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  2. I hope they know what their target market is.
  3. Might this be due to a different tone? If you're not coming from an environment with a tonal language, this will trip you up. That said, these personal tales from first timers to Bangkok are like a lovely breath of fresh air, especially when told with no self consciousness or embarrassment. It helps old-timers like me relive with joy the times when we were once newbies tripping over all sorts of things imaginable.
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  6. No problem! Anyone is welcome to contribute experiences! All for the greater good!
  7. Today
  8. Thanks! and yeah, It’s only right to respect their privacy. A lot of men on these forums are weird and just want to waste the procurers and the guys time, I don’t know why. Thanks for reading the report and thanks for your reports as well.
  9. Sooo... I went to The Green and requested my favorite guy. It was very busy and I wasn't sure if he was in but I requested him. His name is only 3 letters so I feel like I pronounced it reasonably well. Well apparently not. I handed over the I think 600 baht for a 2 hour Thai massage. I asked again if I could schedule with my previous guy. I feel like the language barrier was a factor here. Out comes some older gentleman ready to wash my feet. At this moment I got a fight or flight response. I did not want to be disrespectful or make anyone 'lose face' by just walking out, especially as I still have hope to see my stud again. So I decided to bite the bullet and endure what was to come. Luckily I mistakenly ordered just a vanilla Thai massage so I stayed clothed and no oil. I tried to disassociate and I decided that this guy must know what he's doing or else he would not be here this long. I was right. This guy was no nonsense. It took serious willpower to not squeal in agony as he manipulated my body in ways I was not expecting. I got a thoroughly bad ass massage. Before it started as I walked past the other people I saw my stud look up with an expression of recognition and surprise. So at least I knew he was there and saw me. In the back of my mind I was hoping he would burst into the room and pay the other guy to let him take over. I was planning on making an excuse an hour into the massage and tipping 1k baht to the gentleman. Alas, he did such a solid job that I stayed and gave him the 1k baht note. He was happy and didn't even offer me extras! As I finished my tea and got my shoes on I bumped into my stud as he was walking another client upstairs. He said hello and I immediately took my chance and asked if he could schedule me today. He told me in one hour he would be free! I'm ecstatic as I type this in my hotel closeby and ready to return to meet my man. I went to the front desk and decided I would not fail this time. I politely said I would like to schedule with my specific dude and that I saw him. I said his name and the guys behind the counter looked bewildered. I spelled it for them. Then the older third guy got there and someone handed me a piece of paper and pen. I spelled the three letters and all in unison they said his name. It was so similar in my mind but they said it in Thai and it did sound a bit different. They said he would be free in an hour or so just as he told me. I'm going back soon. Wish me luck! P.S. Don't hand over the money until you know who will be your masseur unless it doesn't matter to you!
  10. As vinapu has said, 4 hands works best when you ask first boy to select second boy.
  11. That was meeeeeeee
  12. Yea, I thought I remembered that was a thing but I don't seem to see that option anywhere now. I suspect it went away with Covid. I think Danshi Gakuen's Japanese site might offer it but it's not on their English site.
  13. King of College in Shinjuku used to be like that, but that was some time ago.
  14. Given that most bars charge almost as much for soft drinks as they do alcoholic ones, there should be less pressure perhaps on the boys? I regularly stick to soft drinks until, say midnight, when I may have a couple of beers. So I have no difficulty at all with the boy drinks I buy being soft drinks, the boys still get their commission and often seem quite grateful that they are not being pressed into alcoholic drinks. However, in places like Stonehouse or Sinlapin, or one of the many other late night (mostly Thai) clubs, it is usually the Thai customers themselves wrapping 100 baht notes around a shot glasss and handing them up to sigers/dancers on stage Of course once you hit the karaoke bars later on and the whisky bottles emerge, then all bets are off! 😂 There the whisky drinking games (rock, paper scissors etc) can get boys very drunk very quickly. But in 25 years I have never experienced spiked drinks.
  15. How does one identify the hosts, to ask them for sex?
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  18. I totally agree. There are lots of Asians who can not tolerate alcohol. I've seen a number of guys over the years who were virtually forced to drink shots on stage and were clearly uncomfortable doing it, with or without monetary compensation. Some seemed on the verge of vomiting. My regular in Pattaya used to work in Eros. He's not a drinker and said he hated it when customers wanted him to drink shots or participate in drinking games. The bar put pressure on him to accede to the customers' wishes. This is only for the enjoyment of the customers! Tbh, I've never heard of drinks being spiked in gay bars in Thailand, but come to think of it, it wouldn't be difficult to do. Disgusting.
  19. "Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought." JFK Was he a friend of yours, by any chance? 😂
  20. I've only smoked it a couple of times and although I loved its effect, I don't indulge. But does that mean buying cannabis in Thailand is a waste of time if you want to get high? What effect will just 2% have? Have many of those marijuana shops now closed?
  21. Complaining about font size is a first world problem. "proves that the farmer's behavior is not something uniquely Japanese" I never said it was. "You continue to ignore that the only two parties which supported the farmer have either disappeared completely in one case, and have only minimal representation in the National Diet in the other case." What has their disappearance got to do with anything? The fact that the farmer is still there after these parties disappeared should tell you something! It's totally irrelevant. Your argument is that the farmer was only supported by 2 political movements and nobody else. If that were true, common sense would surely suggest that the government would not have given into him. The Japanese people were on the side of the farmer, as was portrayed at the time in the media. The government caved in to public pressure. (Have you ever heard of that happening before? I guess not). You don't know that because you weren't there.
  22. I believe this is particularly true with otherwise straight guys. They’re usually more likely to feel free to act on impulse once door is closed with customer. There are, of course, exceptions but I like to take one at a time because of satisfactory success rate. I view it this way. If they choose to share their experience with coworkers, i benefit because they’re now aware what I’m looking for. If they don’t then it’s just between us and that’s fine, too.
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