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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/02/2012 in all areas

  1. TampaYankee is amazing to work with and I have always enjoyed his sense of humor and his compassionate spirit. I met him many years ago in Montreal. He was so lively and having such a great time. We became instant friends. A short time after that, I knew that I was going to do this site and there was no one I wanted to partner with more than TY. It has been over 6 years and there is no way I could have done this site without him. He is often quietly in the background as I am a bit louder and a tad more flamboyant. But, he is amazing to work with and ever present with every aspect of this site. Thank you TY for putting up with all my shit over the years. Thank you for tirelessly working to make this site grow and be successful. Thank you for your integrity with regards to reviews. Thank you for being the sound of reason during all discussions. Basically, thank you for being you!
    1 point
  2. Long as we're piling on... TY knows he has my gratitude for -- like 9 years now? -- an email (and posting) friendship offering me support, advice, commiseration (e.g., of Boston's anemic escort scene -- right up til when I left town!), understanding. Beatification having begun, his canonization will shortly ensue.
    1 point
  3. Tampa Yankee is one of my favorite posters on this board. I would also like to thank him for his service to this community, Hopefully one of these days he makes it over to LA,,,,like for a MER dinner,,,(hint hint)
    1 point
  4. Lucky

    Thank you to TampaYankee

    My thanks also to Tampa Yankee for his services here and for his help to me when I needed it.
    1 point
  5. To borrow your phrase Marc, you guys have given me the 'funnest times' of my life over a sustained period with many great memories that I could never forget.
    1 point
  6. I'm not sure what kind of trouble I got in to deserve this. (I did oversleep today. ) But thanks for your thanks and know that I thank you, for your friendship and next for the wonderful partner you are and have been to work with other these almost seven years. Oz, is generous of heart as well as otherwise, and I have been blessed to know him as friend. He is also one hell of a fun guy to cavort with, whatever the venue.
    1 point
  7. I just have FANTASTIC memories of both TY and Oz in Montreal for the funnest times you can imagine!!!!
    1 point
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