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Happy Australia Day 2024


Gay Thailand Calendar

Happy Australia Day 2024

Celebrate with us this special day on Friday, 26th January

We wish all our friends from Australia a Happy Australia Day 2024

ขอให้เพื่อน ของเราจากออสเตรเลียมีความสุขในวันชาติออสเตรเลียปี 2024

Australia Day, January 26 honoring the establishment of the first permanent European settlement on the continent of Australia. On January 26, 1788, Arthur Phillip, who had sailed into what is now Sydney Cove with a shipload of convicts, hoisted the British flag at the site.

We think of you and we are with you with our hearts.

Adams Apple Club is open every evening from 9 p.m. and the show starts every night at 10 p.m. until midnight. Admission is of course free. Friendly staff greets you at the entrance and looks after you throughout the evening to fulfill your every wish.

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