I have had problems in Thailand in trying to find guys who are handsome and virile yet somewhat on the mature side. Personally, I did not like being with the guys in public because of the disparity in age and looks-- he looking like one of my former high school students and I, an aged gent who has engaged his services for pleasure. But, as we have all written as well as stated in previous posts at this site as well as at others, "to each his own," and I write this from a positive point of view!
    1 point
  11. You are a close plane ride to Rio and it is amazing for short time guys. Pattaya on the other hand is the land of twinks. Some of the cutest guys on earth are here and they seem to gather by the bus loads. It is easy to find a date even walking in the malls. In Rio, you need to be careful to pick up outside of the sauna. I have done so in Rio many many times and never a problem. But, I have heard horror stories. The boys in Brazil are manly men. The boys in Thailand are sweet and gentle. Sometimes I like a guy who will take charge and be the boss. Almost impossible to find in Thailand. Sometimes I like someone who is sweet and adorable, easy to find in Thailand and easy to find in Brazil but not in the saunas.
    1 point
  12. Thanks. Here are a few more from another guy I know. He was 20 in the pics. I think now around 23.
    1 point
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