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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/22/2012 in all areas

  1. I'm entirely against regulating the content in any way, other than perhaps requiring a huge flashing fucking EDITORIAL Chyron across the screen when the show in question on a "News" channel is not actually fact-based... What I'm suggesting is attacking it from the business side. In the America we all grew up in one senile old coot (a foreign-born one at that) would never be allowed to own a major network, local broadcast stations, many cable networks, (formerly) a chief way of distributing cable (DirectTV), a major film studio, and several newspapers in a single media market... let alone almost all of the markets!
    1 point
  2. JKane

    Warren could beat Brown!

    Fingers crossed! I hope at some point The President, or Clinton initiates a massive campaign to encourage people to vote "straight ticket Democrat" to get rid of this horribly obstructionist congress and the state Republicans behind evil shit like the voter ID laws!
    1 point
  3. My problem is that we don't have a free and unfettered mainstream press anymore, we have an entirely corporate dominated one. Favorite description of Fox "News" I've ever seen: "Fox News: Billionaires paying millionaires to tell the middle class to blame the poor." So I think we desperately need to re-introduce media ownership, media market domination, and "equal time" types of regulations RFN! In the internet age I don't believe complete censorship can ever be a problem again. Wikileaks makes the Pentagon Papers look like nothing! At the same time we have bullshit like Infowars getting gullible people riled up about inconsequential stuff, instead of the things that affect them which they could actually influence... How'd we get on this topic though?
    1 point
  4. There seems something inherently wrong when one candidate is backed/funded by the Koch brothers and their assorted companies to the tune of 400 million dollars. Yep. That is what I heard. 400 Simoleons. And Hitooallusa, let me give you a piece of unsolicited advice, beware of the guy who tells you it is raining when the inside of your boot feels wet. More likely than not, he's been pissing in it. Just like the 2011 returns. He purposely did not take the full deductions for his tithe to the Mormon church. Otherwise putting a lie to his 13 percent claims. Or it would have been around 9 percent. After the election, he can go back, and most likely will, amend them. Can you imagine what one would find in his other years that he won't release? How is it that the stated "greatest country on earth" has reached this level that this type of candidate can be running so strong against an incumbent president who has avoided letting us fall into a full depression, saved the auto industry, enacted real health care law, ended the war in Iraq, abolished don't act/don't tell, stopped enforcement of DOMA, reformed the student loan mess, Kagen and Sotomayor. Dream Act. Killed Qaddafi and Bin Laden.
    1 point
  5. I learned after Mitt Romney released his tax records today that he has only spent an average of 14 percent a year in taxes - which means I learned that him saying rich people pay too much in taxes is bullshit.
    1 point
  6. As a balance to right-wing, always seeing the bright side, Peggy Noonan, I could really use a dose of Molly Ivans, right about now. She was always good for a smile and a laugh, God rest her soul.
    1 point
  7. Outstanding! Thanks for taking the time to share Tomcal's adventures with us. Guaranteed to keep the burning desire for members to travel well stoked.
    1 point
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