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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/26/2012 in all areas

  1. lookin

    Who's lookin' at you?

    (I moved this from the James Holmes thread as it was a bit of a highjack and may get more interest here.) If, that is, they knew about it. When you have a few minutes, please read this article and tell me if you think anything in it is incorrect. If not, I think you'll have to agree that very few, including the ACLU, have much of a clue what information is being collected. And even fewer have any interest in limiting it. As far as I can tell, this on-going process of collecting, and mining, data on U. S. citizens is nowhere in the public debate. It appears to be going in one direction only, and that is the collection, storage, and eventual analysis of all electronic data. I have yet to find an exception. Still lookin' though.
    1 point
  2. Of course people can change their mind over time. Thank goodness for that! Otherwise, I never would have had sex with men. Luckily, I saw the light over time but I was a late bloomer! I never dig my heels in. Well, almost never! Names usually pay for themselves unless you overpay.
    1 point
  3. OneFinger, one thing I have learned over the years is that anytime a change in a site happens, you loose some of the members. People are fascinating and seem to want things to stay the same but improve at the same time. It is often a very impossible task. You can't please everyone all the time. You can always try to make your members know now valuable they are and how much you appreciate them. And, we do! But, sometimes in order for something better to come, you have to make changes that will make some unhappy. As always (and you should know this from member a member here) we always listen and we are always open to discuss things. So, did you have a name in mind with instant recogination that I can afford?
    1 point
  4. marcanthony

    Why Are You Here?

    It's an interesting question that Lucky poses. Originally, when I frequented Hooboy, it was truly to learn and contribute to the world of escorting and adult male entertainment (strip clubs and porn). I have primarily other avenues of "being satisfied" these days, so that's less important to me, and I can't contribute as much about escorting because I rarely hire anymore. Most of my relationships are long term ones, or those found in social networks such as clubs and interactive social media sites. So why do I still come. I think it's because I can interact here with specific and unique group of people on a variety of topics, whether it be porn, travel, mainstream entertainment, and yes, hot men. These are people who share a common interest with me that's not true in any other circle of friends that I have. These men are, like me, interested in finding sex and beauty in the male form that is accessible to us. That "fraternity" is unique to me, and so it's interesting to come and chat regardless of topic, because there's something liberating about talking about any subject with other people who have very similar desires and perspectives in an area that's not commonly talked about with others.
    1 point
  5. TotallyOz

    Why Are You Here?

    I am here because I met a man many years ago that introduced me to male escort reviews. His name was Hooboy. We became great friends. When I met him I really didn't know much of the community that he had created and he asked me to join and participate and I did. From that site, I met many great guys in person that have become dear friends. I travel with some. I meet up with some around the world and I still engage with many of them. When Hooboy's site closed, we started this one and moved the conversations here. I participate here because I truly value the men on this forum and I respect their opinions. I love learning new things about the escort world and I have to say I have learned more from this site than any other. Everything from tips on Brazil to where to go in Thailand to what clubs are the best in NYC, LA and Montreal. I am not the frequent traveler I once was and I tend to keep going back to the same places. But, I do so with a greater knowledge thanks to the participants of this site. I also love to hear other people's views on politics and current events. Some posters have really opened my eyes when they make a comment in the Political forum that I had not thought of. There are also many of the current news and entertainment topics that are discussed here that I would have missed by hitting the front page of the New York Times each day. All in all, I have to say that the friendships I have developed on this site will be ones that I hope to be involved with when I get to my "Golden Girls" years. Between that and the knowledge I gain everyday from the intelligent and funny men that post here, my life is better for visiting here each day!
    1 point
  6. lookin

    Daddy's Site Down

    Looks like all he needs is a little head.
    1 point
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